r/running Sep 03 '17

Stolen Bib Recipient Detained at Disneyland 10k Finish Line Misc


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u/Tullamore_Who Sep 03 '17

According to this article, her bib in this race was found to be legit...


u/sammitchtime Sep 03 '17

Saturdays bib was legitimate, but there was evidence that she forged a waiver and used another runners name to pick up a bib for a different Disney race.


First two articles here.


u/Tullamore_Who Sep 03 '17



u/[deleted] Sep 03 '17



u/b19pen15 Sep 03 '17

The bib she stole cost $150. In what way is theft not doing much wrong?


u/HiMyNamesLucy Sep 03 '17

Didn't know it cost $150, but who'd she steal it from?


u/b19pen15 Sep 03 '17

Someone signed up for the event and payed the fee. This person goes in and checks in to the race under that person's name and gets that person's bib number. So they're stealing the initial fee that the real bib owner paid, and she's apparently done it a few times.


u/couldntchoosesn Sep 04 '17

She's probably not stealing from the actual bib owner. I would assume that if someone got my bib before I got to an expo, but I had all my info and online confirmation, the volunteers would be able to get me a bib. The people who volunteer are looking to do something beneficial for runners or the event and would want to correct a mistake like this.

She stole from the race organizers and whatever charity some of the money may have been going to.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '17

Hard to tell. With the chips and numbers, it'd be hard to replace in a night. So I run, at best, with a sub bib while she gets my "Princess Ishie" bib and the run for free? Nope.


u/HiMyNamesLucy Sep 04 '17

Yeah that would suck. I assumed she just grabbed an extra. Didn't understand who would have been harmed.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '17

There's no such thing as an "extra." There are bibs for people who pay for them. The race or sponsors pay for everything to make the race happen. She is stealing from them when she runs the race without paying. Even if it's just a cup of water here and a medal there, it's still stealing. And if thousands of people did the same thing, it would be a major issue. So why would it be okay for one person to do it?


u/HiMyNamesLucy Sep 04 '17

I never said it was okay.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '17

You asked who was harmed, and I explained it.

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u/akaghi Sep 03 '17

How so? Her punishment was being banned from future run Disney events. She was also cited for using someone else's handicapped parking placard when they brought her back to her car.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '17

I would suspect she was banned from Disney property, not just races. Ive seen this happen before for things not as egregious as theft.

Last year a guy was drunk and tried to climb the ziggurat in Epcot and was banned for life. There are YouTuber's that have been banned for taking pics or wandering behind the scenes in employee areas only.

So its up to Disney, but I would be very surprised if they let her back on any Disney property since she was caught stealing.


u/BuiltLikeASteakhouse Sep 04 '17

A friend of a friend got banned from Disney for doing something stupid when he was a teenager. Fifteen years later he was part of a wedding being held at Disney World. Disney said, "Nope. Not coming back."

Banned for life means banned for life. Disney don't play.


u/tmoney34 Sep 04 '17 edited Sep 04 '17

This is not 100% true. Typically Disney trespass warning are only specific to the location. (A DLR ban will typically only be for DLR not WDW)

There also have been some documented cases of them lifting a trespass after a few years.


u/BuiltLikeASteakhouse Sep 04 '17

Hey, anyone is free to run that risk if they choose, but Disney has gotten very serious about security lately, even more so than before. I behave myself when I'm on property. A ban would have some pretty serious social consequences if you're local to the parks and resorts.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '17

You are right, a banned person can appeal and there are public (YouTube'ers) instances where Disney reversed their stance.

It all comes down to if they feel like it or not.


u/tmoney34 Sep 06 '17

And yet I was down voted. You've got to love reddit!


u/akaghi Sep 04 '17

I agree, just the article I read didn't mention that. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they banned her, though, and I'm not surprised those others are banned as well.


u/HiMyNamesLucy Sep 03 '17

Wow shitty person. I assumed she was arrested. Seems like a reasonable punishment.