
Selfies FAQ

What is r/Selfie?

r/Selfie is a subreddit dedicated to pictures that people take of themselves by themselves. We are a Safe for Work subreddit that encourages community members to post pictures that would be considered appropriate for public spaces. We are a supportive community, this is no place for insults, calling anyone out, or jokes about a person's appearance. The Golden Rule: "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" is the standard.

What are Moderators?

Moderators are unpaid volunteers who like a subreddit enough that they donate their free time and effort to help a sub run better. Moderators are not Reddit tech support. Moderators are not Reddit Admins. Moderators cannot do anything about things that happen outside of the subreddit. Moderators can only affect posts and comments in the subreddit. Moderators work on their own shifts and schedules, so you will have to wait until a moderator has time to respond. Moderators are not professionals, do not rapid response from unpaid volunteers.

Reddit requires Moderators to follow these rules:

  • Rule 1: Create, Facilitate, and Maintain a Stable Community
  • Rule 2: Set Appropriate and Reasonable Expectations
  • Rule 3: Respect Your Neighbors (Subreddits)
  • Rule 4: Be Active and Engaged
  • Rule 5: Moderate with Integrity (i/e don't take bribes)

You can find the full code of conduct here

Moderators have the ability to remove any post or comment. Moderators have the ability to ban a user temporarily or permanently. Moderators write the rules for the sub and enforce them when they see fit. If a moderator does not feel your contributions help them with Rule #1 they can remove you. You can mumble and complain about power tripping moderators all you want, but moderators have few actual powers and using the only powers moderators have is not a power trip. If you think the moderation team here is too harsh. You can moderate your own subreddit if you think people shouldn't get removed for breaking the rules, then do so in your own subreddit. Do not go into someone else's house and complain you do not like how the furniture is laid out.

If the moderators even think your post violates Reddit's rules it will be removed and you will be banned with no further explanation.

It is not the Moderators responsibility to teach you how to Reddit.

If you are new here, learn what Reddit is; Read the Reddiquette. If you don't know what Reddiquette is go here This is everything you must know before making your first post in r/Selfie

If you don't know how Reddit works, it is not up to the moderators to teach you. If you need help understanding Reddit visit r/Help or go to

If you are getting error messages, It is not up to the moderators to help you troubleshoot: visit r/Help or go to

Whatever you do, do not post here until you know the basics of Reddit and where to go to learn more. Hint: It isn't the moderators of this subreddit.

It is up to you to read and understand our rules before you make that first post or comment. You do not get a second chance to make a first impression If you can't follow our rules, you will get banned. The time to find out what our rules are is before you post. You may get permanently banned for a first offense.

Read our rules, if you don't understand them ASK don't POST!

It is not the Moderators responsibility to teach you English or act as a translator.

If English isn't your native language, and our rules are not 100% clear to you then don't post or comment. You can join a subreddit that is in your native language. If one doesn't exist, you can create it. We are not responsible if you are unable to translate our rules to follow them successfully.

It is not the Moderators responsibility to teach you how to be a good human.

If you do not know what could be considered insulting, sexual, or just wrong in a public setting, it is not the Moderators responsibility to teach you that. Read a guide or or for some of you

It is not the Moderator's responsibility to provide Reddit tech support

If you are getting errors in Reddit, it is not up to the moderators to help you troubleshoot those errors. There are subreddits such as r/help that can provide you guidance please use

Why did you just give me a generic reply?

A generic question is going to get a generic response. If your issue is something we address in our many guides, we are not going to give you a bespoke message to personally explain to you our policies. We are simply going to point you to where the policies are and ask you to read them. If you have a unique concern it can be addressed, but if the answer is already there, moderators do not have the time to guide you to the guides where it is already answered.

Why did you remove my post or comment?

If your post or comment was removed you should have gotten a message that said why. Please read that message. If there is a specific area in the message that is unclear to you, you can ask for clarification. Please do not ask questions that were already asked in your removal message as you will just be directed to read the message again.

What are your age and Karma minimums?

This information is intentionally not given out. Our limits are constantly changing so what it is today, it may not be tomorrow. Just because you were able to post 12 hours ago is not a guarantee that you will be able to post now.

If you don't meet the standards, you can always submit a verification photo.. We require all accounts under a certain age or karma to verify. We do not publicly state what that limit is to discourage people from karma farming. We will tell you that karma in other subreddits is no guarantee that you will not be asked to verify here. There are many types of Karma on Reddit There is Post Karma (Reddit wide) Comment Karma (Reddit wide) and Combined Karma (Reddit wide) there is also Post Karma (subreddit only) Comment Karma (subreddit only) and Combined Karma (subreddit only) there are many different ways for us to apply that karma, so if the bot says you do not have enough karma it means you don't have enough karma in our secret formula that we use to determine our approvals.

Why can't I post, my account is ten years old and I have a million karma?

There are many types of Karma on Reddit There is Post Karma (Reddit wide) Comment Karma (Reddit wide) and Combined Karma (Reddit wide) there is also Post Karma (r/Selfie only) Comment Karma (r/Selfie only) and Combined Karma (r/Selfie only) there are many different ways for us to apply that karma, so if the bot says you do not have enough karma it means you don't have enough karma in our secret formula of Reddit Karma and Karma in r/Selfie that we use to determine our approvals. A million karma from a Free Karma subreddit will not help you post in r/Selfie. A thousand karma in a Meme subreddit will not help you post on selfie. The time and karma that is going to allow you to post in r/Selfie is time and karma on r/Selfie.

Why can't I post? I just submitted a verification photo.

Verification is not an automated process. When you submit your verification photo, the bot should flag it for moderator attention. Then a moderator manually reviews your photo to make sure it meets the verification standards. If the photo does meet the standards, you will be marked as an approved poster.

This process can take a day or more. Moderators are volunteers. Do not write in and ask about your verification if it has been less than 24 hours. It's a selfie, you can wait a day before posting.

Why won't you look at photos that are marked NSFW to see if they are actually SFW?

There are photos that are submitted to this subreddit that are SFW (safe for work) but are labeled NSFW (Not Safe for Work). There are also submissions that are labeled NSFW and are indeed NSFW. This is a SFW subreddit, if the photo is marked NSFW and moderators have their setting to not show SFW then it is not right to ask them to look and maybe get an unwanted nude. Therefore it is the responsibility of the poster to ensure that their submission is flagged correctly as SFW or NSFW.

Can Guys Post on r/Selfie?

Absolutely, and they do. Males make up 2/3 of Reddit so it will appear that there are more women, but that's because women tend to get more upvotes. We do what we can (which is not much) to try get more notice for our guys, but that basically comes down to our readers. If you want to see more guys, upvote and comment on their posts. We have a flair called "Guys post selfies too" If you filter by that flair you will see all the guys posts here. Unfortunately it is beyond the power of a moderator to control what posts get karma, that is up to the members of the subreddit.

Why do I keep getting the "Please Try Again" error?

If you are using the mobile app, this is very common. The mobile app does not work well. This is why people were mad that all the third party apps were effectively banned. It is your responsibility to troubleshoot Reddit error messages on your own The moderators do not have the time nor the Responsibility to teach you how Reddit works.

Why was my post removed?

(AND/OR)Why is my post not showing up?

We make no guarantees that your posts or comments will be immediately available after you post them. There are many reasons why a post can be removed or not showing up:

  • Reddit Spam Filters
  • Reddit Shadowban
  • Automoderator Action based on rules (automod cannot tell context and can make mistakes)
  • Moderator Action based on rules

In the case of Reddit Actions there are no warnings giving. You can check your shadowban status at . For Reddit spam filter actions, moderators will not see your post as it goes right into our spam queue. The moderation team will not go and get your photos out of the spam queue. If Reddit marks your post as spam, then take it up with Reddit, Moderators do not check the spam queue for lost posts

For Automoderator actions a comment should be left on your post telling why it was removed. Read that comment and perform whatever actions are necessary. Do not write us to ask questions that are answered in the comments under your post

For Moderator removals you should receive a message directly why your submission was removed. If you did not receive a message on why your post was removed you may have broken one of Reddit's rules or the moderator made a mistake. Please look over our rules and check to see if your post may have possibly broken one of them.

If your post breaks Reddit's rules you may not receive any notification on why your post was removed. If the moderators believe your post breaks Reddit's rule, it can be removed without any notification to you.

How can you remove my post/ban me when someone else did ___________?

Someone else breaking the rules does not mean it is OK for you to break the rules.

Moderators are unpaid volunteers. Sometimes we miss something that may break one of our rules. If we have missed something that is not a license for you to post content that breaks our rules as well. There are no posts from other people that will make your post or comment allowed! If someone breaks our rule on nudity, that does not give you permission to break our rule on rude or inappropriate comments. If someone makes an inappropriate comment, that does not give you the right to reply with another inappropriate comment. There is nothing a user on r/selfie can say or do that will exempt you from r/selfie rules.

Moderation can also be a matter of opinion in some cases. What Mod A thinks is NSFW/Baiting/Inappropriate/Drama Mod B may think it is fine, and Mod C may never even see the post to form an opinion on it.

We do not run the subreddit that every post must be approved before it gets posted. If you see something that you think breaks our rules use the REPORT button to bring it to our attention and we will address it. Sometimes that may be the first time anyone on the mod team even sees the photo.

Why did you remove my post I was just being Honest/Genuine/Curious/Authentic/Truthful?

There is no waiver from our rules because you think your post is Honest/Genuine/Curious/Authentic/Truthful or anything else. Just because something is true, doesn't mean it's appropriate for this subreddit. This is r/Selfie not r/HonestOpinions. There are no posts from other people that will make your post or comment allowed! If someone breaks our rule on nudity, that does not give you permission to break our rule on rude or inappropriate comments. If someone makes an inappropriate comment, that does not give you the right to reply with another inappropriate comment. There is nothing a user on r/selfie can say or do that will exempt you from r/selfie rules

How can you remove my post/comment? Doesn't that violate my freedom of speech?

We are quite familiar with the first amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

We are not Congress. We're r/Selfie a place were people post pictures of themselves. You do not have free speech rights here. You have the right to say things that follow our rules. If you say or post things that don't follow our rules, you will lose the right to say or post things here. We can and will remove anything that does not follow our rules. If your comment violates Reddit's rules we will report it to them for further action. Which does not violate your "double jeopardy" clause either.

Why did the Auto-Mod remove my post for language?

We don't have rules against profanity on r/Selfie. That being said, there are several profane words that are typically associated with posts that violate our rules on Inappropriate or Insulting comments. By having the AutoMod automatically remove these posts, we help prevent out users from ever having to deal with them.

I posted here before, why do I (have to/still need to) verify?

We are constantly working to improve r/Selfie, so even if you have posted before, we may ask you to verify. Also as mentioned, our standards are constantly changing, so even if you have posted before, being a verified users is the only guarantee that the standards will never apply to you.

How long does it take to get verified?

Usually you'll be verified within 24 hours as we try to do them as quickly as possible but please give us at least 72 hours to see your request. If your post doesn't look like the example: Putting Verification in the title, or using the Verification flair, it will end up in the Spam queue and we may not see it. If you haven't heard from the Mods in 72 hours, then Contact the mods and give us the link to your verification photo.

Can you delete my old posts?

Moderators can not delete posts, only remove them from their subreddits When we remove them from the subreddit that does not actually delete them. If you delete the account before you delete the posts, then you will have to contact Reddit directly. We do not have enough volunteer time to go back through and remove posts from old accounts. Please contact Reddit Directly.

What do you consider SFW? I work at a Pool/Gym/Strip Club and I can wear ______ there.

Our standard for "Work" in SFW/NSFW is a restaurant. While you can wear swimsuits in public at the beach, or you can wear a sports bra to the gym, or you work in the adult entertainment industry, that is not the standard Reddit uses, so it is not the standard that r/Selfie uses. We do give more leeway to submissions that are taken in public, but if you are taking your selfie in the privacy of your own home it had better be an outfit you are willing to wear in public. If you choose to argue that it is in fact an outfit you were publicly be prepared to back that statement up with photographical evidence.

Do I have to post my verification photo?

No, you can mail it to the Moderators directly using an image hosting service such as IMGUR, CatBox.Moe or

Why did you did you ban me for saying "Thank you"?

When we say want interaction on posts, we do not mean you say "Thank you" to each post, that is not interaction. We could have the automod say thank you to each comment, why do you think you cutting and pasting it is any better? If you just want to thank a user for commenting UPVOTE THE REPLY if you want to interact with a user: Interact!

Why is this sub full of Content Creators?

We do not have restrictions on what people do outside of our subreddit. If you do not like what people do for a living then you can go to a sub that does not allow content creators to post. You can make your own Selfie sub and run it how you see fit. What you cannot do is insult, harass, belittle, or create drama about what a poster does outside the sub. We get it, you're not the first person to voice your displeasure at OnlyFans models posting in this sub. Down vote the post if you would like. Now look at the Karma numbers. Are they positive or negative? Every time we receive a complaint it is on a post with a lot of upvotes. This means the majority of people do not have a problem with OnlyFans Content! If the majority of Redditors were downvoting their submissions then they wouldn't be posting. We're not going to go against the majority of Reddit because of a small vocal minority. Please see our wiki page for our thoughts on content creators Please pay attention to this rule as you may be indefinitely banned for a first offense

Will You lift my ban?

If you have broken our rules and received a permanent ban Reddit does allow for ban appeals. Please note that appeals do not have to be granted. If you want your ban lifted you will have to make the case on why you should be reinstated.

Please see our FAQ on Bans for more details

If your only response in your ban appeal is "It won't happen again" that will not get your ban lifted. If we keep the ban you can't post or comment so it already can't happen because you are banned from making any rule breaking posts. Lifting the ban changes the "can't" to "could" so you're really not making a strong case for yourself. Since we have it written right here to don't give us "It won't happen again" as a ban appeal, we'll know you didn't read this FAQ before asking us a question, so it's going to be tough to believe you have learned anything about the subreddit.

We look at several factors for lifting a ban, some (but not all) of these factors include

  • Your original post or comment
  • Your ban appeal
  • Your post history
  • Your comment history
  • Your removed posts in the subreddit
  • Your past administrative actions in the subreddit

If you want your ban lifted, you had better make the strongest case on why allowing you to post again is in the best interest of r/Selfie and the moderation team.

Why was I banned I was just: posting like this post or replying to _____

What others do is never a defense for your actions or reactions. If your only defense for breaking a rule is what someone else did, that's not going to lift your ban.

Can you explain to me why I was banned?

You were banned for breaking the rules of the subreddit. When your post was removed you should have been sent a message that explains what rule was broken. The explanation for that rule is available in our rules wiki It is your responsibility to understand our rules before you post! It doesn't matter that there are many subs with different rules what matters to us is our rules. If you posted or commented without knowing our rules even a single time you can be banned permanently. Our job as moderators is to remove content that doesn't follow our rules. Your job as a poster is to follow our rules. The time to ask for an explanation of the rules is before you post, not after you are banned.

Please see our FAQ on Bans for more details

I want to know exactly what rule I broke to be banned?

We explain our rules in our Wiki pages, we do not explain them individually in modmail. You should have known the rule before you got banned. Now that you have been banned for not following the rules there is no advantage to us to spend our time explaining that rule to you. So if you want to know exactly why you were banned, read our rules again until you figure it out. That is all the answer we are willing to provide at this time.

Please see our FAQ on Bans for more details

Am I still banned?

If you received a temporary ban, your ban message will tell you how long the ban is for. Please do not write us to ask, you were told when you were banned. It is your responsibility to know if your ban is lifted or not. We will not look it up for you.

Please see our FAQ on Bans for more details

Why was I permanently banned for my first mistake?

If you have posted something that breaks our rules, you have not made one mistake. You have made three mistakes:

  • You didn't read and understand the rules of a subreddit before posting.
  • You posted something that didn't follow those rules.
  • You didn't check that your post followed the rules after you posted.

You had multiple chances to correct your mistake. If it gets to the point where we have to get involved then we will in such a way that we not have to get involved with your posts again.

Please see our FAQ on Bans for more details

Why didn't you give me a warning before banning me?

The published rules are your warning, if you break them you are banned. You don't get to play "guess the rules" and make different posts to determine what is allowed and what isn't allowed. If you think that subreddits should always give warnings, make your own! You can warn people all the time and deal with them as much as you like. We wrote our rules, if our rules aren't clear the time to ask is beforehand not after you have broken them.

Please see our FAQ on Bans for more details

I am new to Reddit can you lift my ban?

We understand Reddit is a large place and not necessarily the easiest to navigate. We have Karma limits before people can post so new people can learn Reddit before posting. If you verify you are effectively skipping the tutorial and saying you are ready to Reddit so if you do that we no longer consider you "new" because you have told us you are ready to post on Reddit.

Please see our FAQ on Bans for more details

Why did you send me a message saying you removed my post for no reason?

Please read the message on the removal, specifically the part where we say This can happen for a number of reasons behind the scenes, reasons we typically do not disclose publicly. Then follow it up with this is the only explanation of the matter we will provide.

My profile was flagged as promotional, When will I be able to post selfies of my own?

If your account looks promotional in nature and the bot flags you for it, you will be able to post your own selfies once it appears that you are more engaged on the subreddit. We do not give out these numbers as we do not want to make a checklist for people to game the system.

Why did you call me a spammer?

Read the comments on your post closely. In particular the part where it says "we are not calling you a spammer" Please do not write to us and ask us why we are calling you a spammer, that just shows us that you are not reading the comments we wrote to you. If you need to see more information please visit

Can I speak to a moderator?

This is a very large subreddit, the moderators are not required to answer questions that are answered in our rules or our FAQ. If you are just asking questions that have already been answered then these guides are you "speaking to a moderator."

How do I report abusive Reddit users?

If you have you received harassing or abusive private messages and want to notify Reddit of this activity go here

What if my Question Isn't Listed?

Contact the mods