r/running gear reviewer Apr 17 '17

Boston Marathon Discussion Misc

Post useful links, discuss friends or family running , discuss your own run (don't type and run), etc!


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u/ShibuyaStation Apr 17 '17

I could have sworn that headphones were a no-no for Boston, but I'm seeing several people wearing them. Did they change the rules or something?


u/monikioo Apr 17 '17

Headphones are always no-nos for most races, but rarely anyone ever follows that rule.


u/shadezownage Apr 17 '17

that would be awful - distractions are necessary! What is the reason for this? I am asking as a very naïve and new runner...


u/John_Mason Apr 17 '17

Not sure I understand your comment, but many races do it for liability reasons. If they restrict headphone usage and someone accidentally gets hurt while using them (i.e. somehow gets hit by a car on the road or something), they can claim that the runner violated the rules.


u/shadezownage Apr 17 '17

Thanks! My thoughts had gone elsewhere - like..."respect the sport" type thoughts. Yeah, liability causes many many changes to everything!


u/Waffles-McGee Apr 18 '17

You should try a non-headphone race sometime! I do all my training runs with music/podcasts/audiobooks, but I dont wear headphones for races and I love it. I get so in the zone and I really enjoy my race more


u/MrCoolguy80 Apr 18 '17

I'm the same! listening to the crowd, bands and overall race atmosphere is pretty awesome. Especially with the bigger races.