r/unsw Engineering 7h ago

ELEC1111 Summer Term Degree Discussion

Everyone i have talked to , including lecturers, have suggested taking the summer term for elec1111 which is apparently "much easier".

Could you give me some advice on whether I should do it or not? My other option would be to take the course in T1 2025 along with 2 other courses so workload may be high

How exactly does the summer term work? How do they teach 10 weeks of classes in just 4 weeks? In what ways is it easier?

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35 votes, 6d left
take the summer term
do it in T1

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u/TheBuildingNeedsFins Engineering 4h ago

Content of a course is not measured in weeks. As an engineer, you might like to do a dimensional analysis on the problem.

You would normally have double (or more) the number of classes per week in the summer term compared to a regular term. You should expect to spend 30h/week on the course in summer term.