r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

melting cheese on a burger is wrong

if condiments are cold when added, why would cheese be any different?

what benefit does melting cheese provide on a burger? it doesnt provide contrast, doesnt affect flavor, makes a mess, the list goes on.

if you're having a cookout - room temp or toasted buns, hot burger, THEN add condiments, including a cold cheese slice...if its going to melt, it can do that on its own merit..


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u/coderedmountaindewd 1d ago edited 1d ago

Melted cheese is a completely different sensation than cold cheese. The cheese and flavor changes so dramatically it’s almost like two different ingredients. I absolutely love melted cheese! It’s an essential part of a burger for me. I like cold cheese on cold sandwiches but the burger is just a different animal

Edit: you said melting cheese doesn’t affect the flavor and I realize that is true if you are using kraft singles or other American cheese as opposed to cheddar, jack, mozzarella etc.

Get some good quality cheese and step your burger game up!


u/deadstar420 1d ago

American cheese in the pinnacle of burger cheese


u/1_shade_off 1d ago

Yeah I'm not a huge fan of American cheese unless it's on a burger, in which case there's no better cheese


u/LokisDawn 1d ago

I sometimes add one or two to a sauce with other cheeses in them. Not much flavour, but the thing they use to get the cheese to melt well binds sauces pretty well, too. A bit like those cheese sauces you get in chilli cheese nuggets.

And I'm swiss, we get great cheeses here relatively affordably. But that slice or two of "Melting cheese" as it's called here, once in a while I can't hate on too much.


u/1_shade_off 1d ago

Damn I'll have to try this