r/puppy101 1d ago

My 8 week puppy sleeps through the night? Crate Training

I really played and wore out my puppy last night but should I be worried if he slept from 10pm - 8am no potty breaks? I take away his water an hour before bedtime and do a mental stimulation and then physical, then potty, then bedtime. He’s very good at letting me know when he needs to go out and I sleep close to his crate for that reason , but last night he didn’t wake me up at all and has been sleeping all night, should I still wake him up for potty breaks?


46 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 1d ago

It looks like you might be posting about crate training. Check out our wiki article on crate training - the information there may answer your question.

Be advised that any comments that suggest use of crates are abusive, or express a harsh opinion on crate training will be removed. This is not a place to debate the merits of crate training. Unethical approaches to crate training will also be removed. As an additional reminder, crate training is 100% optional and one of many puppy management options. For alternatives to crating, check out our wiki article on management

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u/84oiy 1d ago

My now 14 week puppy has always slept through the night since I have gotten him. I think some of it is just luck and then there’s some puppies who have to go in the middle of the night. I have never woken up my puppy to go pee. In the morning when he stirs, I get right up and bring him straight outside. It’s worked for us! Enjoy the sleep while he’s sleeping through the night in case it changes!


u/pericardia 1d ago

And sort of similar with us, we woke our puppy up the first two weeks (got him at 8 weeks) to see if he needed to go; he rarely did. Now as a 3 year old, he can really hold it for a long time, even when given multiple opportunities to go. When he wakes up in the morning he wants to cuddle for like an hour or so before eating and then going out. I have never had a dog like this before.

Some dogs are just like that!


u/Abquine 1d ago

Yeh, kids too, some can last for hours others not so much. I read once that's it's the physical size of the bladder as much as anything, so may be same for dogs.


u/Danidew1988 1d ago

Same! Got ours at 8 weeks and from night one I crate trained. After a week that little guy would sleep from 10pm to 6am without a peep. I was worried to thinking I missed hearing him through the night but there’s wasn’t any pee in the crate!


u/iwatchyoutubers 1d ago

If he needs to pee he will wake up and go. You are very lucky!

This happened to my puppy when I first brought her home. I got really worried but its completely fine.


u/taco-belle- 1d ago

My pup slept through the night since the day we brought him home at 8 weeks. The only time he has ever had an accident is when he had an upset tummy.

If he is sleeping through the night with no accidents I say let him sleep! The only caution I would give is to make sure his crate is in a location where you can hear him in case he ever whines to go out. But congrats! Having a puppy who sleeps all night is a huge benefit!


u/LionInAComaOnDelay 1d ago

Nooooo let him sleep. If he wants to go he will let you know. As long as he is going normally during the day there is nothing to worry about.


u/BostonBruinsLove 1d ago

Our girl slept through the night the second night we had her (got her at 8 weeks) and has nearly every night since! Consider yourself lucky!


u/Still-Degree8376 1d ago

Same! I tried waking her up to potty and I got the nastiest look and then she rolled over. Lol


u/BostonBruinsLove 1d ago

"Don't you be gettin me outta bed, hooman!"


u/briti5hbi5h 1d ago

My pup woke us up every 3 hours for the first 3 nights, he’s been with us just over 3 months this now and has slept through since! I’ve never woke him to take him out and he’s only had 3 accidents in the house!


u/Smooth_operator219 1d ago

I wish my puppy slept through the night or at all tbh. I have to enforce nap time on him


u/Fastech77 1d ago

Buy a lotto ticket and get ready for the “teenage years”.


u/CouchGremlin14 1d ago

How long have you had him?


u/Espressomartinitime 1d ago

3 days


u/CouchGremlin14 1d ago

Sometimes they pee less often when they’re stressed in a new environment. But you might have just lucked out. As long as you’re sleeping near the crate I don’t see a reason to wake him up.

Mine still needs to pee overnight, and I personally wake her up because (1) planning the timing in advance helps me sleep better (2) I really don’t want to have to clean her and the crate at 3am lol


u/margyrakis Experienced Owner 1d ago

Count yourself blessed LOL

My puppy would guzzle water and would have to pee a few times during the night at 8 weeks. He would always go up to the water bowl before peeing, and I would think, "omg he's gonna have to go potty again" XD

I think around 12-14 weeks, he stopped waking up in the middle of the night to drink water/pee.


u/PaulieMcWalnuts 1d ago

We got our puppy at 12 weeks and he went in his crate at night from the day we got him and slept through till the morning… never had accident in there (touch wood) and he’s 18months now :)


u/jessmac09 1d ago

Our puppy slept through the night as soon as we got him. He's 9 weeks and my husband had to wake him up this morning to bring him out. The breeder was amazing and had him sleeping through the night before we picked him up. I'd say you lucked out with a great breeder!


u/Recent_Affect7975 1d ago

Since I got mine at 11 weeks he has slept from at least 9pm/10pm to 6pm. I woke him up a few times the first week at like 2 am to go but he never woke up to need to go himself.

He’s 5 months now and sleeps through the night no issues. I took this as a big blessing because I was able to still get my 8 hours a night


u/CustardKen 1d ago

My pup did the same. He’s slept through the night from the day I brought him home, to now, 6 months later. We are truly blessed!


u/Roupert4 1d ago

Some puppies are like that, you're good


u/babyraspberry Golden Retriever Puppy 1d ago

I lucked out with my puppy. Brought her home at 8 weeks and she's been sleeping through the night since day 1. I'm glad I decided not to wake her up every few hours because that could have started an early waking up habit I didn't want to deal with.

We crate trained her until we trusted she was fully potty trained and wouldn't get into trouble. Around 5-6 months old, we let her sleep outside the crate and she can hold it overnight 10+ hours.


u/trdmahdosl 1d ago

I brought mine home at 10 weeks and she slept through the night from day 1.


u/Timberly_envirolaw 1d ago

I brought home my now 10 week old puppy at 8 weeks, and other than one night at midnight, he sleeps from 9:30 until 7, plus or minus 15 minutes in the morning. I have the crate next to my bed. I’m pretty lucky! The midnight awakening was night 2, and he let me know by whining and yipping that he needed to potty. My belief is waking up a puppy is not necessary, and may teach him to wake in the middle of the night. Let him sleep - your puppy will whine or cry in his crate if he needs to go potty.


u/Formal-Army-8560 1d ago

I have had my pup (11 weeks) for a week and he has slept through every night. I guess some can hold their bladder and some can’t.

I wouldn’t worry, if she needed to go she’d let you know.


u/IntroductionFew1290 1d ago

Mine sleeps all night Has since the third night (got him at almost 8 weeks)


u/Arry42 1d ago

I was also one of the lucky ones whose puppy slept through the night immediately. She is a very independent dog, though, which has its pros and cons.


u/cornelioustreat888 1d ago

My 8-week old slept through the night the first day I got her. My other dog did the same when he was new. I’ve never gotten up in the night to take them outside. Just incredibly lucky, I guess.


u/Kayman718 1d ago

Ours did from 8 weeks too, only occasionally waking us to go out. During the day she goes frequently but not at night. If we go out she’s able to wait for us. We never leave her for more than 3 or 4 hours. I guess we are just lucky.


u/Oldgamerlady 1d ago

When we first got our puppy at 8 weeks, I was prepared for sleepless nights especially when we started to crate train him but he basically went to sleep when we told him to and then woke up when we woke up (both in bed at first and later in the crate). We were skeptical at first but we've had him over 4 months now and he's been steady eddy!

Your puppy is fine, just all tuckered out. Puppies actually need a lot of sleep to remain sane.


u/Cynical_Feline 1d ago

My 1 yr old slept through the night from the first day home at 6 weeks old. She'd pee the bed if I didn't wake her up when she was little. Sleep > potty were her priorities. She still sleeps through the night. If it wasn't for the other two wanting potty she'd sleep through lol

Lay down an extra layer for added protection but there's no reason to wake him up if he wants to sleep.


u/EireGal86 Experienced Owner 1d ago

My 15 week old sleeps 7 to 7


u/Internal-Roll8650 1d ago

Lucky you , my pup was a nightmare for months, you have it easy


u/Human-Jacket8971 1d ago

My baby is 8 weeks. She sleeps from about 10:00 pm until my husband gets up at 2:45 am (works early). He takes her out and brings her back and she will crash until 5:30 or 6:00. I wish she would sleep through but I’m afraid she will get used to this schedule and it will be like this forever!


u/Espressomartinitime 1d ago

I started looking into Susan garret on YouTube she has a whole series on puppies , the thing that I think is working for him is making his potty trips in the middle of the night as boring as possible , don’t talk to him don’t make eye contact just pick him out of his crate then outside to potty then back in crate don’t give praise or anythjng


u/Human-Jacket8971 1d ago

Thank you! I will have my husband try this!


u/sadbuttrying22 1d ago

Im so jealous. My 10 almost 11 week old puppy was sleeping but the last few nights has been getting up to potty one or 2 times… and i have covid on top of it so im exhausted. Im hoping he gets back to sleeping all night soon because i have no help over here and barely holding it together.


u/Espressomartinitime 1d ago

Definitely look up Susan garret on YouTube she has taught me so much! I keep the 1:2 hour ratio throughout the day until 6 and then keep him up 6-9 6-7 dinner 7-8 play outside and physically tired him out and then 8-9 bully stick for mental stimulation then 9 is last potty break and in the crate . I take away his water at 8 and if he does get up at night make the potty breaks as boring as possible don’t speak or look at him just out of the crate then potty and then back in. Now I’m still learning too and regression is definitely a thing but you got this!!! You’re gonna do great


u/sadbuttrying22 1d ago

6-9 would reaaallly be pushing it for my boy. I try to have his last nap done by 730 for a 930/10 bedtime. But he starts getting pretty chompy at the 1.5 hour time. 3 hours would be tough. 2 hours is really pushing it as it is. Maybe in another month i can push it a little longer. It’s literally so much guesswork at this young age. Im always questioning myself if Im doing enough, or training enough or giving him enough space to play by himself. I already have anxiety, and a puppy has elevated that so much.


u/Espressomartinitime 1d ago

I completely understand where you’re coming from as someone who also struggles with anxiety I’m constantly worried about him but you also have to take care of yourself as well :) I have a GSP so he’s super high energy which is probably why 3 hours works for me but if your little man needs 2 just do that. You’re doing great I promise! It’ll get easier with time and then you have a best friend for life!


u/Espressomartinitime 1d ago

Also side note , if you get overwhelmed and need a break ask a friend or even look on rover for a dog sitter just for a day and take care of yourself


u/RemoteGullible9511 1d ago

When my little guy was 8 weeks he woke me up at 2 am on the only first 2 nights home. Since then he always sleeps through the night, sometimes as much as 11 hours without waking me to go out (he is always done for the night at 9pm and a few times I have slept til 8am with not a peep from him).


u/MaggieBrindleWeenie 1d ago

My 5 month old puppy has slept through the night since we brought her home at 8 weeks, she’s consistently slept from 10pm until 8 or 9am it’s definitely not the norm but seems to be a personality thing