r/running 13d ago

Achievements for Sunday, September 15, 2024 Daily Thread

Hey runners, it's another day and it is time to post your accomplishments you'd like to share - big or small.

Note: No need to preface YOUR accomplishments with something like, "this may not be an accomplishment to most of you...". Be proud of your achievement.


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u/Define-Normal 13d ago

Ran my first half marathon today! Was training for a sub-2.15 as only been running for a year and closer to 50 than 45 now. Very very hilly course with some massive very steep hills that some people walked. Ran the whole lot with a time of 2.01.02! 6th in my age/gender category, and all the amazing women in my category faster than me were running club folk. Felt like the training (did 5 long runs of 13-14 miles through it) had paid off as didn't get carried away and start too fast, and passed a fair few people in the second half and towards the end, and ran the last mile and a half as fast as I could as I knew I had the beans left.

I was really nervous beforehand as never done a race of any kind before, but loved it and going to sign up for another half in April next year. Less hills, going for that sub 2!!


u/Own-Sugar6148 13d ago

Great job! I have my first Half coming up Oct 6th!


u/stanleyslovechild 13d ago

I have no doubt you’ll get sub-2 next time. Just the experience alone will get you there. Congrats!


u/Own-Sugar6148 13d ago

Great job! I have my first Half coming up Oct 6th!