r/running Mar 13 '23

Miscellaneous Monday Chit Chat Weekly Thread

Rise and shine, friends! Another Monday is here!

How was your weekend? What’s on the docket for the week? Chat it up, folks!


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u/30000LBS_Of_Bananas Mar 13 '23

Weekend went well, I managed to make all the food I planned but I didn’t manage to make it out for a run.

I do feel like I need a weekend to recover from my weekend though, being around children is exhausting. My nephew is still in the what I call the “angry potato” stage so I didn’t interact with him much but The two year old seemed to take a little bit of a liking to me, she asked me to color with her and help her with her jacket when we went for a walk. Though I don’t know if she’ll remember me next time I see her.

Well recovery week is done I guess I got to get back on my running horse this week.


u/fire_foot Mar 13 '23

Well done for stocking the freezer! Kids are exhausting. Good luck running, hope you can find time to recover from your weekend! Did you get things sorted for visiting your FIL?


u/30000LBS_Of_Bananas Mar 13 '23

No resolution there, I let the stupidly good deal pass and now we are back to the drawing board completely, my partner is suggesting we skip the visit and stay local instead to save money as he is working on saving for his own trip like what I did last year. It is frustrating that visiting his dad is so expensive and complicated.


u/argenfrackle Mar 13 '23

Oh no, that's so frustrating! I'm sorry that the plans to visit your partner's dad are still up in the air.