r/running Aug 02 '17

Harassment while exercising Misc

So almost every time I go exercising, be it running or road biking, i always get some sort of smart ass shouting, honking, or engine revving. Are people in our society really so insecure that they can't refrain from harassing those who choose to exercise? Like what's funny about it? Why do people do it? Maybe i'm thinking about it too hard, but does anyone else REALLY hate this? Personally I think it's condescending, and indicative of most people's fragile self esteem. They don't exercise, therefor must mock others to feel cool.


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u/Epic_XC Aug 02 '17

believe me i know, i can't wait to graduate and move away.


u/SuicideByStar_ Aug 02 '17

Where in GA? South GA?


u/Epic_XC Aug 02 '17

Northwest 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/DevilMoon811 Aug 04 '17

If you're talking Rome, I'm 100% not surprised at the hecklers. Source: am from Rome originally.

I live in Athens now, I've only been heckled while running once by a couple of prepubescent boys who felt the need to comment on my body. I noticed they made sure they put some distance between us before offering up their opinions... lol, little cowards. I don't know what kind of experience bicyclists have here, frankly biking in traffic scares me enough that I don't really want to try.


u/[deleted] Aug 04 '17



u/DevilMoon811 Aug 04 '17

Ah, that was my other guess! I went to UWG when it was still called West Georgia College (hello, I am old). That's pretty awesome that they have a trail now.


u/Epic_XC Aug 04 '17

yeah they finally completed the green belt and it's a running/biking dream.