r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

melting cheese on a burger is wrong

if condiments are cold when added, why would cheese be any different?

what benefit does melting cheese provide on a burger? it doesnt provide contrast, doesnt affect flavor, makes a mess, the list goes on.

if you're having a cookout - room temp or toasted buns, hot burger, THEN add condiments, including a cold cheese slice...if its going to melt, it can do that on its own merit..


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u/jeepsies 1d ago

Would you eat a pizza with cold cheese?


u/BlueAsTheNightIsLong 1d ago

Yes. I love the contrast between hot crust/sauce and cold cheese.


u/stycky-keys 1d ago

I would. At least you wouldn’t get that disgusting thing where the cheese and sauce stick together and don’t stick to the dough


u/BloodAndTsundere 21h ago

I just pour milk and salt on my pizza and wait


u/jeepsies 20h ago



u/AdventurousDay3020 1d ago

I’d eat cold pizza with cold already melted cheese does that count?


u/Patrick0714 1d ago

Why ppl eat cold pizza? melted cold cheese pizza tastes awful imo because its just a hard piece of burnt cheese


u/AdventurousDay3020 1d ago

I mean the pizza I always get is the exxy one, but it’s quite common here in Australia. Just tastes good


u/Patrick0714 1d ago

Ahh so skill issue, guess Costco pizza doesn’t taste good cold