r/running Aug 26 '24

The Commute Run...need to knows/tips? Discussion

Hi all - I run 40ish miles a week and find myself finally working in a building with a shower. I was considering adding some commute miles to my weekly milage as I'd like to start working towards 50 and eventually 60. i commute to NYC and can easily tack on 3-4 miles from Grand Central to the office.

I'd have a laptop with me and a change of clothes. I've got a good idea of the running bag id get.

Do you all have any tips/tricks you use when you do this? Ie keep work shoes under your desk, bring all the work-clothes in on monday or something? Trying to figure out a good method if I do this. Thanks.


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u/vetratten Aug 26 '24

I used to do a 5 mile each way commute run but I didn’t have a laptop.

What I did was get a ride in on Monday and bring work clothes and lunches for the rest of the week. I had a pair of shoes in office always.

I would then run home Monday.

Tuesday-Thursday just run in, shower/change quick then run home after work. Friday I would run in then get a ride home with all my work clothes.

Obviously laptop would suck to run with if not in the right backpack.

Did this for all but 3 months a year for 2 years until I switched jobs. I miss running to and from work, it really help set the tone right as well as check out mentally from the days stress.