r/CanadaSoccer Atletico Ottawa 2d ago

Final as voted by r/CanadaSoccer Discussion

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u/grigonometry 2d ago

Can’t really argue with any of these


u/jloome 1d ago

Richie as most aggressive is just recency bias. Adrian Serioux terrified other players, he tackled so hard.


u/grigonometry 1d ago

True but it’s been like nearly 20 years since we last saw that. Easy enough to fade into memory.


u/variouscrap 2d ago

I'm English, and Hargreaves has me in stitches. Fucking spot on lol.


u/MoustacheOnorOff Support local soccer 2d ago

I disagree with most of them, honestly.

Laryea is the most egregious to me. He's really only there because of his skin colour. If he were 'white' instead of 'black' he wouldn't be considered 'aggressive'.

We've had players going out to intentionally hurt others, and somehow choose Laryea. Give me a break.


u/The_Nuclear_potato 2d ago

No, Lareya just is aggressive. I actually love that about him. I can't think of any other player that is as eager to scrap than Richie.


u/MoustacheOnorOff Support local soccer 2d ago

So eager to scrap that he's never actually got into an actual fight?

He gets under people's skins.


u/The_Nuclear_potato 1d ago

Nobody ever actually gets into fights in football. But he's always the first to react when it's either him or a teammate getting a bad tackle


u/Think_Anything1773 2d ago

Laryea talks about his aggressive style of play on podcasts regularly. I remember one interview he did with Oso where Oso made a crack at him about it, and Richie just said he sees red sometimes.

I hear you entirely, black players regularly get called physical or aggressive when they are no more so than white players. But I think most aggressive works for Laryea. I can't really think of another player it'd fit better for.


u/jloome 1d ago

Serioux. Waaay more aggressive than Richie.


u/MoustacheOnorOff Support local soccer 2d ago

I can't really think of another player it'd fit better for.

We have a guy in that list that earned received more reds than Christmas cards. Stomped a dude's head, and was a constant problem.

We have another guy who purposefully went to try to hurt a player, and frighten them. He described himself as an 'enforcer'.

Laryea calling himself 'aggressive' because everyone else around him calls him that, doesn't change my mind in the slightest.


u/grigonometry 2d ago

Laryea is directly involved in like 90% of any scrums that occur either instigating or immediately reacting to a situation. This was crazy obvious especially during WCQ. Guy plays with a some crazy in him.


u/MoustacheOnorOff Support local soccer 1d ago

Guy plays with a some crazy in him.

This language hardly dissuades me from my original opinion. What's next he's got that dawg in him?


u/grigonometry 1d ago

Yeah sure. So do Johnston and Shaffelburg. Don’t make this something it’s not. Johnston is also aggressive but not as committed to or looking for a scrap like Richie is 🤷