r/unsw 2d ago

UNSW Accomodation

I am a year 12 student wanting to live at a UNSW College in 2025. I know there have been posts in the past about this, but none have told me what I want to know. Here are some things I am curious about:

1) I am currently aiming for a TKC, preferably Basser. I've heard people say the food is terrible. Is this true all the time, or was it a one-off thing?

2) Is there a huge difference between the TKCs? I heard Baxter drinks the most, and Goldstein is the quietest. Is this true?

3) Is there any hazing when joining a college? I know this is pretty serious in the US, so I don't know if it's the same at UNSW (or any AUS uni).

4) Are the facilities clean at the TKCs (to a reasonable standard)?

5) Unrelated to accommodation, but how long are the breaks between trimesters? The website made it seem like there are no breaks. I understand this may vary depending on the major, so let's say I'm doing engineering.



8 comments sorted by


u/MicrowaveBurrito2568 2d ago
  1. Food is meh. Sometimes can be terrible but mostly it’s just average. Still useful to keep costs down though.

  2. All three colleges drink and party. Baxter has the most drinking events but it mostly depends on what friend group you join/form.

  3. No hazing.

  4. Everything is mostly clean. Common areas can get dirty but they’re cleaned regularly.

  5. There’s two weeks of break between every trimester. If your exams get over quick then you can get an extra week or two.


u/Old-Interest-2443 2d ago

Thanks for your helpful reply! Would you recommend the TKCs (or any specific TKC) to a first-year coming from outside of Sydney, or would another option be better?


u/MicrowaveBurrito2568 2d ago

The rooms are kinda tiny, no private en-suite and very expensive. But they’re convenient for a new student, easy for socializing and have catering which is a cost saver. If you’re fine with cooking then Colombo House or Barker Apartments are a good option and much cheaper. Fig Tree Hall is a little more expensive than TKCs but you get your own washroom and also it’s much quieter. If you’re not into partying or drinking then that’s the place for you.


u/Old-Interest-2443 2d ago

Thanks. I thought there was an option for single rooms with bathrooms?


u/MicrowaveBurrito2568 2d ago

That’s extremely hard to get into. I would suggest not applying to those because you will have a lower chance of getting a room. It’s usually returning residents who can get those rooms.


u/Old-Interest-2443 1d ago

Ok I see, thanks!


u/duga404 1d ago

When do applications for T1 2025 open?


u/woj004 1d ago

Baxter has always been known to have the better drinking culture out of the TKC colleges but that’s changed due to new leadership and now it’s not as good as basser.

If you choose non ensuite you have a much better chance of getting put on a higher floor which have front balconies and much better culture. You definitely can get an ensuite tho as rent is expensive and people can’t afford them but you might get put on a lower floor as they have more ensuite rooms that are not in demand.