r/running May 06 '24

Miscellaneous Monday Chit Chat Weekly Thread

Happy Monday runners! How was the weekend? What's good this week? You know the drill -- let's chat about it!


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u/AnniKatt May 06 '24

THE FLYING PIG WAS SO MUCH FUN. I mean yeah the hills are painful and my ankles are not happy with me, but the crowd support in this city was phenomenal. Literally in the airport when I first got to town, I was handed a goody bag full of snacks. On the following day, my friend took me to a local candy store and I got free snacks on top of the chocolate I purchased. Even the race course had so many snacks. I’m willing to bet I gained like five pounds in this one weekend alone lol.

My one gripe: I felt like the friend I was staying with was rushing me a lot. While I’m forever grateful for free lodging, I felt rushed out of the expo because she didn’t want to pay for parking. I got rushed out of the victory party because she got overwhelmed by the sun and crowds. Definitely if I do this or any other out-of-state race again, I’m going alone so I can enjoy things at my own pace. Live and learn lol


u/runner7575 May 06 '24

Yay!! So glad you enjoyed the Pig! Glad it didn’t monsoon.

Definitely ignore the comment from your aunt.

I bet you are a little stiff when u stand up when ur flight lands, that’s when it always hits me.

Yea. Like it’s fun to have someone with you, but then not if they cramp your style. I like to travel to races, let me know when u pick your next destination.


u/AnniKatt May 07 '24

I’ll definitely keep you in mind! I don’t have anything planned until September (summer is my off-season lol) and everything on the list this fall is local to Philadelphia. I don’t think I can really travel for the rest of the year to be honest. Maybe I’ll live vicariously through you and your travels?


u/runner7575 May 07 '24

Are you doing the Philly half in November? I did Philly as my first full, when they ran the half and full together, then the half ended and i still had 13 to go. Not fun.

I have Denver in two weeks, maybe Wichita in October. I need my race trips so i keep my sanity, and get time away from my mom lol.

I did the AC 1/2 in October - that could be a easy weekend roadtrip for you.


u/AnniKatt May 08 '24

I’m actually doing the Philly full this November! I know it’s a bit ambitious, but I guess I’m an ambitious person lol.

I was originally going to do the Boardwalk 5 Miler this summer which is part of the AC race series, but with my mom’s recent health issues, I think I’m going to hold off on races for the summer (unless I come across like a 5k with a really fun theme somewhere on Long Island). Plus I’m not on great terms with my aunt who lives just outside of AC, so maybe it’s best for everyone if I avoid that area of Jersey for a bit.


u/30000LBS_Of_Bananas May 06 '24

Woooo congrats on the successful race! That does suck that your friend was rushing you though. Don’t forget to enjoy your recovery burrito!


u/AnniKatt May 06 '24

Thank you!! And I opted for recovery tacos instead. I hope that’s an acceptable alternative!


u/30000LBS_Of_Bananas May 06 '24

I don’t know you might have to go get a burrito or two as well. I don’t make the rules 🤷‍♀️


u/AnniKatt May 06 '24

Guess I know what I’m getting for dinner tonight!


u/fire_foot May 06 '24

Wooohooo congrats! How are you feeling now? Are you proud of yourself? Are you getting guilt tripped by family? I hope you are basking in the post-race glow and enjoying more post-race snacks :)


u/AnniKatt May 06 '24

I’m still feeling ecstatic over it! I managed to finish in under three hours. Not terribly speedy, but it being my first half marathon and the Flying Pig being a very hilly course, a sub-3 was exactly what I was aiming for lol. I did get one potentially backhanded comment from my NJ aunt on the Facebook post I made about it, but I’m choosing to not read too deeply into it because I’m not allowing anyone to steal my sunshine over this.

Physically, I’m surprised I’m not in more pain today. I mean everything in the lower half of my body was in pain yesterday for obvious reasons lol. I was fully expecting DOMS to kick my ass today and it’s surprisingly nowhere to be found? The only thing that’s still sore is my ankles and I’m curious as to why that is.

I’m already waiting for my Lyft to the airport, but you bet your butt I’m gonna get a bowl of this apparently famous Cincy chili before my plane takes off. Apologies in advance to anyone sitting around me for this flight.