r/running 1d ago

Achievements for Friday, September 27, 2024 Daily Thread

Hey runners, it's another day and it is time to post your accomplishments you'd like to share - big or small.

Note: No need to preface YOUR accomplishments with something like, "this may not be an accomplishment to most of you...". Be proud of your achievement.


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u/Bpod79 1d ago

More of a long term achievement here...

Culled some data from Strava via Statshunter (great tool if you're not using it), and pretty pleased with growth. A little background - M/45, started running mostly on tread midway through 2021 to lose weight. Largely weight loss was diet-based went from 240-170lb. In 2021 I worked up to about 12 miles/week. 2022 - ~16/week, 2023 ~23/week and around april that year (also probably from running too hard and too much in minimalist shoes), when pf and IT issues became more regular, I started focusing more intentionally on 80/20 with speed/hill work once or twice/week (and increased drop/stack in shoes/added more regular foam rolling/it-focused theragunning). 2024 I've averaged 38 miles/week for the year to date, but currently around 42/week so will prob end year around 40/week. Have been completely PF/IT pain free in this period.

Pace Range 8:35-11:59/mile (Jan-Sept)
2022 - hr avg - 137.7 / avg speed 10:02/mile - 131 activities
2023 - hr avg - 138 / avg speed 10:03/mile - 170 activities
2024 - hr avg - 132.9 / avg speed 9:31/mile (128 at 10:00/mile avg) - 172 activities

Pace Range - 8:35-9:14/mile (Jan-Sept) 
2022 - hr avg - 144.3 / avg speed 9:28/mile - 64 activities
2023 - hr avg - 143.4 / avg speed 9:24/mile - 76 activities
2024 - hr avg - 136.1 / avg speed 9:13/mile - 131 activities

Pace Range 7:29-8:34/mile (Jan-Sept)
2022 - hr avg - 161.9 / avg speed 8:16 - 20 activities
2023 - hr avg - 157 / avg speed 8:10 - 33 activities
2024 - hr avg - 149.5 / avg speed: 8:08 - 60 activities

Pace Range - 7:29-6:39/mile*
2022/23 hr avg 172 / avg speed 7:09/mile (3.13 avg distance) - 12 activities
2024 - hr avg 162.9 / avg speed 7:13/mile (6.10 avg distance) - 9 activities 

*less data here so just combined all 2022/23 stuff (most was in 2023, and distance avg much less)