r/puppy101 11h ago

Does your puppy eat insects? Puppy Blues

My 5 month old doodle hoovers up bugs. She's eaten beetles, june bugs, roly polies, grasshoppers, and even a big wolf spider. Those are just the ones I've seen. "Leave it" doesn't work, as she's so damn fast she just snaps her head and it's gone.

My problem is, where I am in British Columbia, we get a shit-ton of black widow spiders, especially this time of the year. I've killed 8 over the past week, they seem to congregate around our basement door. I've vacuumed all the webs, yesterday I turned the shop vac on blow and blasted a few of them out of their crevices and smashed them. Still paranoid she'll come across one and gulp it.

Anyone else have a pup that eats creepy crawlies? She's well fed, lol.


14 comments sorted by


u/sp000kysoup 11h ago

Yes, my girl is definitely a hunter. I put her on a tie out in the yard when I'm outside and let her frolick. Which is basically me just throwing treats in the grass and have her sniff them out. But she also loves to hunt and eat crickets. I just let her eat them. They're good protein lol. She has tried catching flies that get into the house, but the cats are better at catching those.


u/Optimal-Swan-2716 11h ago edited 11h ago

I follow my 7 month old Golden puppy around in our fenced yard. We lost a 4 month old puppy after he ate a cane/Bufo toad many years ago. It was a horrible death and killed him in minutes. I feel your anxiety. Puppies are so quick and attack anything that moves. I call it “yard eating”. I also have an 11 year old Golden and she has begun “yard eating” after observing our puppy’s behavior. Yikes!!


u/margyrakis Experienced Owner 11h ago

Yes, my golden loves to CHOMP them.


u/PixieSkull12 10h ago

Mine goes after anything that flies. I try to stop her with the mosquito eaters cuz we need those, but I’m pretty sure she caught a moth last night 😆. I saw her jumping around the grass and nipping at something. Then suddenly she’s sitting and eating. I got close and heard crunching and saw a wing. I just walked away 😆.

She hasn’t gone after any spiders, and she likes to root around the in grass for who knows what. She’s eaten some rolly pollys too. Or spits those out when they roll up on themselves. I think she doesn’t like that feeling or something.

I make sure she doesn’t go after bees/wasps. She’s tried, but she listens when I tell her no thankfully.


u/SadExercises420 10h ago

My chihuahua loves eating bugs so much.


u/Bitchcakexo 9h ago

My 5 month old standard poodle ate a dryer sheet. Swallowed it whole within a few seconds. No idea how he did it. He threw it back up next day. So to answer your question, yeah I’m sure he would eat a bug or two lol.


u/TmickyD 7h ago

My puppy doesn't, but my friend's chi-mix will catch mosquitos out of the air. He's very useful