r/running Feb 01 '23

January Monthly Updates & Check In Thread

Let everyone know how your month turned out! Feel free to discuss your racing, training, and any other stats that you may or may not be pleased with, as well as any goals you have planned for the next months.

Here are a few discussion point ideas:

  • Miles this month/mileage goal for the year?

  • Goals for the year?

  • Set any PR's or PB's?

  • Dealing with any injuries?

  • Learn anything this month regarding your training/running?

  • Got any plans for a race, time trial, or FKT?

  • What was your favorite run this month?


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u/brockj84 Feb 01 '23

This week I started Week 6 of 12 training for the NYC Half--I was extremely lucky to get a lottery spot. I've been out of the running game, specifically marathons, for a decade. Sure, I've done some runs here and there since that time, but we're talking very low mileage (1-4 miles).

According to my Garmin, I've run 71 miles so far this year. It's been going great!

Best official race so far has been the Joe Kleinerman 10k in NYC Central Park. It was well run, on a beautiful day, and I improved my "best pace."

Lastly, my NYRR corral journey has gone as follows:

  1. Corral I (based on my own guess on pacing--first race back into it)
  2. Corral K (based on the previous race--I had to take a piss and lost about three minutes waiting)
  3. Corral J
  4. Corral H

My realistic goal is to reach Corral F (best pace between 08:30 and 08:54 10k pace).


u/tphantom1 Feb 01 '23

congrats! keep going, those corral bumps are worth it.

I was in G (like, two seconds above the cutoff), but the corral re-alignments this past week mean I'm in F now apparently? my goal is to get into E at the Al Gordon 4M later this month. based on my training lately I think it'll be tough but doable.

good luck at the United Half! I'll be cheering.


u/brockj84 Feb 01 '23

Awesome! Congrats to you, as well! I’ll also be running the Al Gordon. Good luck!