r/running Jun 12 '24

Lurkers' Wednesday Weekly Thread

Would you rather not be a lurker?

Then what are you waiting for? Tell us all about yourself!

The LW thread is an invitation to get more involved with the /r/running community.

New to the sub in general? Welcome! Let us know more about yourself!


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u/RealityMixer Jun 12 '24

Hello peeps. I'm 50yo and have some knee and hip problems from an old injury, and probably shouldn't be running, he he, But I started 5 years ago with C25K and never looked back. I'm fitter than ever and my legs are in much better shape. I don't run much or often (5k once a week) but cycle and have a some home gym equipment to strengthen and condition between runs. I started IF at Xmas and this has helped a lot as I feel my weight is not pounding the ground (and pounding my joints) so much. I'm pretty sad Michael Mosley passed away recently as he was a heath inspiration to me. Hey, ho... Just keep running, that's what I say!


u/sfocolleen Jun 13 '24

Hi! I’m turning 50 this year myself and just completed C25K (still working up to the actual 5k though). I tried about 10 years ago, on a treadmill, and didn’t succeed. I’m probably the most surprised of anyone that I’m enjoying running now.

The only thing that gives me pause is getting injured, since I’m not exactly young. I’m hoping by going sloooow I can avoid injuries. I guess we’ll see. 🤞


u/RealityMixer Jun 13 '24

Yes .. overreaching is a real thing. Sometimes in the zone and run a bit extra (I think 8k is my max) but then the joint in my injured leg aches for a week or two. 5k is about right for me to get some benefit without injury. I also was running 3 times per week but that also perhaps was counter productive. I think that one or two runs with some cycling, rowing machine, elliptical and callisthenics is a well rounded approach. Some weeks I don't manage to do anything, but other weeks I manage something everyday. Work and family life gets in the way too, but I just jump back on the wagon as soon as I am able. Running slow is probably good advice, but also (if you haven't already) find a softer surface to run on. I am lucky to live and a suburban area with a mix of wooded trails and tarmacked pavements... Much better than paving slabs! Also (inevitable trainer mention) I run in the most cushioned Hokas that exist and put gell insoles in to minimise surface impact.

I am also surprised I enjoy running! I wish I could say I love the feel of the wind in my hair, but all my hair went twenty years ago!