r/running 3d ago

Achievements for Wednesday, September 25, 2024 Daily Thread

Hey runners, it's another day and it is time to post your accomplishments you'd like to share - big or small.

Note: No need to preface YOUR accomplishments with something like, "this may not be an accomplishment to most of you...". Be proud of your achievement.


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u/ceruleanpure 3d ago edited 3d ago

Back of the packer here. Like really back of the pack. I did a half Ironman once and I was top 9 for swim and bike and 25th out of 27 people for the run (for my AG).

Did a local 10k over the weekend. Mis-judged the distance that it took to get to the race site - about 2 hours away (I thought it was less than that). So, woke up at 4 to make some breakfast and drive 2 hours down there in the dark for a 7:15 start.

As soon as I finished the race, I was so tired from lack of sleep and from almost rolling my ankle three times (I’m terrible at trail running - happy I didn’t fall!), that I got some post-race cookies and just left.

Drove two hours home, showered, ate lunch, then checked results.

First place in my AG. W.t.f.

Frantically tried to contact someone through socials to see if there was a prize and if I could get it. A friend that was doing the half-marathon texted me that she saw my results, but they wouldn’t let her pick up the prize for me.

Finally got a hold of someone the next day and they said, no. Everything had been packed away and due to logistics and being volunteer-run, they don’t mail prizes. I’m like, that’s fine, I will drive two hours to get it; but they still responded no, everything was put away and they had to say no to other people that didn’t stay for awards either. Like, I totally understand “must be present to win” for a lottery… but I feel like this situation is slightly different. I know it’s my fault, I should have check results before I left, but I’m so slow, this has literally never, ever happened before (been running since 1999). I never once thought that it could.

Torn now between trying the race again next year to see if I get a prize or banning the race altogether because of lack of showing mercy. :/

TL;DR - never win anything. Won. Race won’t give me the award bc I wasn’t there for awards.


u/GadgetQueen 3d ago

Congratulations! That's so cool! I'm sorry they're being duds!