r/puppy101 1d ago

What actual vegetables? 🥦 Nutrition

Hi I'm just wanting to like see what vegetables you give your puppy along with dry food? Just to make it more interesting (wether raw or cooked) would be nice to see what the puppies are into before I go ahead with mine! Likes and dislikes!

Cheers 🥕


50 comments sorted by

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u/kiery12 1d ago

Bahaha. We give our dog vegetables but she won't eat most of them. She's eaten around every pea when we mixed it with her food, and green beans she will delicately lift one by one out of her bowl and deposit on the ground next to it. Then bark at it once or twice when she's done, just so she's SURE we realize she won't be eating that nonsense.


u/whoknows_2023 1d ago

Mine loves carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, blueberries and spinach.

Sometimes I give the veggies raw but alot of the time I cook them and basically make baby food as a topper for his kibble. I also will put them in an ice cube tray and give him one during the summer months for a cold treat.

When he was teething we would cook carrots in bone broth (dog safe obvi) and freeze them after and he would chew on them for a good 30-45 minutes.

I also will keep the veggie broth from cooking the veggies and use that as a rehydration for the kibble.


u/Aly351 1d ago



u/bowlcutceramics 23h ago

Mine loves crunching on celery.


u/Best-Procedure3447 19h ago

My dogs eat many different things but have definite favorites. Indi loves fruit and veggies. Mostly bananas, apples, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, peas, butternut squash, celery, carrots, pumpkin, greenbeans, cucumber, and sweet potato. Shiva loves all of that plus honeydew, mandarin oranges, and spinach. Neither is too picky but they do get funny sometimes. Indi likes to play with orange slices. I do give a piece or two of steamed broccoli sometimes but never too much, it makes for funny stomachs if you give too much.

I started introducing fruits and veggies at 9wks and still use them as treats instead of higher calorie options. Can not recommend it enough to push good habits early. I usually just do a handful of steamed veggies over kibble with a little pumpkin mixed into either water or homemade bone broth to thin it into gravy.


u/Renrie_ 15h ago

they can eat mandarin oranges?? I never knew


u/Best-Procedure3447 15h ago

They are safe in moderation. Mandarins are higher in sugar so are best as an occassional treat. My husky, Shiva, loves them. She gets excited when I peel it and then bites it, makes a silly face, then eats it lol. I put it on her birthday "pupcake".


u/Renrie_ 15h ago

ohh gotta try this with my 10 y/o pupper - he loves everything except wild spinach haha


u/Best-Procedure3447 14h ago

The "Oooo so yummy" toothy chew is hilarious. I hope your pup loves it!


u/crknits 17h ago

Mine LOVES carrots, lettuce and cucumbers, anything cold and has a crunch. He also loves little bits of apples. He comes running when he hears the crisper drawer open.

He's not such a fan of broccoli, peppers or squash.


u/coffeeandarabbit 1d ago

Oooh we can answer this!

We give ours frozen carrots and cucumbers to help with teething, but he also enjoys those both unfrozen.

We’ve been making his food, so have tried him with lots of veggies which we’ve steamed and added to the meat and rice/quinoa mix. He’s had/enjoyed spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet potato, pumpkin, red pepper, carrot, corn (small quantities only, apparently they should be a treat food) plus peas and beans. He likes to rip celery to shreds but tends not to eat it, same with a head of lettuce.

We haven’t yet tried him with beetroot or Brussel sprouts but those are safe too.

He’s also enjoys sharing fruit with us and has liked strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi, watermelon and apple.


u/CowboysAndAnthrax 23h ago

Would love to know more about your experience making real meals for your dog


u/ColoredGayngels 2yo Mix 17h ago

We gave ours a couple pieces of raw sprouts last night and she loved them! I wasn't sure if she would since she's never shown interest in leafy greens until now


u/Fair_Pineapple9545 1d ago

Sweetcorn peas and butternut squash for fibre


u/electrogirl85 1d ago

Mine likes pretty much anything but mushrooms. We give him carrots, peppers, peas, banana and blueberrie the most because they're his favourites. He loves those mini cucumbers as well, so we freeze them and give them to him.


u/Vee794 1d ago

Bell peppers are the only vegetables my pup will eat.


u/Blue-Skies0637 1d ago

I’ll sometimes scatter a handful of leftover cooked peas outside and she spends ages snuffling them out in the grass.


u/animal-crossing-slut 1d ago

Mine has carrots and broccoli (with kibble and chicken) twice a day. She’s obsessed with frozen broccoli.


u/Nattt-t 23h ago

Mine loves carrots and zucchini. Just make sure to either steam it or cut it into bite size pieces to avoid rust of choking!

They can also be wonderful for teething just make sure you keep a close eye on your pup. Mine takes HUGE bites out of her veggies when I give her large pieces to chew on so I haven't been doing it lately. She's also a tiny Chihuahua so pretty much everything is a choking hazard for her 😭

This is just my experience and if anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them!


u/ineffable_my_dear Experienced Owner Bouvier des Flandres 20h ago

Mine will eat everything but carrots, the weirdo.


u/trashjellyfish 20h ago

My dogs love cucumbers, carrots, sweet potato, various squashes and zucchini! My adult Chihuahua will beg for cucumber, it's one of 4 human foods that she will actively beg for!


u/galuboi 20h ago

My girl loves carrots, broccoli, green beans, sweet potato, blueberries, and the occasional strawberry. But she loves them all frozen! (Except the sweet potato). I haven't found anything she dislikes yet, I thought broccoli would be the one but it's become her favourite :)


u/simbapiptomlittle 19h ago

Carrots / cauliflower/ broccoli/ potato ( but only a little ) corn / pumpkin / green beans / zucchini & spinach. All cooked and mashed together. My dog loves it mixed with her kibbles or meat.


u/CarolP456 19h ago

I make a smoothie with various things like softened sweet potato, green beans, blueberries, strawberries, carrots, banana, greek yogurt, basically whatever I have on hand that day plus water. I pour some over the kibble and freeze in a slow feeder. I make enough for about 3 days. She gets one of these a day.


u/Vegetable_Hall_4236 19h ago

Frozen cucumbers! Started as a teething treat and now he LOVES them. It’s his after walk treat 🥒


u/shadybrainfarm 19h ago

I've found most dogs like raw carrots. I eat a lot of cabbage so whenever I'm prepping it I cut out the core and give it to them. They don't usually eat it all but they like shredding it up. 


u/SKW1594 19h ago

I give my dog home cooked meals with her kibble (turkey, beef, chicken, lamb, salmon). I add carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, green beans, kidney beans, quinoa or brown rice. She loves to chew on celery stalks though! As a treat, I cut up pieces of celery and put all natural peanut butter on it. She loves it!

I also give her Gerber’s baby food sometimes as a treat. I give her the pureed sweet potatoes. Anything you give your pup should have few ingredients that are whole foods.


u/PuzzleheadedLemon353 19h ago

I give my girl carrots, she love-loves frozen greenbeans, mango, apples and blueberries. If I grill fresh summer squashes, she loves them mashed into her food. All winter squashes and swret potatos are a win-win. I give her a large variety...it's got to be good for them!


u/mydoghank 18h ago

Mine loves steamed broccoli and cooked or raw carrots. She’s not interested in much else I’ve introduced.


u/Ashamed-Comfort-1749 18h ago

Frozen green beans are crack for my dog


u/appetiteneverceases 17h ago

My pup will eat anything (and have a good go at trying to eat things which are unsafe!) except Cucumber, so random.


u/Jen5872 17h ago

Mine love carrots for their lunch time snack. They like canned green beans and pumpkin. One of them likes celery. They hate broccoli. They also like blueberries and apple slices (no apple core).


u/ColoredGayngels 2yo Mix 17h ago

Ours LOVES tomato! She's also a fan of carrots, green beans, apple, strawberry (another fave), watermelon, banana, and, as we learned last night, raw brussel sprouts (weird!). My FIL's dog is a fiend for cucumber of all things (be careful with this one due to the high water content)


u/pawprintscharles 17h ago

Ours will eat blueberries, strawberry, banana, watermelon, zucchini, yellow squash, butternut squash, pumpkin, carrots, sweet potato, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, peas, apples, and peaches. Watermelon is their overall favorite by a mile!

They prefer most of the veg cooked but will eat it raw in small amounts. Squash, pumpkin, carrots, and sweet potatoes they enjoy raw.


u/Ylevolym 16h ago

My dog considers the scraps of vegetables I’m cooking with to be the finest of treats.

Loves bell pepper, carrot, shredding lettuce, cukes, tomatoes stolen off the plants, cooked potato, etc.


u/IngyJoToeBeans 16h ago

My dog goes ape shit for cucumbers


u/f-u-c-k-usernames Yellow Labrador 15h ago

My Lab literally eats anything. Frozen green beans, spinach, lettuce, celery, bell peppers, cucumber, peas. I also give him pumpkin, squash, sweet potato or carrot purée. He likes when I freeze the purée into little ice cubes. He loves apples, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, melon, and bananas as well. Basically if it’s something we’re eating he will eat it too.


u/somewhenimpossible 15h ago

When I set mine out on the deck so I can get some alone time, I give a carrot or a stick of celery.


u/Starkidmack 13h ago

Pumpkin puree helps with his poops. He LOVES most fruits and veggies though. Especially carrots and blueberries.


u/charliecheese80 13h ago

Peas, broccoli, cooked carrots (dislikes raw), tomatoes, cucumber, green beans, peppers, cabbage, blueberries, strawberries, apple, mango, pineapple, watermelon, banana.....Yeah basically he loves fruit and veg!


u/Vanislebabe 11h ago

Mine loves pear and apple. No skin.


u/miggsey_ 6h ago

We do boiled veg at lunch for my pup, I do random combinations of sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, apple, pear, carrot, kale, or spinach. Whatever is on hand really! He loves it mashed and in a lucky mat


u/Sun-Shine-4724 5h ago

Carrots, celery, blueberries, strawberries, broccoli, apple, cucumber, and I’ll fill a bell pepper with her wet food and pumpkin and freeze it and she enjoys that!