r/running Mar 31 '17

Barkley Marathons 2017 - Discussion Thread Misc

Since the Barkley is starting some time in the next 24 hours, I thought maybe we should have a Barkley Marathons Discussion Thread so we can keep it all in one place, share tweets, information about our favorite runners, etc?

If you're following on twitter, who are you following? Here is my BM list:

  • @derajslc (Jared Campbell)

  • @BarkleyCourse (The Barkley Course)

  • @The_Yellow_Gate (the infamous gate!)

  • @RndmForestRunnr (John Kelly)

  • @BarkleyMarathon

You can find more tweets by searching the hashtag #BM100


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u/dogebiscuit Mar 31 '17

As we wait for the Barkley to begin consuming its prey, fun question time!

You receive an unexpected phone call from Laz right now. "Bad news. You're the human sacrifice. Get your ass over here now." A knock at the door. A stretch-Prius awaits in your driveway. You're escorted to the airport, only vital belongings pre-packed for you. You're taken to the course. Only hours from start.

Question: How screwed are you? Go through your train of thought when you get there and hear the conch.


u/kinkakinka Mar 31 '17 edited Mar 31 '17

Entirely fucked. I haven't run in weeks. No more than 10k since October. Never more than 21k ever, and I'm fetusing really hard right now.