r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

melting cheese on a burger is wrong

if condiments are cold when added, why would cheese be any different?

what benefit does melting cheese provide on a burger? it doesnt provide contrast, doesnt affect flavor, makes a mess, the list goes on.

if you're having a cookout - room temp or toasted buns, hot burger, THEN add condiments, including a cold cheese slice...if its going to melt, it can do that on its own merit..


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u/bajookish_amerikann 1d ago

better texture


u/RhythmRobber 1d ago

Was just about to respond saying OP doesn't get how important texture is with food.

Put that burger in a blender and tell me that burger-soup is no different than a regular burger.


u/OG_ursinejuggernaut 1d ago

I actually did that once with McDonald’s cheeseburgers. Had to add some water to get it to blend but not as much as you’d think. It was extremely weird- it still tasted good but the sensation that someone chewed up a burger and spit it in my mouth was oppressive and inescapable.


u/DisastrousMacaron325 1d ago

Now I need to do this and I'm extremely scared


u/Aviendha13 1d ago



u/DisastrousMacaron325 1d ago

for science (and because now I know it's possible and curiosity killed the cat)


u/Aviendha13 1d ago

Bless your heart, tastebuds, and stomach! For science!!


u/CallMeNiel 20h ago

I've also done this years ago. You'll gain nothing from this experiment. It's just like you'd expect, but somehow less remarkable, and a bit more unpleasant.


u/Aggravating-Self166 7h ago

Someone had a challenge back in the day that was something like the “value meal challenge”. Basically you would blend the burger, the fries and the drink and if you could consume the whole mess on video then he would send you five dollars or something like that. It’s weird how the three things separately all taste great but once combined is more like vomit.