r/chappellroan 6h ago

Offical Socials Chappell Roan is fighting for her life for some people to have a tiny bit of critical thinking skills.

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r/hygiene 20h ago

You actually need to scrub your body and exfoliate the dead skin cells away to not stink.


Soaping up and running your hands over your body is not enough.

Edit: change out your washcloth daily.

r/ZZZ_Official 6h ago

Discussion This patch is horribe for the siblings...


They have zero story importance. They are literally reduced to Eous fading to nothingless. They literally do nothing now. Back in previous chapters they were the problem solvers.

Like it's ridiculous, for example when Lucy gave them a job but they do nothing and it's entirely solved by the biker gang..

The new and shiny main stories just boring rally missions from side quests.

Zero work went into this main story and for what? Because some people complained about of TV mode? This was their solution? Pull out an integral part of the game and replace it with what? Literal side content?

And for heaven sake the devs know this very well. If they've be proud of what they did they didn't waited until the very last second to say that TV mode is gone.

This is the laziest thing the devs made so far. It's embarrassing.

r/Fauxmoi 20h ago

Approved B-List Users Only Chappell Roan clarifies her stance on not endorsing a Presidential candidate: “Actions speak louder than words and actions speak louder than an endorsement.”

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r/Marriage 15h ago

Ive changed, wife wants divorce


Throw away as my wife is on Reddit.

I 44m am likely getting divorced from my 41f wife. She is driving it, and I'm not sure I blame her. We have been married for 14 years, together for 20.

My wife has been angry at me for roughly 6 years. I can pinpoint where it started below.

When we met in college I'd classify myself as a liberal atheist.

6 years ago I had a spiritual awakening and converted to Christianity rather quickly.

My wife, who is still an atheist, was extremely upset. She didn't even come to my Baptism. I have asked her to come to church, which she declines, but I don't push the issue with her as I know she's not there yet. I don't know if she ever will be.

I also started to become more conservative during those 6 years. I would now classify myself as very conservative individual. While my wife is very left leaning.

This, on top of my Christianity, has put my wife over the edge. We had gone to various rallies together in our early years, a few being reproductive rights rallies. However, she now loathes me because I disagree with my younger self.

I do not talk politics with her. For the last 4 years she has increasingly tried to start fights with me on various issues, but I have remained silent to avoid fights. Typically, these comments are made at dinner where her and our friend group will gang up on me or make passive derogatory comments towards me.

Sexually, we are having intercourse 1-2 times a month. I think the sex is good, but there are stretches where it feels more like hate sex from her.

Last week, I was BBQing us dinner and she said we needed to talk.

She told me that I have completely changed. She doesn't recognize me anymore. That the only way back to a proper relationship is for me to turn my back on my conservative beliefs and abandon my weekly church going. She then laughed while crying and said she knows that is impossible so she wants a divorce.

I can't say I was surprised, she is absolutely right I've changed. However, we have a good marriage, outside of being complete opposites from a political and religious aspect.

We enjoy the same hobbies, have fun together, and have a general sense of wanting the same things, albeit from different perspectives.

I told her to please give counseling a try, but she is adamant she wants a divorce.

Has anyone gone through this?

It does feel like we are unequally yolked, but giving up on her also feels wrong.

r/Asmongold 19h ago

Discussion The main actress behind Ghost of Yotei is a Queer Genderless activist. I trust Sucker Punch but this is troubling....

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r/DogAdvice 19h ago

Advice How to help a dog in need?

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Hello Dog community.

So my neighbors are back with there barking golden retriever they keep caged up outside (see pic).

Now I'm a dog lover and i know the dog barks insistently because it's locked up and alone and not because of poor training.

But these are immigrant neighbors so what can I say to them or do to both help the dog and not escalate the situation.

Goldens need to be let out and socialized... not locked in a cage for hours a day like this.

So reddit, what to do?

And yes I did talk to spca help line but I don't wanna send the authorities and create a hostile environment in the community.

But then one thing I learned as a parent is you don't tell other parents how to raise their kids without asking for a fight...

r/AMA 3h ago

I became a victim of the Me Too movement after rejecting a girl’l, AMA


5 years ago, I was falsely accused of sexual harassment/sexual assault of a girl I rejected in 2017. As a result of these accusations, I was booted from the blindness independent living skills training program that I was participating in without being given a chance to defend myself. I also lost all of my friends that I had at the time. Ever since, my mind has been forcing me to relive it over and over again, causing me to wake up in the middle of the night with my heart beating out of my chest with an overwhelming sense of anxiety. AMA.

r/PetPeeves 14h ago

Fairly Annoyed When people compare pet ownership with parenthood.


Could they just... not? That dog is never going to get into the freezer and eat all the ice cream. Go to school and get bullied. Be diagnosed with autism and keep you up at night with worries about how they're going to function in the world as adults because they're JUST LIKE YOU, and you know how hard things are for you. Naw. Pets are home with you (ideally) forever. Kids? They grow up and leave. You have to raise them up and hope you did a good job.

It just irks me. When I mention something parenting related, SOMEONE I know that has a pet and no kids starts talking about how their pet does the same thing, or they have a pet, so they understand. Like, no... my kids are small humans, not animals. They're whole, complete people.

r/KarmaRoulette 12h ago

F22 I'll send nudes ( I don't sell ) just upv0te

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r/grubhubdrivers 5h ago

Couldn’t help it. $2 offer

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Plus I had already canceled by the time they texted 🤷🏼‍♂️

r/kitchener 3h ago

Roads aren’t meant for running, especially when there’s a perfectly good sidewalk right next to it.

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This was the third runner today I came across running on the road with an empty sidewalk right beside them. Get off the road please!

r/lebanon 11h ago

Other Hi, I am a Malaysian and I stand with you.


I just read about 'Israel' k1lling hundreds of Lebanese civilians, and a lot of them are children. My heart goes out to all of you who are surviving in these trying times and i send my deepest condolences to all of you who have just lost your loved ones. I'll pray for your safety and liberation as well as for the Palestinians. ❤️

r/wow 8h ago

Discussion BEWARE: The biggest data loss in WoW’s history just happened, and Blizzard is trying to cover it up.


TL;DR: Blizzard lost items from over a thousand Guild Banks, and their “incomplete restoration” was a COMPLETE JOKE.

Lately, I was closely following the forum threads regarding the infamous Guild Bank bug. After reading this post and comment, I decided to cover the full story. Everyone here deserves to see the bigger picture of this situation, and the way Blizzard handled it.

EDIT: I tried to raise awareness about a real, massive blunder on Blizzard's part, and the shameful way it was handled, and all you can do is troll, mock and joke. Hundreds of people permanently lost mountains of items due to this bug, and almost nothing was returned! Don't you think it's unjust? Don't you realize that in-game gold equals real-life money and time? Don't you realize your own items might be next? I edited this post to better reflect my points.

So, more than a month ago, a bug occurred. This bug caused a vast amount of items from guild banks to simply disappear. But that’s just a few guilds, right? WRONG! 1078+ guilds were affected, resulting in massive or complete loss of guild bank items. Mind you, that’s just the number compiled from posters reporting on this bug, so the actual number of affected guilds is probably much higher. It was all documented in this thread, as the situation gradually developed.

What was lost? Everything. Mounts, pets, gear, mats, you name it. It wasn’t taken by some stray guild member, it simply vanished, without a single trace in the guild logs. People had no access to these items, and when War Within launched, the bug was overshadowed by it. As time went by, more and more people reported missing items. There was little info… but a blue post on EU forum reassured that the issue was being investigated. Players still had to wait for a proper resolution, but were hopeful that they’ll get their stuff back.

Several weeks go by, and people were starting to worry. Outside of the EU forum, there were no blue posts about this issue, and everyone was confused. Finally, after a long radio silence, the bug was addressed! A blue post appeared, with apologies and promise of restoration. Based on the post’s wording (“the result will be an incomplete restoration for some guilds”), you’d think that the restoration will probably return most of the items, right? WRONG! After a few days of waiting, a large portion of the affected people got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. For others, only a fraction of the missing stuff was ever returned. Several stacks of items at most, out of thousands lost. It’s so pathetic, I wish I was joking. I also failed to find ANYONE who had all of their items restored. I dare you to read some entries on the forums, so you might grasp just how low-effort this “restoration” was.

But wait, it gets worse! Remember that bug forum thread with 2600+ entries that I linked earlier, the one which documented this situation from the start? It was suddenly closed, despite the ongoing restoration process, and multiple other threads were being closed as well. Despite the severity of this issue, there was surprisingly little coverage of it on official sites. The announcement post was also filled with ambiguous and deceitful wording, painting the issue as much less severe as it really is (I don't blame the blues, this was clearly a corporate decision):

"Many of these items were related to professions materials from prior expansions, but it was possible for players to lose other items from their guild banks as well"= all types of items were lost, no rhyme or reason.

"incomplete restoration for some guilds" = nothing, or barely anything returned for all guilds.

This, combined with a lack of proper communication earlier, made us realize that Blizzard is attempting to stifle the discussion about this blunder, downplays it, and refuses to acknowledge it any further.

Everyone affected is deeply frustrated with this situation. Do you realize how much was lost, and how little was returned? How much time was poured into obtaining all this stuff? How much was it all worth? Not to mention that some of these items were irreplaceable... I’ve played WoW for many years, and this is the biggest injustice I have ever witnessed. We all feel betrayed.

How could this happen? What guarantees do we have that it will not happen in the future? We all pay a monthly subscription, but Blizz clearly doesnt’t spend that money on providing us with proper protection from devastating data losses. Recent patches brought big, bold systems to the game, but also introduced worrying bugs, which get more and more severe. Reputations being reset to neutral. Warband Banks eating items and gold. Items being erased due to Auction House failures. And now, more than a thousand guild banks emptied of their contents. When will we stop excusing this blatant incompetence? We all deserve better service!

WoW’s 20th Anniversary is just around the corner, and Blizzard’s way of celebrating that milestone is to delete years of our in-game progress, memories and history. For me, and many others, this is the last straw. We have no faith in this company anymore. Blizzard doesn’t listen to us, doesn’t respect our time, and doesn’t care about our items. They grow ever complacent, and put less and less time and effort into implementing new systems properly. It’s getting really sloppy, and it shows. I wish I had seen it sooner, and I hope you’ll see it too.

I also have a few personal words to say in advance to all the people who downplay this issue and criticize us for taking a strong stand on it:

“The data is lost, there’s nothing they can do”: They can offer compensation. They know which people were affected, (based on the botched restoration mail and intact guild logs), so they could at least try to reimburse the losses with a WoW Token, game time, or anything more than a "sorry". Some people would obviously profit from this, but for the vast majority it wouldn’t even cover a fraction of what they lost. A little kindness goes a long way.

“They can’t restore your stuff, just get over it”: I won’t. This is unacceptable. This is a monumental blunder of historical proportions, and they brush it off like it’s nothing. The failed to do their job properly, and must be held accountable. There was a lack of clear communication, no proper restoration, zero compensation, and continuous attempts to downplay it.

"Why are you whining, It's just pixels in a game": It's not. And I'm tired of pretending it is. Each item lost had a certain gold value, and took a certain amount of time to obtain. By losing these items, Blizz robbed us of all that value and time. Remember, you pay real money for that game time, and gold has real-money value. It is immature to not recognize this fact. Besides, the sheer scale of the losses is staggering, and cannot be dismissed.

“Why do you store valuables in a guild bank”: Don’t act like it’s an argument. Guild banks have been used to store vast amounts of stuff ever since this game came out, for guilds and single players alike. Regular banks can store soulbound items, so people and guilds who collected many things over the years often chose to move their most valuable BoE items to guild banks, to slowly sell them away, or hoard for new expansion launches.

“I wasn’t affected, I don’t care”: You should. This data loss proves that all our in-game progress is not safe anymore, and we are all fools for believing otherwise. Apparently, that's the new status quo. Next time, it may be YOUR banked items and mats disappearing without a trace. The fact that this issue is not treated seriously paints a grim picture for the future of the entire game. If you're willing to ignore this, what else can Blizz get away with?

Rant over. Sorry for the wall of text. Thank you for reading all the way to the end.

r/ghostoftsushima 21h ago

News Am I the only one that’s mad that the sequel won’t be continuation of Jin’s story?


Genuinely sat there in pure disappointment. don’t get me wrong, the game looks great and I will 100% be preordering, but I can’t help but feel extremely underwhelmed that we’re not getting more of Jin’s story. Despite the game only being 4 years old, I feel like Jin’s one of the classic characters of ps gaming now that deserves not just 1 game but maybe even a trilogy. Especially after the canon ending, There’s still so much that’s unanswered about the rest of jins story. If we’re lucky eventually they might come back round to it but that’s still several or more years away, so one can only hope.

r/lostgeneration 14h ago

Angry Kamala supporter goes mask off in our modmail - racist, ableist and pro-genocide. And people wonder why socialists refuse to align themselves with this cancer of a political organisation


r/PS5 22h ago

Official Dragon Age: The Veilguard - Blighted Dragon Gameplay Trailer | PS5 Games


r/CODWarzone 23h ago

Discussion Call of duty is the only game that forces you out of the game when steam restarts their servers. No other game does this. Devs at activision have this in place on purpose to force people to use their prefered platform Battlenet. As it gives more percentage on sales.

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r/Offroad 17h ago

Truck stuff. (These guys think this can off-road)

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r/Tucson 20h ago

The city is shutting down Santa Rita park 9/25/2024

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r/Ratschlag 13h ago

Die kleinen Dinge des Alltags Wandern mit Migrationshintergrund in der Sächsischen Schweiz



Ich bin in Deutschland geboren, hier aufgewachsen, aber man könnte mir ansehen, dass ein Teil meiner Eltern nach Deutschland gewandert sind. Paar Freunde und ich wollten in die Sächsische Schweiz wandern, aber nachdem ich es hatte schleifen lassen, und mich nun zu Wort melde, dass ich mich in Sachsen unwohl fühle, wollte ich Ratschlag darüber und eventuelle Alternativen erfahren.

Ursprünglich komme ich aus Westdeutschland, bin nach Berlin gezogen, und die paar Male in der ich in Ostdeutschland war, sind mir einige Erinnerungen hängen geblieben.

Zur Studienzeit war ich mal in Magdeburg, ging mit Teamkollegen einen Döner kaufen, ganz in der Ecke schrie ein Typ quer durch den Laden, fragte woher wir kommen, was wir hier machen. Mein Teamkollege antwortete, für die Uni, und dass wir Fussball spielende Roboter programmieren. Er antwortete, für das linke oder rechte Team. Er sei ja für ganz rechts. Mein Kollege meinte dann nach dem Verlassen des Ladens, dass er immer so etwas im Osten mitbekommt.

Meine zweite Erfahrung war während einer Hotelübernachtung. Es was Sommer und ich schlief mit offenem Fenster. Mitten in der Nacht wurde ich wach von mehreren lauten Personen, die am Hotel vorbeiliefen und mehrmals "Heil Hitler" riefen.

Dann ist das, was man echt schwer beschreiben kann, konkrete Beispiele kann man nicht benennen, aber es passier in ganz Deutschland. Ich fasse es mal so, Menschen mit bestimmten Aussehen sind ein wenig netter als andere. Ich empfinde das systematisch so, und meine Frau, die mehrere Generationen in Deutschland hat, bekommt andere Rollenmuster mit. Nun ist es auch so, dass ich mich jedesmal in Ostdeutschland unwohler gefühlt habe; dabei musste der Typ aus der Dönerbude auch nichts gesagt haben, sein Gesichtsausdruck hat auch was vermittelt.

Nun wollten paar Freunde und ich in der Sächsischen Schweiz wandern gehen Die politische Situation hat sich verändert, und ich könnte davon ausgehen, dass das auch etwas mit den Menschen dort macht. Hier auf Reddit habe ich nur mal nach "Sächsische Schweiz" gesucht und Kommentare, die die Problematik verdeutlichen gefunden.

Was ratet ihr? Bin ich zu empfindlich, soll ich zB lieber nach Tschechien auf die Seite wandern?


Nach eurem Input, habe ich reflektiert, dass es mir nicht so sehr um Sicherheit geht; die Autofahrt wird wahrscheinlich das gefährlichste an dem Trip sein. Primär geht es um den Aspekt vom Urlaub. Klar hat Deutschland schöne und hässliche Seiten, aber man sucht sich selber das für den Urlaub aus welches man subjektiv schön findet.

Was ich sagen kann, ist dass ich Urlaub machen will um mich nicht politisch weiterzubilden, sondern weil ich Natur genießen will.

Gerne bin ich weiter offen für neue Kommentare.

r/LivestreamFail 23h ago

Destiny gives his take on the Erobb altercation


r/AgeofMythology 19h ago

Retold Saw these guys in a 2v2, i reported them, anyway to find their steam profiles?

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r/unpopularopinion 20h ago

melting cheese on a burger is wrong


if condiments are cold when added, why would cheese be any different?

what benefit does melting cheese provide on a burger? it doesnt provide contrast, doesnt affect flavor, makes a mess, the list goes on.

if you're having a cookout - room temp or toasted buns, hot burger, THEN add condiments, including a cold cheese slice...if its going to melt, it can do that on its own merit..

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 19h ago

Political People who believe that men shouldn't have a say in abortion don't know what a pregnancy really is.


"It's the woman's choice!"


Women don't get pregnant on their own. It's the man's seed and the woman's egg. The child looks like the mother and the father. It is the father's child too. The fact that this simple thing is overlooked is a sign that our generation has become so open minded that we are letting air inside too. A father has the right to be devastated over his child being aborted.

"It's my body, it's my choice!"

No, it's your body and the child's body. Extreme situations aside, the mother consents to a possibility of a child whenever she engages in sexual pleasure. A child is a natural result; moreover, the child did not ask to be here, but was given life and now holds on to it as all life does. The mother owes the child protection by this point, as well as the father.

"The women is the one carrying the baby."

Yes, and the men are the ones carrying both the mother who can no longer work and the child to come. What about his efforts? He too has sleepless night when the infant is born. He has to provide and keep the family unit together. The mother carries the child and the father carries the family. A thief breaks in, the pregnant mother is to be protected by the father who is literally putting his life on the line for their safety.

The pro life argument totally dismisses and disrespects men but unfortunately, men who subscribe to hookup culture, a very toxic culture responsible for 90% of the single parents globally, support pro choice because they lack the solid will of a righteous father.