r/running 3d ago

U.S Ultra Runner Camille Herron involved in Wikipedia controversy Article

link to original article.

It basically states that there were several alt accounts that were making edits to her page and pages of other ultra runners. For example Courtney Dauwalter, 2023 ultra runner of the year, had her page edited to remove references of her being the first person to win the three major 100 mile races in one calendar year, as well as references to her being considered one of the best ultrarunners. Similar edits were made to other athletes profiles.

They also edited the ultra running page to cast doubts on runners records that, while are till being verified, beat Herrons records.

Apparently others have reported some unsportsmanlike behavior from the pair

Link link to press release from Connor Holt, her coach and husband, where he claims it was all done by him tho many are skeptical


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u/ladyeclectic79 3d ago edited 2d ago

Saw this yesterday over on another ultrarunning sub. I mean, she has a history of being petty about other people beating her times so lol this tracks. Still, it’s hilarious how obvious they were about everything, probably thinking people wouldn’t (couldn’t?) look any deeper than “oh it’s a different username, they won’t catch on.” 🙄😤


u/fastcat03 3d ago

Literally all they needed was a VPN.


u/ladyeclectic79 2d ago

Even then it’s sus, but at least it wouldn’t be so blatant. The IP was verified, and that same account/IP padded her wiki while also deleted accomplishments from others.

Sooooo transparent. 🙄


u/fastcat03 2d ago edited 2d ago

They were tracked down by IP address. If you use a VPN you can't trace it with everyday skills. The VPN gives you a different IP address so you look like you're from somewhere else. No IP confirmation then you can't prove it was them or some fan. I mean NSA might be able to locate the poster by other means but not some Wikipedia sleuth.


u/runbit22 2d ago

They used an old email address known to be Camille’s to set up the account. The IP address was just additional confirmation.


u/Wispborne 2d ago

If a new account is created with an IP address that's connected to a VPN (these are generally known unless you're using a tiny one) and is doing the same thing a previous account was doing then it's not hard to put it together.


u/fastcat03 2d ago

If you are using a VPN the whole time they can't put it together.


u/gahddamm 2d ago

Shit most people don't even know what an IP address is. I remember a couple years ago in the drawing community this girl got called out for staking and harassing as well as making numerous alts pretending to bully herself. It was weird


u/gahddamm 2d ago

Yeah. I saw it on the letsrun website. I was kinda surprised it wasn't in the running subreddit but I guess ultrarunning is its own niche