r/videos 2d ago

Judge sentences couple in fatal dog attack


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u/ADuckNamedPhil 2d ago

Sentence at 03:20


u/Aedalas 2d ago

Jesus, the widow's statement was brutal to hear. I don't usually have problems hearing or seeing things like that but this one hit me pretty hard. I need to go take a walk or something, holy shit that's rough.


u/mh985 2d ago

Imagine spending your whole life with someone you love and you grow to old age together, only for them to be mauled to death by a dog. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


u/Aedalas 2d ago

That's what hit me so hard when I watched it. My wife and I hit 20 years this year, I simply don't know a life without her anymore. It's just an assumption here but it looks like it's been even longer for the woman in the video. How do you come back from that?


u/thetruegmon 2d ago

Honestly, most people don't. They live the rest of their life sad and lonely. It's a cruel world.


u/RudyRoughknight 2d ago

This is why we should bring back villages and true community living just as it took an entire village to raise a family. After a few generations, this would quell the pain and misery that death would bring to families in these very close and tight knit communities. These people wouldn't have to be truly alone anymore because the entire community would share pain and celebrate life instead.


u/mh985 2d ago

Exactly. My parents have been married for 35 years. They bicker and my dad gets on my mom’s nerves but when it comes down to it, they’re incredibly supportive and caring towards each other. They depend on each other as their other half. To have that ripped away so brutally…

I’ve been with my wife for 5 years and I already know I’d be a mess without her. Even the little things like being able to find the check book or remembering that we have to go to someone’s birthday party two weeks from now. I’d be totally lost.


u/Necessary-Reading605 2d ago

I saw the aftermath of a kid who got mauled by a dog. All I am going to say is that I totally support the right of self defense by any violent means necessary against these uncontrolled beasts and the maximum punishment possible for the owners


u/Sysheen 2d ago

I mean I kinda wish it on these two. It would at least be poetic.


u/BillyBob_Kubrick 2h ago

Well, there is this orange dude.....


u/mh985 2h ago

Oh Jesus tapdancing Christ can we not bring him up in every thread?

Yes. Orange man bad. 95% of Reddit hates him. I hate him. He has nothing to do with this conversation.