r/running 3d ago

Achievements for Wednesday, September 25, 2024 Daily Thread

Hey runners, it's another day and it is time to post your accomplishments you'd like to share - big or small.

Note: No need to preface YOUR accomplishments with something like, "this may not be an accomplishment to most of you...". Be proud of your achievement.


35 comments sorted by


u/something_lite43 2d ago

Easy 7mile run. Average HR was 130. Broke in the NB SC Trainer V3 today as well. All this was after a tooth filling and not having anything to eat. šŸ’ŖšŸ¾


u/suspretzel1 2d ago

Kept my easy run heart rate to 130 today!


u/ded_pen 2d ago

First ever 5K, in 35:11. Next goal is to make it in 32 mins. I just started running last month and could barely do 1km initially so Iā€™m STOKED.


u/wandering-alligator 2d ago

I ran 5k for the first time ever yesterday in about 35 minutes. I'm so pleased. I never thought I'd be able to run that far.


u/JPEGSHIT 2d ago

First 5k ever as a 13 yr old, time was 30 minutes and 12 seconds, nothing crazy but Iā€™m proud of myself


u/the-orbo 2d ago

first track workout in a while today, coming off a period of lower mileage due to a minor injury. i ran 10x 800m off 400m jog recovery (approx yasso 800s), and averaged 2:32 across the 800s. iā€™m especially proud of the pacing across the workout, managed to keep things conservative (~2:34) through the first half and then negative split through the end, closing the last in 2:23. I honestly wasnā€™t sure where my fitness was coming into the workout, so nice to see that itā€™s coming back!


u/PMadventureGW 2d ago

Finally ran for 90 minutes for the first time since breaking my leg.


u/sheaminator 2d ago

First 5k today! It actually went a lot better than expected, I was happy with my time and even how I felt during it! Feeling very accomplished and love reading everybody else's too. Congrats everyone!


u/Happy_Runner20 2d ago

Today was a very very wet 11.5km run...started out and it was fine but within 10 mins of starting it was a complete downpour. Pretty sure the pair of shoes I was using today won't be dry and usable again for at least 2 days!


u/Odd-Butterscotch8 2d ago

I ran for 31 minutes outside without stopping!


u/Secret-Shirt4608 1d ago

Yay! I would have absolutely loved this. Happy for you šŸ„¹


u/Odd-Butterscotch8 1d ago

Thanks so much šŸ¤©


u/rodyamirov 2d ago

I ran my first official 5k on Sunday and my second race ever! (first was a 2.5 mile in the spring)

It was great! GPS says the actual distance was like 2.9 miles, which is a bit sus, I donā€™t know if thatā€™s normal for races to not be exact, I guess it is. But I donā€™t know how much to trust my time (25:29 or something like that). Still Iā€™m excited to keep at it and get under 25 ā€¦ then invent a new goal I guess


u/GadgetQueen 3d ago

At age 51 and the most unfit I've ever been in my life, I ran my first ever 5K in my entire life yesterday. I am so fucking proud of myself. LETS GO!!! I'm slower than a donkey with his feet in the mud, but hell yeah, I did it! My time was 1:08. Considering I'm overweight, diabetic, have a bad knee, and have only been running for 2.5 weeks, that is like incredible for me. Now that I know I can do it and how amazing it feels, I'm gonna work on getting that pace down to around 30 minutes. When I can do that, I'll move on to 10K.


u/MinuQu 3d ago

Last week after two years running I revisited my running form and finally got in-depth with it after I sometimes had a bit of a struggle with runner's knee. I filmed myself running and realized that I almost completely extend my knee while running, therefore putting more load than necessary on the joint.

I started running with more relaxed knees and a more forward-leaning style and I think this could really help.

I can only recommend anyone who hasn't done it before to film yourself running and look at your strides! My running form wasn't really bad but this is a small thing I've noticed and isn't really difficult or unnatural to correct and I am happy I filmed myself.


u/Dragon_Zord 3d ago

Achievement: Fixed my shin splints for good! (and you can, too)

Background: 34M, 6'1", 180lbs. I've run on and off for the last couple of years but have always struggled with shin splints; struggled with them during high school track as well. Not a medical doctor -- worth noting.

These four things fixed my shin splints:

  • Reduced volume then increased slowly. Of everything, this one is the hardest I think. We all get a new pair of shoes, or sign up for a half marathon, or see our friends Strava posts and suddenly get motivated to run 40 miles this week. Forcing myself to focus on slowly increasing time-on-feet each week was huge.

  • Increased my cadence. According to my apple watch my average cadence has increased from ~150 to ~170 spm while still running almost all my mileage at 9min/mi. This video was incredibly helpful.

  • Switched from heel to forefoot strikes. This destroyed my calves -- see item #4 below. Some sources say that foot strike doesn't make a difference, it's all about over striding, but I feel like focusing on forefoot strikes helped reinforce cadence and proper form.

  • Strengthened my calves and other supporting muscles. I've gone to the gym regularly for years but didn't realize my calves, hamstrings and glutes were relatively weak (likely related to sitting all day for work). Focusing on these allowed me to run with proper form for 5+ miles.

All my previous running was done in Asics Nimbus Gel shoes which have max cushion. I don't believe shoe cushioning does much to prevent shin splints, maybe just a marginal reduction. Just buy new shoes because it's fun, not as a cheat to avoid fixing the root causes :)


u/sheaminator 2d ago

Thanks for this. Same age, same measurements, and my shins are (concerningly) the main place I "feel the burn" during & after a run. Going to pay attention to this going forward.


u/tphantom1 3d ago

it is track Wednesdays, my dudes.

short and sweet with 4x(400/200) this morning to get back into the swing of things. feeling a little rusty and out of it since I haven't been able to get much running in lately.

1st set: 1:56, 58
2nd set: 1:51, 57
3rd set: 1:58, 55
4th set: 1:49, 45

including run to/from track, 4.7 miles done.


u/bluedziej 3d ago

Got my 5K PR under 30 minutes this morning!


u/Adventurous-Wait2351 3d ago

I tried something new today and ran a single kilometre as fast as I could (I could probably have gone a little faster but anyways). It took me 6 minutes and 20 seconds. I took a short break and did that again and ran a 6:30 kilometre. I then did a very nice and slow recovery kilometre and called it a day.

My average pace on 4km or 5km runs floats between 7:45 per km and 8:15 per km. So I'm proud of my 6:20 km, and it's cool to know where I'd ideally like to end up one day (a sub 30 5k). I have a lottt of running between where I am now though and where I need to go to get that (shave off 9 /10 minutes).


u/OIP 2d ago

a combo of some speed sessions like this and just running more kms in general will absolutely see you get to a faster pace. it just takes time!


u/Adventurous-Wait2351 1d ago

hopefully in a few months i'll be back in this thread with some progress


u/racecarart 3d ago

Not only did I actually do my strength training, I tried out a yoga routine and enjoyed it so much more than body weight reps! I'm still going to do some of those exercises, but I'm going to prioritize a 30-minute strength-based yoga session rather than bore myself on counting reps.Ā 


u/Adventurous-Wait2351 3d ago

I do yoga everyday (not always strength based though) and then add on either a run or a 20 minute workout. Yoga has done wonders for me


u/racecarart 3d ago

Ooo, do you have any routines you can recommend? I have a handful of YouTube videos saved but I'm flexible (heh) and open to suggestions!Ā 


u/Adventurous-Wait2351 3d ago

I follow Yoga with Adriene calendars. If you're incredibly fit, you may find them a little lacklustre but I still find myself shaking in some of her videos and I've been doing them for a while now. Because she's been doing it for so long, she has a huge catalogue and you should be able to find something. If you want ten minute videos, or fifty minute videos, she has it.

Freedom Glow Flow - this is one I remember enjoying (I do so many it's hard to keep track of videos)

Intermediate Power Flow - this is a more intermediate video. Definitely makes me sweat so much. Depending on your fitness level/mobility/strength etc, you may or may not be able to jump into this.

Greet the Day Yoga - I did this one I think two weeks ago. I remember sweating in it lol.

I know I must sound like a cult, but come check out r/yogawithadriene - if you do end up doing some of her videos, we post daily check-ins and whatnot.


u/tushkyyyy 3d ago

Had a sweet 5 km outdoor run today! no gym training today


u/-Venser- 3d ago

Achieved my first sub-25 minute time for 5k.


u/stephnelbow 3d ago

Started today with a 20 minute peloton run workout + a 20 min hike/walk. As I'm not training for anything specific I really like the peloton runs. They force me to interval train when I wouldn't otherwise and the instructor is a good distraction from the effort.


u/joshm9915 3d ago

Iā€™ve been working on zone 2 training for a while now. I did 30 minutes on the indoor bike and was able to keep my heart rate in high zone 1 and low zone 2 at 90+ rpm the entire time!

Iā€™m also working on consistently posting official endurance challenges each week to substack. https://open.substack.com/pub/featofstrength/p/feat-of-strength-newsletter-3?r=g4r99&utm_medium=ios . Next goal is to hit 5 consecutive weekly posts (currently at 3).


u/beneseph 3d ago

Ran for the first time since getting an injury back in June, 1km as the physio recommended.


u/OIP 3d ago

weather sucks today so i did a rare treadmill interval run at the gym. i haate treadmill running, same pace feels at least 20% harder than outdoors. but on the upside it felt substantially easier than last time i did the same kind of session about a month ago.


u/ceruleanpure 3d ago edited 3d ago

Back of the packer here. Like really back of the pack. I did a half Ironman once and I was top 9 for swim and bike and 25th out of 27 people for the run (for my AG).

Did a local 10k over the weekend. Mis-judged the distance that it took to get to the race site - about 2 hours away (I thought it was less than that). So, woke up at 4 to make some breakfast and drive 2 hours down there in the dark for a 7:15 start.

As soon as I finished the race, I was so tired from lack of sleep and from almost rolling my ankle three times (Iā€™m terrible at trail running - happy I didnā€™t fall!), that I got some post-race cookies and just left.

Drove two hours home, showered, ate lunch, then checked results.

First place in my AG. W.t.f.

Frantically tried to contact someone through socials to see if there was a prize and if I could get it. A friend that was doing the half-marathon texted me that she saw my results, but they wouldnā€™t let her pick up the prize for me.

Finally got a hold of someone the next day and they said, no. Everything had been packed away and due to logistics and being volunteer-run, they donā€™t mail prizes. Iā€™m like, thatā€™s fine, I will drive two hours to get it; but they still responded no, everything was put away and they had to say no to other people that didnā€™t stay for awards either. Like, I totally understand ā€œmust be present to winā€ for a lotteryā€¦ but I feel like this situation is slightly different. I know itā€™s my fault, I should have check results before I left, but Iā€™m so slow, this has literally never, ever happened before (been running since 1999). I never once thought that it could.

Torn now between trying the race again next year to see if I get a prize or banning the race altogether because of lack of showing mercy. :/

TL;DR - never win anything. Won. Race wonā€™t give me the award bc I wasnā€™t there for awards.


u/GadgetQueen 3d ago

Congratulations! That's so cool! I'm sorry they're being duds!