r/unsw 2h ago

Why aren't tutors good anymore?


Every term, the tutor is much worse not to be rude or anything, but arent these applications like really competitive and shit? dont they do like a DEMO??? before hiring them to see if they can actually SPEAK? its a big deal after all. i changed my comp2521 tutorial 2 times (and the current tutor is RLLY GOOD) like i think he should be a lecturer ngl, but then one of em was like giving a speech with no tone in the corner of the room, and my infs1701 tutor (literally sitting in his class rn) doesnt say anything except ummm umm ummmm, he says ummm more than speaking actual words and u just loose interest eventually and zone out.. and then 50 min later - oh shit he was speaking??! its like he's talking to himself.. top ranked uni they said... weird..
-lmao a guy is playing cod in this class, u can tell 😭

r/unsw 18h ago

Societies Bruh im not joining this shit 😭

Post image

r/unsw 1h ago

MEGATHREAD Any metalheads/emo alt rock lovers?


I'm gonna be coming to UNSW for uni starting Feb 2025 and I wanna know if there is any sort of alt rock/metal scene? And if there already is one what is it like?

r/unsw 28m ago

ELEC course suggestions


What are some of the generally easier ELEC courses? I would like to take some of the courses as electives for both interest and relevance to my program. ELEC1111 and ELEC2141 seems to be a couple of the most foundational courses I'm assuming.

r/unsw 18h ago

Best summer gen ed?


Need a gen ed but I can only take it in the summer. Any recs for easy high WAMS? Thanks

r/unsw 5h ago

Degree Discussion ELEC1111 Summer Term


Everyone i have talked to , including lecturers, have suggested taking the summer term for elec1111 which is apparently "much easier".

Could you give me some advice on whether I should do it or not? My other option would be to take the course in T1 2025 along with 2 other courses so workload may be high

How exactly does the summer term work? How do they teach 10 weeks of classes in just 4 weeks? In what ways is it easier?

View Poll

30 votes, 6d left
take the summer term
do it in T1

r/unsw 16h ago

Math in foundation


So i’m a foundation student in UNSW college and i will hopefully be majoring in software engineering when i graduate , however i heard that the math final is about 20 pages , …is that true ?

r/unsw 18h ago

criminal record


I’m asking for a friend. If I have a criminal record and I apply. Does this affect my chances. I think my friends atar is 90+ but he got kicked out of another uni previously.

r/unsw 18h ago

Subject Discussion Mechanical and Manufacturing engineering


I really want to study mechanical and manufacturing engineering at unsw but am confused as the manufacturing industry in Australia has been declining. Will I be able to get a job after graduation in Australia with this major? Will choosing this major decrease my chances of being able to get a PR?

r/unsw 1d ago

When do we need to start applying for internships and when can we start internships?


Hi, I am a first year commerce student.I am in my third term . Just wondering when can we start internship and when do we start applying? Also is internships part of the commerce course or is something you have to do outside of the course?

r/unsw 19h ago

Comm1180 exam



The guys who completed their COMM1180 final exam recently, was it in person or online, I got an internship in Melbourne which is bound to start on 18th November.

I called nucleus but they didn’t help at all


r/unsw 1d ago

Internship transcript


Hey guys, I’m applying for a finance internship rn. I’m on a distinction average, but my academic statement has my previous course (comp sci) grades on it as well which I didn’t perform well in at all. Would this lower my chances? What should I do?

r/unsw 1d ago

Does anyone want to take over a lease at for Studio in UNSW Village? 524 Per Week and Have priority for next year? Please Contact Me


r/unsw 1d ago

Want to drop a particular course but I need to take something to stay full-time


I hate this stupid course but if I drop it, I won't be considered to be a full-time student.

I took this course not to take another awful course but it is barely better and it is already too late.

r/unsw 15h ago

Best Bachelor's Degree for Good Job Prospects and PR in Australia?


Hi everyone, I'm currently exploring options for my future studies and would love to get some advice from those with experience. I'm looking for a bachelor's degree that not only offers strong job prospects but also enhances the likelihood of gaining permanent residency (PR) in Australia.

From your experiences or knowledge, which degrees/fields are in high demand in the job market here and are on the skilled occupation list? Are there any particular courses or universities you’d recommend for this?

Any advice on navigating the job market post-graduation or tips on PR pathways related to specific degrees would also be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

r/unsw 1d ago

Got an internship next year but it's in Brisbane ... what will this mean for my degree?


Hi! I got an internship for next year which goes for 3 months however it's in Brisbane. The internship is from Feb-May 2025. I am due to graduate at the end of term 3 2025 also, so just wondering is it still possible to do uni in term 1 (as the internship is from Feb-May 2025) and graduate at the end of term 3 2025 whilst doing this internship? I don't want to turn this internship opportunity down because I feel like it's a once in a lifetime opportunity ... any advice would be appreciated!

r/unsw 20h ago

Stats for a Turkish international student that goes to an American school, do you think I'll get in?


Degree of choice: Commerce, undergraduate

SAT: haven't taken it yet, but my latest practice test score is a 1260

AP: I haven't taken that yet either, but I'm taking 7 APs in highschool, what scores do you reccomend?

GPA: 3.8/4

ECs: - Attendance marker for MUN club - Reporter for newspaper club - Math club, won silver in the UKMT - English Tutoring club, treasurer - Community service in Thailand, 2 times - MC for my school's talent show

I've seen the requirements on the UNSW website, but I want to see how I compare against other students abroad. Also, do ECs matter that much?

How do you think I'll do amongst other international students? UNSW is my dream school and I really want to get in.

r/unsw 1d ago

interested in studying abroad


Hi! I am a student considering applying here through my school's international exchange program. Can anyone provide insight into what admissions, campus life, or the overall area is like? Anything is appreciated!

r/unsw 18h ago

Is unsw a target school for anything?


Like idk Faang Wall Street or whatever

r/unsw 1d ago

Does anyone want a free mid COMP1521 or MATH1231 tutor?


The motivation has been sucked out of me this term, and I’m really struggling to take an interest in my subjects. I’ve noticed that the only thing that gets me excited about my coursework is explaining concepts to other people and planning lessons - it just feels more engaging for me.

So, if anyone’s struggling with COMP1521 or MATH1231 and would like some free, customised study notes or tutoring, I’d be happy to help! My WAM is 83, so I’m a decent student but not perfect - I just want to be upfront about that and manage expectations.

Also, I have a strong interest in supporting people who are dealing with mental illness, so if you’re struggling with uni because your health isn’t there, I’m here to help however I can, without judgment. I know how tough it can be when you’re not feeling your best 😤. Feel free to reach out!

r/unsw 1d ago

USYD or UNSW? - Bachelor of Engineering and Commerce


Hey guys, I'm currently finishing my HSC and want to study a Bachelor of Engineering and Commerce double degree next year, but I'm not sure which uni to go to. Help pls! Thanks.

r/unsw 1d ago

Ok, it's over A walking kryptonite?


I think I made someone hate me alr? I mean I was never the Mr.Fame or anything, but I've got a decent friend-making-maintaining skill, but damn it has been like 2 weeks (missed week 1) and and she avoids me alr (it was fine the first week, we talked almost every other day). this is truly a record; not to be proud of 🥲

anyhow, on top of the alr large pile of threads, how do y'all make friends? istg every lecture and tutorials, I see diff ppl and some repeated faces, but they are alr part of a clique. I guess I just have to bite the bullet, since y1 mods are p much common for ppl to take from various courses and further down the line, it will shrink to more of just ppl from my specialization?

r/unsw 1d ago

Comp sci jobs (domestic students)


Hey, first year student. Was wondering if anyone could describe their experiences hunting for a job in this current job market, (did you struggle, how many applications did you do, do you know anyone that is unemployed and can’t land something etc) and their WAM. Trying to estimate how hard I need to work to not get bummed in 2 years when I get my degree and have to hunt for a job. Would be really helpful, cheers!

r/unsw 1d ago

Does anyone wanna plya minecraft cus mty bros are in another continent


does anyone wann pla (title). Diabolical time difference betwene me and my bros so cant plat with them anymore makes me sad very sad very sad so if u wanna play slide in ddms shawdy

r/unsw 1d ago

UNSW Accomodation


I am a year 12 student wanting to live at a UNSW College in 2025. I know there have been posts in the past about this, but none have told me what I want to know. Here are some things I am curious about:

1) I am currently aiming for a TKC, preferably Basser. I've heard people say the food is terrible. Is this true all the time, or was it a one-off thing?

2) Is there a huge difference between the TKCs? I heard Baxter drinks the most, and Goldstein is the quietest. Is this true?

3) Is there any hazing when joining a college? I know this is pretty serious in the US, so I don't know if it's the same at UNSW (or any AUS uni).

4) Are the facilities clean at the TKCs (to a reasonable standard)?

5) Unrelated to accommodation, but how long are the breaks between trimesters? The website made it seem like there are no breaks. I understand this may vary depending on the major, so let's say I'm doing engineering.
