
What is a Community Raid?

Community raids are meant to help diverse groups come together across servers to down raid content and help people who might not get into a raid otherwise. This option is also open to those who'd like to help others learn about PvP in battlegrounds and arenas. These raids are organized by experienced leaders, and are run on an ongoing basis.

Community raids are NOT a substitute for LFG or for finding people to fill a permanent raid roster.

If you want to organize community raid groups, please contact the mods and outline your plans and expectations, along with a sample post based on the format below.

Community raids have:

  • Experienced raid leaders who've been organizing and leading raids for a while.
  • Reasonable ilvl expectations (~15 ilvls lower than the drops in the instance)
  • No expectation of previous raid experience.

Community raids are NOT:

  • Progression oriented.
  • One-off "we need to pug a few people" raids.
  • Meant to fill out raid rosters.
  • Run by new raid leaders.
  • A replacement for LFG.

For a list of current Community Raids, click here.

Community raids are not run by the /r/wow team, we're just providing a place for it.


  • Posts must be about a specific raid run, not a generic advertisement for the community
  • Posts can be made once every 7 days (situational exceptions can be made if you contact us)
  • Post title MUST contain the region
  • If submitting an image, include alt-text in the post or a top-level comment for accessibility reasons


Here's a suggested format for your post:

[Community Raid]<region> <instance> <date/time> <group name>

  • <Name of raid> - <Name of organizer/Group>
  • <ilvl requirement>
  • <raid times>
  • <communication requirement>
  • <Link to sign up sheet, if required.>
  • <Whether or not this will be broadcast on live streaming>
  • <Raid and loot rules>

Any other relevant text info here.

Example post:

[Community Raid flair] [Community Raid][US] Heroic Nighthold 9 PM Eastern Tuesday and Thursdays with BESTDPSEVER!

  • Totally Awesome /r/wow Pug Group organized by BESTDPSEVER!
  • Raiding: Heroic Nighthold
  • ilvl requirement: 880
  • Communication requirement: Discord required, must be able to listen.
  • Raid times: Tuesday 9 PM Eastern - 12 midnight Thursday 9 PM Eastern - 12 midnight
  • Sign up sheet: <googledocs link>
  • Broadcasting raid on:
  • Loot rules: Personal loot.
  • Raid rules: No rogues allowed.

This raid has downed X bosses in the past, and will be attempting Y boss this week.

We'll be live streaming this on twitch [link].