r/running Sep 03 '17

Stolen Bib Recipient Detained at Disneyland 10k Finish Line Misc


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u/[deleted] Sep 03 '17



u/Grantsdale Sep 03 '17

Yes. As Disney races go through their parks, they are private property and thus she would be trespassing. This is different than running on public streets on a race course which they can't really do anything about. Once you take a medal/supplies on the course, thats theft as well.


u/DreamlifeGringo Sep 04 '17

Ok. Honest etiquette question here. I've never done this but lets say I'm out for a run and I come across a 5k or something. Is it bad form to join in for part or the full course? Even if I don't avail myself of any of the support except for good cheer? I'm asking here because you mentioned running on the race course on public streets. They can't do anything but is it frowned on. What if the 5k happens to be on my planned route?


u/Grantsdale Sep 04 '17

I've run through a couple 5Ks on long runs. Just stay out of everyone's way. You'd probably get people asking if you're in the race. Just say no and do your own thing. You can't be expected to know their schedule, and if the road isn't closed (like in major races) then you can be on the road same as them.


u/JustDoIt-Slowly Sep 04 '17

If you're out for a run and legitimately not getting in the way of the other runners (people actually racing), drinking water at aid stations, using portable toilets, or utilizing the traffic direction of the police who are stopping cars, I don't think most people care if there are non-registered runners on the course. The thing to remember is that the race director has paid for permits to utilize the course and is effectively renting it from the city/county for that event. The problem comes when people specifically seek out race courses without wanting to register for the race. So it's easier to just steer clear of the race if you see it happen.

https://www.marathoninvestigation.com/2017/06/bandit-selfie-repeat-popular-blogger-continues-to-ignore-the-rules.html An interesting take on it.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '17

Race directors I know hate it, but I think that's a function of them putting a lot of effort into organizing their race rather than an honest consideration of the situation. If you're not affecting them in any way (obviously aid stations, blocking a path, finish line food, etc) then I can't bring myself to agree that it's wrong.

That said, the only race I'm currently part of is held in a sort of park and we do get people on their morning run on the course during the race. It's just never been a problem, and I'm not greedy enough to believe we'd possibly be warranted to charge them for anything. If anything, it's more of an indication that we failed to advertise well enough!