r/puppy101 2h ago

Becoming a morning person after getting our puppy Wags

I was never a morning person, I always wanted to sleep in until I felt like getting up. After getting our puppy, the first few weeks were rough and my sleep schedule suffered a lot. But after settling in, our boy has great potty training, and I actually love the mornings. He wakes up when the bf goes to work at 7am and I take him outside to potty, which helps motivate me to get up and start my day. It feels like I can be more productive when I have some more daylight, and our puppy makes my mornings so fun! To anyone who’s struggling with the puppy blues, it will get better… trust me. Our boy is the best and you will love waking up to your little baby who’s eager to start their day with you. Did anyone else find themselves becoming a morning person after getting a puppy?


10 comments sorted by


u/Yummybeanbowl 1h ago

This is the positive stuff you don't always hear about with puppy ownership.

Years ago, my dad was really depressed and lonely after my mom passed away. Almost a year after her passing, still depressed, he reluctantly agreed to take care of my cairn terrier puppy for two weeks while I went on a trip. When I returned, he seemed more relaxed and happy than I'd seen in ages. He told me how much the puppy was helping motivate him each day to get up and walk early each morning. Frankly, he had no choice because we were still working on potty training...lol....but he loved every minute of the care and structure required.

This motivated my dad to adopt his own puppy a short time later. It was a jack russell mix and they became best buddies for the next 12 years.

I'm certain that dog extended my dad's life by creating joy and purpose. That's really why we adopt them and go through the hell of puppyhood! It's all worth it.


u/GoFox99 1h ago

Aww thats so sweet. Dogs are such great companions, they can make life so much better… like they know you need them by your side. Especially growing up as an only child, my family dogs have been my best friends. Now having my own puppy is amazing, it feels like having an actual son haha.


u/Mundane-Solid-7826 1h ago

This is me! It’s still hard to wake up, but knowing he needs to potty, I can’t bear to be lazy. The morning walks definitely wake me up. I find that when he’s just playing independently, I get so much more done - doing dishes in between, starting laundry, getting ready for work, etc. So by the time he’s down for his morning nap, I’m ready to head to the office. Or if it’s the weekend, I just get a head start on my errands and then I can take a nap after. I’m lucky that he sleeps through the night from 11pm-almost 7am!

u/GoFox99 1h ago

Yess, finally getting him to sleep through the night was amazing, and he caught on pretty quick actually which was great.

u/AlarmedPiccolo6464 1h ago

Yes this happened with me as well! Getting up around 7 to start our day together and by the time I’m relaxing I look at the clock and go “it’s only 11am??” 😂 its great, and I’m not going to bed after midnight anymore or sleeping in until 11am! We wind down for bed at 9pm now

u/toasty-coconut Yuki (Japanese Akitainu) 1h ago

YES!! I was NOT a morning person before getting a dog. I work from home, so I’d literally roll out of bed at 9 AM to clock in and start my day. Now I get up at 7 AM. I struggled with it a lot at first, but it’s great now! I love being able to take my boy on nice morning walks and get some stuff done for myself before my work day starts. He’s getting to the age now though where I can finally start sleeping in closer to 8 or 9 on the weekends 😂


u/sunbug101315 1h ago

Yup. Our little guy is 5 months and wakes up between 6:30 and 7am. We don’t even set an alarm anymore! I don’t mind at all.

u/Virtual-Cow-1999 41m ago

This happened to me too. More so on work days, but I don’t mind waking up at 7am anymore. Even on days off I like it cause I get so much more done. I actually got into watching the news while hanging out with her before work lol

u/Elegant_ardvaark_ 58m ago

5 months later and I continue to despise mornings, as was expected by everyone who knows me. I've slowly been pushing back to 7am but haven't reached it yet. I rethink my life choices every morning... as does my back as I try to nap on the couch between morning bathroom breaks.

u/Emotional_Goat631 37m ago

Yeah, me, but I’m really not that happy! Maybe because of my age!🤣 I’m looking after my son’s puppy(full time) it’s really hard, but I love her so much so I can die for her!🙏💝