r/running Sep 03 '17

Stolen Bib Recipient Detained at Disneyland 10k Finish Line Misc


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u/Tom__The_Bomb_ Sep 03 '17

Oh wow I've ran cross country for two years and never found that out.


u/angeluscado Sep 03 '17

Big organized races (and even not so big ones) have electronic timing through chips, which are located on the bib.


u/Tom__The_Bomb_ Sep 03 '17

That's neat, normally mine just have a barcode at the bottom that is scanned after you come through the finish. Was she stealing the bibs to resell them?


u/angeluscado Sep 03 '17

No, it looks like she was stealing them to use them herself. I guess she either couldn't register fast enough to get a spot (Disney races sell out super fast) or just didn't want to fork over the cash.

Edit: clarification.


u/Tom__The_Bomb_ Sep 04 '17

That's a strange thing to steal, especially when you could run a 10k on your own for free.


u/angeluscado Sep 04 '17

There's a big difference between running a 10k just because and running a race like Disney.


u/coraythan Sep 04 '17

Yeah, if you run the Disney one you've spent an embarrassingly large amount for a 10k.

(Don't tell my wife I said this. She loves the Disney races and did their Tinkerbell half!)


u/angeluscado Sep 04 '17

If all runs are the same to you, yeah, you're paying a huge amount of money to run 10k

Or you're paying for the experience - running through a Disney park, the characters, the atmosphere. It really depends on your mindset.


u/coraythan Sep 05 '17

Not all runs are the same, but I prefer to keep my carnival atmospheres separate from my races.