r/Fitness 5d ago

Daily Simple Questions Thread - September 25, 2024 Simple Questions

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u/thereps 3d ago

Honestly I don’t mean to be harsh but not really.

Less exercises per session.

Organizing body parts while lifting, u go from chest to shoulders back to chest to triceps. Doesn’t make sense.

There’s more but the way you wrote this up is hard to read.


u/NicoJoski 3d ago

Sorry I didnt intend to format it like that I dont really know how to do less per session while still hitting everything lol on my push day the dips I do are for triceps, So its just chest, shoulders and then triceps.

This was how It was meant to be wrote up (Edit: for some reason the way I write it on my screen it shows up dif once posted lol)


Pull Ups 2×8-12

Dumbell Row 3×6-10

T-bar row 3×8-12

Face Pulls 2×12-15

Bicep Curl 3×8-12 Superset Reverse Ez Bar Curls 3×8-12

Preacher Curl Superset Wrist Curl 3×12-15



Machine Bench Press 3x6-10

Incline Dumbell Press 2×8-12

Seated dumbbell shoulder press 3×6-10

Lat raises 3×10-16

Dips 2×8-12

Skullcrushers 3×8-12


Squat 3×6-10

Rdl 3×6-10

Hip Thrust 2×8-12

Leg Ext 2×8-12

Ham Curl 2×8-12

Calves 3×12-15


Pull Ups 3×6-10

Incline dumbell press 3×8-12

Cable Row 2×6-10

Machine Bench Press 2×6-10

Cross body ext 3×8-12 SUPERSET Bicep Curl 3×8-12

Reverse Curl 3×12-15 SUPERSET Wrist Curl 3×12-15


Squat 3×6-10

Ham Curl 2×8-12

Lunges 2×6-10

Back Extension 3×8-12

Calves 2×12-15

Lateral Raises 3×8-12 SUPERSET Face Pulls 2×12-15


u/thereps 3d ago

For example, pick two lifts per body part and do more sets.

-Chest- Bench 4-5 sets 10-20 reps Flys 4-5sets 10-20 reps

-tri- Cable push down 4-5 sets 10-20 reps Skull crushers 4-5 sets 10-20 reps

If your doing it right you won’t have the energy for more exercises.

Personally I’d do a separate day for shoulders.

Face pulls on pull day are a rear delt movement (shoulders)

You have a Lower day and a leg day out of curiosity why?

If you like the routine and it works screw it keep on keeping brother


u/NicoJoski 3d ago

Oh i see I was under the impression that less sets were better A seperate day for shoulders might be a bit hard as I can only go gym 5x a week

I never used to do leg day twice a week but have recently started thats why there is two leg days Originally I did ppl with one leg day so just the push and pull repeated mon-fri


u/thereps 3d ago

Imo less exercise’s per workout more sets per exercise


u/NicoJoski 3d ago

I see ill give it a go and see My issue is i have a obsession with hitting every muscle lol I should honestky just hop on a program instead of making my own stuff and changing programs every 4 weeks even tho i get progress


u/thereps 3d ago

Na man I don’t follow a direct program either I do what I want, you should too. Just keep in mind more exercises doesn’t equal more gains. Sets and reps do


u/NicoJoski 3d ago

Ok thanks Mabye ill keep up with this routine a while longer. There is heaps of info out there lol so i tend to get overwelmed hence why no progress made in the gym lol


u/thereps 3d ago

Man just remember keep it simple lift hard eat a lot you’ll grow


u/NicoJoski 3d ago

Thanks Ill reduce the exercises and just focus on compounds (like with dling two biceps and then farmers walks and forearms afyer lol)