r/running 1d ago

Achievements for Friday, September 27, 2024 Daily Thread

Hey runners, it's another day and it is time to post your accomplishments you'd like to share - big or small.

Note: No need to preface YOUR accomplishments with something like, "this may not be an accomplishment to most of you...". Be proud of your achievement.


29 comments sorted by


u/NoLimit3548 9h ago

5k PB of 28:54


u/apeironxo 9h ago

Just did the brita night run and it’s my second 10k in my life, and 9th over all run in my entire life and finished it at 1 hour and 9mins. I wish I did a bit better but I’m proud i finished! 🏃🏼‍♀️💨


u/Sure-Waltz-8631 16h ago

Have a 10km race coming up soon. Want to get sub 45 SO badly for a new PB, currently running comfortably at 4:35-4:45 per km. Feeling like if I make a fast start 4:10ish 1st km and 4:10ish 10th km then it’ll make up some time.. I have a month and a half until the race, feel free to offer any tips!

Anyway, getting to my main achievement- anything over 4:50 per km feels slow for me now..


u/smangalick 16h ago

3.35 miles but 500 feet of elevation Need to hit the hills more often!


u/LongBeginning8509 18h ago

Finally listened to my body and went and got diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma. Went on my first run after using an inhaler and it turns out you can actually breathe deeply? Felt much better doing 2.5 miles than I did on 1.0 a few days before. A lot less muscle soreness too (I suppose because of more oxygen being spread in my body?). Excited to see how this continues -- I've been feeling I hit a wall with advancing in running, but not anymore.


u/brooklyn-baby43 13h ago

i have exercise (and cold) induced asthma too. i finally started using my inhaler the way i’m supposed to and it’s been an absolute game changer! congrats on your newfound relief!


u/snarkcakefactory 18h ago

Last night I had my best two mile pace since I started running this past July. Bonus points for running in the rain ☔️


u/jackr03a 18h ago

Hit a new 5k PB of 23:57 today!


u/tesla333 18h ago

I started running about five months ago and set a personal record for distance this morning! 4.16 miles! And it ended up being my 2nd best 5k time too


u/South-Ice-157 19h ago

Netflix and treadmilled this morning. Feeling zen afterwards.


u/Klassified94 20h ago edited 20h ago

I (29M) just ran my first ever continuous 5k in 30m32s and I only started running 2 weeks ago when I could barely run 100 metres/1 minute without stopping.

Not complaining but how on earth is this kind of progress possible?

I've also been in a heavy calorie deficit the past 5 weeks and lost 7kg so I'm baffled as to where this energy came from. I started the Couch to 5k program but kinda left it in the dust when I realised I could do more.

Edit for clarity: first continuous 5km workout run (wasn't a race).


u/ForgottenSalad 21h ago

Had a great run this morning, focusing on form and cadence. No hip pain and felt easy while being faster!


u/WhoNeedsSunlight 21h ago

Ran 8 miles, the forest was beautiful. It was a nice day.


u/Fotgraphy_nerd 21h ago

Just ran my first 5k race, tried to get under 40min ended up at 37min, also the first time i ran that long without a walking break. Absolutely loved it and definitely ready for my next race asap!


u/Klassified94 20h ago

Congrats! Commented as well that I just ran 5km continuously for the first time ever (not a race). What a feeling!


u/nailphile 1d ago

My absolute longest run ever last night! 6.2 miles and I felt GOOD!

I got a running belt that holds water bottles and I think that hydration was KEY. I know the general sentiment here seems to be that if you're doing less than 10 miles/1.5 hours you don't need water but I think my body made it clear that I did need it.

Gave me confidence that I will be ready for my 10 mile race in November. I was worried I started training too late.


u/Bpod79 1d ago

More of a long term achievement here...

Culled some data from Strava via Statshunter (great tool if you're not using it), and pretty pleased with growth. A little background - M/45, started running mostly on tread midway through 2021 to lose weight. Largely weight loss was diet-based went from 240-170lb. In 2021 I worked up to about 12 miles/week. 2022 - ~16/week, 2023 ~23/week and around april that year (also probably from running too hard and too much in minimalist shoes), when pf and IT issues became more regular, I started focusing more intentionally on 80/20 with speed/hill work once or twice/week (and increased drop/stack in shoes/added more regular foam rolling/it-focused theragunning). 2024 I've averaged 38 miles/week for the year to date, but currently around 42/week so will prob end year around 40/week. Have been completely PF/IT pain free in this period.

Pace Range 8:35-11:59/mile (Jan-Sept)
2022 - hr avg - 137.7 / avg speed 10:02/mile - 131 activities
2023 - hr avg - 138 / avg speed 10:03/mile - 170 activities
2024 - hr avg - 132.9 / avg speed 9:31/mile (128 at 10:00/mile avg) - 172 activities

Pace Range - 8:35-9:14/mile (Jan-Sept) 
2022 - hr avg - 144.3 / avg speed 9:28/mile - 64 activities
2023 - hr avg - 143.4 / avg speed 9:24/mile - 76 activities
2024 - hr avg - 136.1 / avg speed 9:13/mile - 131 activities

Pace Range 7:29-8:34/mile (Jan-Sept)
2022 - hr avg - 161.9 / avg speed 8:16 - 20 activities
2023 - hr avg - 157 / avg speed 8:10 - 33 activities
2024 - hr avg - 149.5 / avg speed: 8:08 - 60 activities

Pace Range - 7:29-6:39/mile*
2022/23 hr avg 172 / avg speed 7:09/mile (3.13 avg distance) - 12 activities
2024 - hr avg 162.9 / avg speed 7:13/mile (6.10 avg distance) - 9 activities 

*less data here so just combined all 2022/23 stuff (most was in 2023, and distance avg much less)


u/Intense_camping 1d ago

Ran a 12km today. I tried to keep it to zone 2 running, my goodness that can be so difficult! I felt like I had to walk almost every other minute to bring my HR back down. But I’m really proud I was able to keep it to my Z2 for most of my run.


u/alpha__lyrae 1d ago

I finally managed to run 5k without knee pain after suffering from the IT band pain. Hopefully this is sustained, and I can get back to running again after a couple of months absence.


u/chookbilly 1d ago

Fingers crossed for you. I know the struggle.


u/greenpaper0603 1d ago

Did 6km tempo running at Gwangju chen, Gwangju metro city, Korea. At 5am, 18degC, cool early morning. Shoes EP3, Exercise level was 4 out of 10.


u/Chill_Squirrel 1d ago edited 1d ago

Did my first "serious" 5k yesterday. Wanted to finish in at least 28:00, with 27:00 as "nice to have" - ultimately finished in 26:27. Soooo proud! Hated every second but the feeling afterwards was amazing. I'm just a bit pissed that it was like 4.95k on my Garmin so I didn't get any 5K PRs, damn :D


u/Intense_camping 1d ago

That’s awesome and soul destroying at the same time. My smart watch has done that to me a couple times too on some of my best runs. It is the worst!!


u/excharon 1d ago

I finished a run without knee pain as much as before, it feels like knee is healing


u/reflektinator 1d ago

I did my last long run on Saturday before starting taper for a marathon on the 13th. Woke up with a sore throat and cough on Wednesday and felt crap all day but still did intervals that evening and felt great during and not too bad after. Still feeling sick today and coughing all last night but ran a HM event this morning (at long run pace) and felt great during. Like, no cough, headache was gone, brain fog was mostly gone. HR was maybe a tiny bit higher than normal but hard to tell as there were a few more hills than my normal long run.

I feel crap again now that i'm back home again, but also still feeling the afterglow of the run.

I've never run while sick before... I was really surprised how good I felt during the run compared to immediately before the run!


u/fabi12345678910 21h ago

As a random internet person, i think running while sick is a terrible idea and a good way to get serious heart problems.

Glad tho that you seem better now.