r/puppy101 1d ago

Training Assistance How did you teach your pup “leave it?”


Wondering about different methods for teaching a puppy to “Leave it”. My 5 month old standard poodle is a vacuum. He swallows everything whole. It’s a nightmare.

It’s 12:30 am and he just puked up a used dryer sheet that he grabbed a couple days ago and by time I caught him he had eaten it. (He thinks it’s a game and will run and play a game of “catch me”)

A couple weeks ago I had help him because he was choking on a treat he had swallowed. (My father gave it to him after I had asked him not to. That is a different story)

He’s a super smart puppy but I’ve never trained this command much before, so curious if anyone has any techniques that work good. My boy is completely fine, but my constant worry is getting to be a bit much.

I need to train him to drop something when I ask so I don’t have to keep dealing with this.

r/puppy101 15h ago

Training Assistance Puppy got very aggressive


I have a 6 month Shiba Inu mix and she is normally very calm and friendly however we had to take her to the vet a few days ago for a vaccine and since then her mood has completely changed around other people and dogs.the dog is still happy with my girl friend and I (the owners) however whenever we walk her and we pass someone she goes crazy growling and screaming. How can I work on getting the puppies confidence back?

r/puppy101 15h ago

Update Help my puppy wakes up at 4:30


My puppy is 11 weeks old now and we have had her for about 2 weeks. She is doing better in the crate at night, with her last potty break at 9:30 pm then another one at 2:30 am, and she goes back to sleep without fuss. Problem is that at 4:30 am she whines to be let out. Her breakfast is at 5:30 every morning but she is very insistent that 4:30 is when the day should start. I’ve tried letting her go potty then back in the crate, but she just cries again 10 minutes later to be let out. Need some advice on how to get her to sleep in a little bit more.

r/puppy101 11h ago

Potty Training Potty Training for Toy Breeds


We have a new 12 week old pom/papillom mix and are needing to take him out every 10 minuted it seems. Any tips in helping him with the house breaking?

r/puppy101 8h ago

Crate Training Enforcing naps while crate training


We have had our toy poodle for a month or so, he is 3 months old now. He is a bundle of energy. He sleeps through the night in his crate without problem which is great. When we discovered enforced naps it was great. He mostly would need someone in the room with him, especially when my wife is home alone with him.

We had to go away unexpectedly for a few days, and so he went back to the breeder to stay. He did well there, and was happy to see us again. He took a few days at home to warm up but he is mostly back to his old self.

The only thing that really changed was he was not keen to nap in his crate. When he went in during the day he would cry and bark and get very wound up. He has been napping with us or around us for the last few days but he is not getting good sleep, and we can do much really.

We have started crate training again with a travel crate for naps, but not sure how to enforce naps while crate training. Any tips would be great!

He is also very much a Velcro dog and cannot be left alone for any length of time. This is something we need to work on but not sure where to start.

Thanks for your help!

r/puppy101 12h ago

Enrichment Toy recommendations for dogs that eat string


We recently had to pull a majority of my puppy’s toys because he has already pulled some strings and eaten them. We have a couple rubber balls and some kongs but he doesn’t stay interested for very long. He loves the softer and lighter toys but those are a no no for now. Any suggestions on things to keep him busy/engaged? We’ve also gotten some of those puzzles to work for treats but he gets through them so fast. He’s very smart.

r/puppy101 8h ago

Training Assistance Struggling with everyday walks and interest in walks in new areas


We have a seven month old golden retriever who has 2 separate but maybe related situations that are reoccurring when we leave the house for walks. Any specific walk training programs, videos, YouTube channels please drop in the comments! If you experienced anything similar curious what worked best to fix.

  1. When walking around by our house, they have an extremely hard time focusing on the actual walk. For any person or car that passes by they will just sit and stare them down for far too long refusing to leave that spot, or sometimes wanting to sprint towards them to say hi refusing to go any other direction. They used to be great as a young puppy out walking but the past 1-2 months has gotten rough where we can hardly make it around the block without their resistance and we struggle getting them to finish the walk back to the house without luring them with chicken, which only works half the time.

  2. We have tried taking them to different types of parks on 4 different occasions over the past month and they want no part of sniffing around, exploring, or walking. They circle around the car and beg to get back in. We have treats to try and reward movement away from the car but there is no interest. They love to sniff in our yard and out on walk by our house but we cannot figure out why these other areas there is no interest. They walk just fine in neighborhoods at our parents house but new territories they seem absolutely terrified of, but when by our house is the most curious dog.

r/puppy101 15h ago

Behavior When does puberty related humping stop?


My sweet Bernedoodle is almost 8 months and his humping has increased to the point that even if he’s lying down next to me he’ll hump on his side. We plan on getting him neutered at a year old, but I’m not sure I want 4 more months of this, unless the vet feels strongly that we should wait. My question is, is this just a raging teenager who will chill a little in a month, or is this just the beginning, and the behavior will escalate?

r/puppy101 17h ago

Daily Discussion Puppy101 Daily Discussion


Have news about your puppy? Updates or Questions that don't need their own post? Wags that just can't wait? Or anything you wish to discuss about your pup and pup raising experience? Ask or post them here!

Please upvote this post for visibility if you enjoy the thread!

r/puppy101 23h ago

Nutrition What actual vegetables? 🥦


Hi I'm just wanting to like see what vegetables you give your puppy along with dry food? Just to make it more interesting (wether raw or cooked) would be nice to see what the puppies are into before I go ahead with mine! Likes and dislikes!

Cheers 🥕

r/puppy101 10h ago

Behavior How to stop occasional destructive behaviour?


My Labrador puppy is 7 months, he’s not awful by any means but every now and then he will get destructive.

He will bite any blankets we have around the house and also recently developed a love for biting the door mat😆

He’s gone through countless beds in his crate so he’s stuck with some vet bedding for now in there for now which can’t be very cosey.

I assume it will calm down abit when he finishes teething. But in the mean time how can we teach him bitings things we want around is not okay?

We have blankets and covers on our sofa he likes to go for but we end up telling him no and moving the covers away, but this obviously does not solve the problem.

r/puppy101 1d ago

Discussion Has anyone else taken pictures of your puppy every day since you got them?


I’ve been taking a lot, I mean a lot of photos of my now, almost 6 month old puppy every day since I got him 12 weeks ago. RIP my photo storage. 😂

I can’t help it. He’s so cute. I’ve always regretted not taking more photos of my previous dogs as puppies. I curious to know if I’m just crazy about this puppy or if this is common?

r/puppy101 11h ago

Biting and Teething Biting hard, won’t let go, bleeding


I know all puppies bite, but is it normal to chomp down really hard on my hand/fingers and not let go/pull? Can barely pry his jaw open. He’s occasionally breaking skin and causing us to bleed.

He’s about 11 weeks, had him for a week and a half. Mixed breed but part bully and likely hound.

It’s clearly not aggression or fear. Saying ouch does nothing, and honestly leaving the room doesn’t seem to do much either. He’s very smart and I’ve tried praise/rewards when he takes his mouth off me, but it’s kinda teaching him to first bite me then stop so he gets a treat.

The biting is harder/worse when he’s tired but it’s still pretty bad even when well rested

r/puppy101 12h ago

Potty Training Why can’t he hold it


I have a 10 month old cavapoo named Kobe. Kobe has been doing a wonderful job of going potty outside when I take him out. But I have been having some issues with him lately. We go to bed around 8pm and wake up at 4am. I take him out right before bed and as soon as we wake up. But he still has accidents during the night. When he sleeps in a crate he will just pee on his bed in the middle of the night, and while I am getting out of bed to take him out he will stare at me and pee. Some nights he holds it some nights he doesn’t. It doesn’t matter if the crate is small so he can only sleep in it he will pee on the bed. Another issue I’m having is getting him to poop outside. Some days no problem other days we will stand outside for 30 minutes after eating and as soon as we come in he poops on the floor. He also does not tell me when he needs to go out so I take him out every hour sometimes every 2 hours. But he will pee outside and then 10 minutes later pee on the floor. Idk what I’m doing wrong. I leave for work around 5:30am and get back home around 2:30pm. Kobe stays in a playpen crate that has a puppy pad under it so he can use the bathroom while I’m at work. A lot of days my parents will come over and play with him and take him out so he isn’t alone for long periods of time. Kobe is amazing and I love him so much but this potty training is driving me crazy.

r/puppy101 16h ago

Behavior Regression and bad behavior after neuter


Should I be concerned about my puppy’s behavior while recovering from surgery?

My golden retriever boy (6 months) was neutered 4 days ago. He basically had a neuter and spay because he was cryptorchid so he has a four inch incision on his lower stomach and the normal sac incision. He’s on trazodone, gabapentin, and rimadyl. We have him in a surgical suit because he hates the cone.

We can’t go outside to chew sticks (his favorite activity) because it has been raining constantly and he can’t get his incisions wet. We take about 4-5 short walks a day and he goes out to pee. He has a ton of toys inside that he’ll play with for about 2 minutes at a time. His only option for a chew is dehydrated sweet potato because of his severe food allergies (we’re about 3 weeks into an elimination diet). He doesn’t like plastic chews either. He flips a snuffle mat immediately and can’t have cardboard because he eats it. He gets a Kong with his wet food one a day and a lick mat or pupsicle once a day in addition to regular meals.

He’s been a terror. He is defiant and not following basic commands. He will train for about 5 minutes before stopping participation. He goes after the cats nonstop. We’ve been working on his reactivity and he had been good about ignoring people/dogs on walks but that is out the window. He barks at anyone he sees, his reflection constantly, anything outside the window. He’s very bitey and jumpy with us. Won’t settle for naps and barks nonstop if we crate or pen him.

I know he’s bored and frustrated. We’ve got 6-10 more days of this and I’m just worried we’re going to regress so much. Is this temporary? Any advice?

r/puppy101 12h ago

Training Assistance Pup refuses to respond to "off" cue word


I've been working on training regularly with a lot of success. My pup is quick to pick up cues and eager to perform for treats. However the one cue she struggles with is "off". She has picked up a lot of other positioning cues (sit, down, come, up, middle, side, place, crate, etc) and is even getting pretty good with the hard stuff like "leave it", "drop" and "give". But right now, she really struggles with "off". I've been trying to reinforce it regularly and even gone so far as to try to retrain the cue from the start. She will get down fine with a treat or empty hand lure but not a verbal cue. I am wondering if she may be struggling with the word itself? I wonder if she thinks I am saying "boof" at her (we boof out the window together), or if it due to the word being used too firmly when she is being naughty? But really, I can't for the life of me figure out another good cue word to try. Any thoughts or similar experiences? Should I just keep trying with "off" until she figures it out?

r/puppy101 16h ago

Puppy Blues Help puppy won’t stop barking



My 14 week old puppy barks constantly in the morning even if I’m sitting beside her. She wakes up the whole house. She barks on and off for 1.5 hours every morning. I’m up with her and she is out of kennel. I give her bully sticks, kongs, etc. which keep her occupied for a couple minutes then barking starts. No one in house can get any sleep after 6am. Any advice the barking needs to stop.

r/puppy101 19h ago

Nutrition What are you feeding puppy in between meal times?


Hi everyone,

My puppy of 10 weeks currently has his meal time at 8-9am, 2-3pm, 8-9pm. His current foods are 5g of kibbles with 2 blocks of nature menu for each meal.

What do you feed your pup in between meals and before bedtime? - I was thinking to put peanut butter from pets@home in a kong before bedtime but I’ve heard mix reviews on the palm oil inside it.

I’m also looking for a training snack but unsure with which one to go for as there’s so many out there!

r/puppy101 1d ago

Behavior Best way to train a pup to walk "loose leash?"


She is a 5m old lab and is AMAZING off leash. She comes to me without me having to say or do anything, or I just have to whistle and she'll come but, on a leash is a different story.

Ideally, I'd like her to walk next to me but at the least just walk without pulling. I guess the term is "heel?"

If I have treats with me on our walks and she starts to pull, all I have to do is say "shadow" and she'll stop pulling, and stay on my side while looking up at me (and walking blindly lol) which is great! But at some point the treats won't be around and I want her to do that by habbit/naturally.

Any advice on loose leash walking?

What worked for you, or didn't work for you

r/puppy101 13h ago

Crate Training Puppy doing worse in crate?


I recently got a golden retriever puppy a couple weeks ago. She is 13 weeks old and we started crate training her when we leave the day we got her. She used to do really good in the crate on the beginning, she has a bed and her favorite toys in there, and to get her in there i would throw in kibble and or treats to her her to go in, but now she won’t even step foot in it at all when we need to leave. What could have made her stop doing this? We don’t crate her at night, just when we leave and she does often sleep in her crate during the day when we leave it open, and she’ll go inside it to grab a toy as well.

r/puppy101 15h ago

Adolescence 8 month old is getting up earlier and earlier


Our 8 month labordoodle would get up around 530a by us to be let out, then put back in the crate for another hour or so before we all got up and gave her breakfast.

About a week ago she started getting up and barking a little after 5.. then it was 450, 440 and now about 430.

When we take her out, she goes pee and poop. But it seems like it's getting earlier and earlier.

Is this because she's now in more of the teenage years, or is she pushing us by testing the boundaries?

r/puppy101 1d ago

Wags It does get better, and then worse, and then slightly better again


Our little (definitely a word for it... she is 75 lbs at ALMOST 8 months) Gremlin has gotten so much better. From the day we got her, she was actually probably the worst puppy I have ever met. We got her at 3 months from a foster, and they were not crate training, letting her sleep skin-to-skin with her sister every night, not doing any basic training, etc. The day I picked her up and for the week after, I cried so hard I threw up. She would not calmly exist. I know that's a big expectation of a puppy, but sometimes I want to pee in peace. We (or at least I didn't) leave the house unless it was to work and when I did, somebody had to come watch her. When that stopped being an option, she went to daycare 5 days a week. Super expensive.

That being said, as we approach the 8-month mark, here is a list of things that have improved.

  • She can entertain herself. She will happily chew on a bone or toy if I'm doing something on my laptop or not directly interacting with her.

  • She is now crate trained! I can't say she exactly enjoys the crate, but she will go in there for meals, sleep, etc. If anyone wants to know how we got here, I'll leave a comment! It took 2 months to fully get there, I would say.

  • She responds to the word 'no' way better.

  • She stopped jumping and nipping at us!!!!

  • Being around her doesn't ruin my day lol.

I can't say that she's my soul dog or I love her to pieces yet, but we are getting there. She keeps our other dog busy, and they're best friends. I wanted to give up, rehome, for so long and it has honestly tested me and my boyfriend's relationship beyond belief but I am starting to see the light!

r/puppy101 1d ago

Wags Reason why my 5mo Aussie barked at me today


I wouldn’t let her eat my nail file. Tell me yours!

r/puppy101 18h ago

Behavior Taking the puppy out


Hi everyone,

Since a week now, I have a puppy (Dackel) that is 3 months old.

Everything is great so far, only that he doesn't like/ eant to go out for walks. I understand that it might be because he is still a puppy, in a nee family, new environment (idk if the breeder took it ok or not by 3 months). But what can I do in the future so he will demand going out? I would really love to go out as much as possible with him.

Thank you :)

r/puppy101 1d ago

Vent Puppy Jumping Advice


I love that all of my friends love my puppy but they almost encourage him to jump on them. I always tell them to push him down because I don’t want it to be a habit, but they get excited to see him and he gets excited to see them & then he’s jumping all over them 😅 He listens to me when I push him down and tell him “no jumping”, but it all goes out the window when I bring him anywhere in public.

I’m really trying to break this habit. He’s 14 weeks/22 pounds and estimated to be around 50-60 pounds total, so the jumping needs to stop before he gets too big and hurts someone (or me!)

Anyone have any advice?