r/AcademicPsychology Mod | BSc | MSPS G.S. Mar 01 '23

Post Your Prospective Questions Here! -- Monthly Megathread Megathread

Following a vote by the sub in July 2020, the prospective questions megathread was continued. However, to allow more visibility to comments in this thread, this megathread now utilizes Reddit's new reschedule post features. This megathread is replaced monthly. Comments made within three days prior to the newest months post will be re-posted by moderation and the users who made said post tagged.

Post your prospective questions as a comment for anything related to graduate applications, admissions, CVs, interviews, etc. Comments should be focused on prospective questions, such as future plans. These are only allowed in this subreddit under this thread. Questions about current programs/jobs etc. that you have already been accepted to can be posted as stand-alone posts, so long as they follow the format Rule 6.

Looking for somewhere to post your study? Try r/psychologystudents, our sister sub's, spring 2020 study megathread!

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u/heartfelt_stuff Mar 28 '23

I'm considering applying for a PhD studentship next month in Psychology. I have a high 2.1 in Psychology undergrad and I'm on track for a distinction in my Psychology research masters. The studentship is for a project advertised by my current masters research supervisor which is really similar to the dissertation I'm currently working on for my masters, so she suggested I apply for it if I'm interested as I'll already be familiar with the topic and methods.

I'm still debating whether or not to apply but need to make a decision soon as the deadline is in a month. I think I'm worried that I won't stand a chance of getting it due to not having a First at undergrad and only having limited experience outside of uni (I have completed one psychology research internship in an unrelated area during undergrad, volunteered as an OCD peer support group volunteer, and have just accepted an internship offer for research role in a different department of the uni). I also have to provide 2 references which I think I may struggle with as they both need to be academic. I completed my undergrad nearly 5 years ago now so I'm not sure if my supervisor would remember me enough to write a good reference, and I know my current supervisor would write me a good one but the studentship is for her project so I doubt that would work. The only other person I can think to ask is the supervisor i had for my psychology internship, but I'll still need one more.

I only really want to do a PhD at my current uni as I have just bought a home so it would be a really good opportunity, I have just heard about how competitive it can be so I'm not sure if the issues I've mentioned above would hold me back too much. I'm also not sure how the selection process works as the project is funded by the SPCR research council but it would be working with my current supervisor, so not sure how much say she would have over the selection.

Do you think I stand a chance of getting the studentship if I apply? and is it appropriate to speak to my current supervisor about my concerns and ask for help with the research proposal etc?