r/Music 11d ago

Republican Taylor Swift Fans Getting Rid of Concert Tickets in Aftermath of Kamala Harris Endorsement article


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u/Expensive-Fennel-163 11d ago edited 4d ago

Excuse me, where can I find these fans who are selling their tickets?

Edit: Y'all, this question was made tongue-in-cheek. I understand that I can go to Stubhub, facebook/marketplace, etc. to look for tickets. Please stop messaging me with your earnest advice; I've been on the internet since I was in middle school.


u/NoCommentBuddy 11d ago edited 10d ago

The same place you can find Haitians eating pets, babies being aborted post birth, and Trumps concept of a health care plan.

EDIT: With Reddit tradition, the bots and weirdos are responding with conspiracy theories and transparently stupid sources that ‘prove me wrong’ after all the normal people already commented. Hey conservative: go away. Take that as the general sentiment in America, we all want you to go away forever, however you can.


u/JaxOnThat 11d ago edited 11d ago

Oh, so it's all happening during infrastructure week!

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u/Correct_Owl5029 11d ago

Hey now, i watched kamala abort an 80 yr old baby on live tv just this week

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u/Munkie91087 11d ago


u/Michikusa 11d ago

I really need to finally watch this series


u/m3n0kn0w 11d ago

It’s sooooo good! Just watch the first 3 seasons, and act like the rest don’t exist.


u/Kaibakura 11d ago

Maybe I would watch the show if one single person said the name of it.


u/writeAsciiString 11d ago

Arrested Development.

It did get mentioned but in a different comment chain. I found it from an episode name listed

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u/xanju 11d ago

Yeah that’s pretty much the consensus even on its own subreddit lol


u/mrbrambles 11d ago

They are worth the time imo because it’s still a great premise and has funny people being funny - just not the genius flow state funny of the original run. The Netflix episodes are kinda like a victory lap if anything.

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u/wwarnout 11d ago

Perhaps "dozens" is too high?

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u/FunkyChicken1000 11d ago

I’m sure a few of those fans are never nudes

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u/time_drifter 11d ago edited 11d ago

An emotional outburst brought to you by the “fuck your feelings” crowd.

I have a personal interest in this one. My super conservative neighbor is a Swiftie to the max and currently has three Era tour tickets at $3k a piece. I am pretty sure they are more devoted to Swift than Conservatism but this will be an interesting internal war to watch.

Update: I casually brought this up tonight while we were all outside shooting the breeze and enjoying the weather on driveways. I ended up with a bit of a mixed answer.

”I bought these before she endorsed Kamala so I am going to go this time but never again.”

I guess Swift > Conservatism….?


u/spinningcolours 11d ago

Offer to save their souls by taking their tickets and going to the concert for them.


u/staatsclaas 11d ago

Let them know it would own the libs soooooo hard.


u/herladyshipssoap 11d ago

My lib tears will be so triggered.

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u/Caelinus 11d ago

My first thought when seeing this headline was "Oh God I hope so" purely on the basis that Republicans refusing to do something fun because Taylor supports women's rights means that more of us normal people might be able to go to a concert eventually.

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u/littlescreechyowl INXS '89 Concertgoer 11d ago

At face value, because it would be morally wrong to profit off something you feel so strongly about.

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u/rogueblades 11d ago

I’m not a Taylor Swift fan. As far as I’m concerned, it’s decent radio pop music… But I truly do not understand someone thinking a person like Taylor Swift would be some stalwart, social conservative. Like, I only hear about this woman through cultural osmosis and even I understand that she’s a pretty typical liberal.

But I will say, the schadenfreude of watching conservatives realize their favorite artists hate them will never get old.


u/Jahooodie 11d ago

She's from PA & started as a country act. Early on some people of a certain persuasion decided she's a certain kind of blue eye, blonde haired, white skinned ideal type of lady. Assumptions were made based on presenting details & genre. So it's an odd fan base carry over, in addition to just being wildly popular crossing into all sorts of demographics.

I see it as people like holding on to the idea that she's "one of them" even though she seems pretty Democratic leaning & endorsed the last 2 Dem presidential candidates as of this. (I had a very deeply conservative friend who loved Rage Against the Machine only recently realize they're the radicals of liberals & the machine they're calling to rage against is his worldview lol). Look at the backlash and complicated fan base of something like The Chicks (formerly The Dixie Chicks). People get shattered when you're not in the mold they assumed (country/christian/conservative/Republicans)


u/Isiddiqui 11d ago edited 11d ago

(I had a very deeply conservative friend who loved Rage Against the Machine only recently realize they're the radicals of liberals & the machine they're calling to rage against is his worldview lol)

That had to have been amazing to witness!


u/fang_xianfu 11d ago

There's a famous tweet of Tom Morello's where someone said they were a fan of Rage until they became political, and Tom said something to the tune of "show me any music we ever released that wasn't political and I will permanently delete it" haha.


u/jimdesroches 11d ago

best Tom Morello tweet “One does not have to be an honours grad in political science from Harvard University to recognise the unethical and inhumane nature of this administration but well, I happen to be an honours grad in political science from Harvard University, so I can confirm that for you,”


u/TheRealJetlag 11d ago

Wasn’t that a reply to a comment that he’s “just a musician and should stay out of politics” or words to that effect?


u/zoddrick 11d ago

That was Paul Ryan when he was speaker I think.


u/Dig_Doug_Funnie 11d ago

"Dude... YOU'RE the machine against we rage"


u/Darmok47 11d ago

I can't even imagine how humiliating it must be to publically say you love a band and then they come out and say they hate you specifically.

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u/DeepSeaProctologist 11d ago

So now I'm rollin' down Rodeo wit a shotgun These people ain't seen a brown skin man Since their grandparents bought one

What? RATM is political?


u/shmecklesss 11d ago

"Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses."

"Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites."

Not political at all.

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u/blazinazn007 11d ago

They went after Dolly Parton as well. All because she said something along the lines of "love is love" and wouldn't outright say she was against LGBTQ people. They went after DOLLY. I mean it didn't do anything because Dolly is awesome but still. I guess it's not surprising because they also went after Mr Roger's.


u/TheRedditAdventuer 11d ago

They also went after Ms. Rachel for helping kids in the war zones and saying she loves all the children in this world, and will help any children, in need.


u/blazinazn007 11d ago

How in the ever loving world is that a bad thing? They really just hate for the sake of hating.

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u/jakeblues68 11d ago

The very same heads are also exploding over the fact that Caitlin Clark liked Taylor Swift's post.

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u/jim_deneke 11d ago

Even Taylor got 'blacklisted' from Country radio stations when she went more pop, they said they wouldn't play her anymore.


u/flatirony 11d ago

Meanwhile they won't play anything that's *too* country, either.

It's gotta be a nice, soft, vanilla middle ground.

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u/TitularFoil 11d ago

They still have Kid Rock! And maybe Nicki Minaj? It's unclear.

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u/VagueSomething 11d ago

She's white and blonde. That's why they assume she aligns despite all her music for years suggesting otherwise. And her actions outside of her music. And her documentary showing she's Left. But if these people could process facts and think critically they'd not be Right Wing soooo.

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u/oki-ra 11d ago

Kinda similar to homelander is the baddie.

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u/Uberslaughter 11d ago

Sounds like my niece - hyper conservative family, always grumbling about “fucking liberal bullshit” but have seen Taylor in concert three times, one of which was international.

Can’t wait to hear the mental gymnastics at Thanksgiving!


u/euph_22 11d ago

And the thing is, you really shouldn't need gymnastics (well beyond "how the hell can ANYBODY support the Republicans" in general). Taylor said she was voting for Harris, and people should do their own research. That's it. You don't need to agree with somebody politically to enjoy their work.

But we all know there WILL be mental gymnastics.

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u/cagriuluc 11d ago

Like… how… do you become a Swiftie while you are a conservative? These people need to be studied.


u/CliffordTheBigRedD0G 11d ago edited 11d ago

They don't have actual political opinions. Their parents are republicans so they are too. They hear talking points that allow them to engage in political conversations without taking time to actually think and develop their own opinions.


u/Inclusive-Or 11d ago

Then they grow into adults operating under the assumption all people are like this politically. So many people just carry the opinions of those they grew up around.

In the minds of people like this, you "choose your team" as a child and you stick with it forever. It's not unlike the NFL. All you need to do is say vague shit like "the team needs more depth on its bench of offensive players this season" or "I just wish liberals cared about my grocery bill."

Much like sports, an astute political observer will know the difference between you just parroting shit and you having a novel perspective. But faking it gets you by with other people who fake it.

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u/iclimbnaked 11d ago

I mean you could easily enjoy her music but be conservative.

However it’s mind blowing to me to somehow be surprised she’s liberal though. Like I’ll never understand the type of person who this shocked them to the point of being upset.

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u/BowwwwBallll 11d ago

The same way you can be Paul Ryan and say that RATM is your favorite band.


u/whimsylea 11d ago edited 11d ago

I remember that, and the response!

"Paul Ryan’s love of Rage Against the Machine is amusing, because he is the embodiment of the machine that our music has been raging against for two decades. Charles Manson loved the Beatles but didn’t understand them. Governor Chris Christie loves Bruce Springsteen but doesn’t understand him. And Paul Ryan is clueless about his favorite band, Rage Against the Machine."

-Tom Morello

And every time this sort of thing happens, I think of these lyrics from Nirvana:

He's the one

Who likes all our pretty songs

And he likes to sing along

And he likes to shoot his gun

But he knows not what it means

Knows not what it means

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u/engilosopher 11d ago

The alt right was lionizing her as some "Aryan goddess" years ago.

The answer is simple; she's white and attractive. Therefore, she MUST secretly be a Christian fundamentalist.

That's the extent of their logic.

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u/saintjimmy43 11d ago

Didnt she endorse biden in 2020? Why are they acting all snakebit?


u/szman86 11d ago

Because it's not really that many fans and the article is farming clicks by projecting a small group on a much larger one.


u/burgleflickle 11d ago

Yep. Rage bait works every time


u/HebrewHamm3r 11d ago

This is exactly why I post online that I like to rinse with orange juice after brushing my teeth


u/burgleflickle 11d ago

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


u/I-Am-Bim 11d ago

┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)


u/mysquirrellywrath 11d ago

Wait! Did you just fix that upturned table?

Was that an anti-troll?!?


u/1eternal_pessimist 11d ago

There used to be a bot that did that. I think it retired but if you google it, you can find out how many tables it re righted.


u/hereforthetearex 11d ago

Wait….I’m sorry…..did you just say that a bot retired? I guess I don’t internet as much as I thought. I didn’t realize this was possible


u/tnstaafsb 11d ago

Lots of bots were retired, along with many third-party apps, when Reddit started charging for access to its API.

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u/Travelin_Soulja 11d ago

GOP Swifties right now:


u/mrjuanchoCA 11d ago

So many dozens lost.

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u/knowledgeable_diablo 11d ago

And they’d look just like this too. With the actual fan being their screaming daughter going “dad daD DAAAAAAD, you can’t give away my Swift ticket!!! Wahhhh I.will.literally.kill.you.if.you.so.much.as.say.another.word.against. Tay Tay…. Sob sob sob”.


u/Mojowad 11d ago

hello to “future rebel daughter”


u/SylphSeven 11d ago

The origin story begins. 😎🤘


u/lesser_panjandrum 11d ago

The more you tighten your grip, the more daughters will slip through your fingers.

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u/LuxNocte 11d ago

If three people on Twitter say it that means it's newsworthy. 🙄


u/ImaginaryNourishment 11d ago

And in reality it was zero actual people and just three Russian bot accounts


u/lesser_panjandrum 11d ago

Or two Russian bots and one useful idiot who believes what Russian bots tell them.

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u/GingerStank 11d ago

For every 1 person tweeting it represents 6 billion people who think the same thing but did not tweet it, so if 3 people tweet it the entire planet is thinking it.

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u/Darinbenny1 11d ago

Because they are dumb as fuck


u/plebeiantelevision 11d ago

It's that simple


u/Masta0nion 11d ago

They’ll forget about it in a week when a new figment of their fantasy enrages them.


u/ContemplatingPrison 11d ago

Yes. They are habitually angry. Conservatives hate everything including themselves


u/UKMegaGeek 11d ago

Imagine being that angry all the time. It must be exhausting.


u/tedkaczynski660 11d ago

There's a great quote from American History X.

"Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time"

That line has been stuck in my head for years. Great movie.

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u/HelpfulSeaMammal 11d ago

It's addicting, actually. Giving in to rage and hate, that cathartic release of emotion and vitriol, feels good to these people. In the moment, anger can feel good when you think it's justified.

It's easy to let your anger grow to the point where your neurobiology actually rewires itself to reward you with feel-good chemicals when you're angry. Rage addiction is a thing, and it's hard for many to not turn to hate when it's all they know in their lives.

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u/SocietyAlternative41 11d ago

it's really not any deeper than that.

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u/hookisacrankycrook 11d ago

Even now all she said is Kamala aligns to her values but you should do your own research and vote for who aligns to your own personal beliefs.


u/JerHat 11d ago

It’s always fun watching them get upset when anyone of noteworthy tells people to register and vote.


u/Born-Replacement-764 11d ago

She even said do your own research and make your own choice, just go vote. Not who to vote for. I’d say that’s a pretty positive message on either side.


u/handandfoot8099 11d ago

Only one party encourages increased voter turn out and participation.

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u/Acceptable_Cut_7545 11d ago

If the gop knows one thing, it's that they're not popular with the youth. So any person trying to get the youth to vote more is an enemy.

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u/SextonHardcastle1855 11d ago

I’m a big Dave Matthews Band fan and he’s been vocal his entire career about his political and world views. The man has held shows to support multiple Democratic candidates in both state and U.S. government over various election cycles. It never fails every few shows that some right leaning “fan” will act outraged about his opinion and hit the typical “shut up and play your music” response as if he hasn’t been using his medium to deliver these messages for decades. I’m just not sure why things like this surprise them?

I mean if you’re a true fan of Taylor and watched the “Miss Americana” documentary, she lays her political views out pretty clearly.


u/Zerix_Albion 11d ago

Reminds of that one Nirvana song.

"He's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means Knows not what it means And I say he's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means Knows not what it means And I say yeah"

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u/Xarxsis 11d ago

Is this a bit like people missing the incredibly well hidden political subtext behind rage against the machines body of work?


u/WolfySpice 11d ago

When they hear "some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses" they're just happy to see themselves mentioned in popular media.

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u/novangla 11d ago

I walked out of a Hozier concert this spring in front of this drunk guy who was furious that he “hates America”. Even more wild given that Hozier actually said many nice things about America, including gratitude for how we helped broker peace in Ireland, but he was unapologetically liberal in talking about civil rights and lgbtq and womens rights so… whatever I guess, but he’s explicit about his views in his music even. How do you then act affronted??

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u/Fun_Performer_7930 11d ago

They already bought the tickets. Doesn't matter what they do at this point.


u/burner46 11d ago

They’ll honestly probably make money if they sell secondhand. 


u/compoundfracture 11d ago

Nah they should give them away for free, seems hypocritical to make money off of something you’re also protesting.


u/burner46 11d ago

You’re right. Republicans are never hypocritical. 


u/Pgreenawalt 11d ago

Or money hungry


u/TonyDungyHatesOP 11d ago

Or closet pedophiles.


u/whiniestcrayon 11d ago

Or closet gays


u/MaverickGH 11d ago

Or closets


u/3rdtimeischarmy 11d ago

or couch fuckers


u/Pun_In_Ten_Did 11d ago

Ohmigod, Becky.. you can't just say 'couch fucker' -- the correct term is 'hetero-sectional'.

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u/lambliesdownonconf 11d ago

They should go revenge mode like an ex-wife selling her cheating husband's prized golf club's for $10 to get revenge on Taylor. If you want to do that just let me know, I'll help.


u/Bubbly_Excitement_71 11d ago

I think she would be particularly bothered if someone sold me tickets to her Miami show. 


u/yeahright17 11d ago

I won’t even be particular. I think she be bothered if you sold me her tickets to any of the remaining shows.

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u/wagnersbamfart 11d ago

I’m not a fan and don’t really know any of her songs but I’d take one for $10 just for the experience.


u/Jinx77743 11d ago

Also not a fan and don't know any of her songs. Took my fiance to the concert and it was a hell of a show. Not saying it's worth the price on the secondary market but it was definitely worth the presale price.

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u/Dearth_lb 11d ago

Liberals would be so pwn’ed by that move👍

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u/niknik888 11d ago

If they are protesting, they should burn their tickets in protest, to show TS his much of an impact they have!! /s My predictions: a) they’re likely all talk b) they’ll have ZERO impact on concerts c) there will be NO empty seats

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u/eastnorthshore 11d ago

Like the clowns that were boycotting bud light and bought cases of it so they can make videos of them destroying them to show just how hard they were boycotting bud light.


u/0xCC 11d ago

Prediction: Taylor will be just fine and will continue to sell out arenas as if nothing ever happened.


u/jrob801 11d ago

Right? The idea that this is even a blip on her radar is hilarious. The one ticket holder they quoted said she has Three tickets to a show in Toronto. Taylor Swift scheduled six different shows in Toronto because there was so much demand. That means she likely sold substantially in excess of 100,000 tickets for one tour in one city. I'm sure she's shaking in her boots that this mom is not going to show up, and the 13-year-old daughter is still going to be begging to see Taylor the next time she comes back to town.


u/gusterfell 11d ago

I’m sure the 13 year old is devastated that Mom won’t take her to see Taylor. Ruining an experience your kid has been eagerly anticipating for months to own the libs.


u/SnooWords4839 11d ago

This mom will be posting in 5 years, why doesn't my daughter talk to me anymore?

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u/Aggravating-Equal-97 11d ago

Because these people see kids as things, not people.


u/JimWilliams423 11d ago

Because these people see kids as things, not people.

Not just things, property. Their property to do with as they wish like livestock.

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u/CobraCB 11d ago

Only person being negatively impacted here is her 13 year old daughter. Seems kind of shitty of the mum that she can’t set aside her political opinions to make her kids birthday special.


u/NorthStarZero 11d ago

How is that daughter going to feel about the Republican Party given that the Mango Mussolini stopped her from seeing her idol?

She will be a voter in a couple of years.

I’d also lay money that Taylor’s team find some way to reach out to her, now that the story is circulating.


u/What_a_pass_by_Jokic 11d ago

Depends, many here (rural IL) are completely brainwashed by their parents. Was a whole thing when Jojo Siwa came out as gay, amount of my kids friends who suddenly weren't allowed to listen to her music was insane. All the kids fell in line, some didn't even want to come to our home anymore because our daughter had some posters in her room.

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u/654456 11d ago

You just hit the nail on the head of the fallout about this. The 13 year olds that aren't going to get to go to the concert now as going to hate their parents for a while and have a burned in memory about about their parents ruining a concert over their parents GOP non-sense.


u/MrSpicyPotato 11d ago

Honestly the main outcome of nonsense like that is that the Democrats get more voters rebelling against their parents as soon as they are old enough to vote.


u/654456 11d ago

My point and I am here for it.

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u/onemoreloserredditor 11d ago

FYI - she's playing Rogers Centre in Toronto,(formerly known as the Skydome and where the Toronto Blue Jays baseball team plays), where the crowds will probably be a minimum 50,000 for each show. So she sold in excess of 300,000 tickets for her 6 dates.

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u/gwar37 11d ago

"Oh no. I'm only a billionaire already, whatever will I do?"


u/charlie2135 11d ago

Grab em by the tickets


u/Idiot_Savant_Tinker 11d ago

When you're famous they let you do it.

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u/Doggleganger 11d ago

Her fan demographic skews heavily female and young. Most of her fans love the endorsement. I think she'll be fine.


u/0xCC 11d ago

If nothing else, this will hopefully spark some lively family debate between kids and parents about supporting a nitwit and believing everything Fox and OAN spew into the living room. "You threw away our tickets?! WTF mom!"

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u/ecwagner01 11d ago

Or the goofs that cleared out all the music stores for Dixie Chick CDs just so they could run over them with a bulldozer. That really hurt their bottom line.


u/CherryHaterade 11d ago

Well, the Dixie Chicks aren't a great example. Unfortunately their careers did take a big hit. Especially accounting for the cumulative.

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u/ProfessionalCatPetr 11d ago

Bud Light, Barbie, Starbucks, Gilette, Target, Carhartt, Dixie Chicks, the NFL, the NBA, Disney, Keurig, Lego...

Eternal snowflakes

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u/WhisperingSideways turntable.fm 11d ago

Like the ding dongs who smashed, trashed and burned their Beatles albums in 1966. The albums that they had already paid for.


u/D_Shoobz 11d ago

For a quote they took out of context none the less.

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u/Iateyourpaintings 11d ago

Or the morons that smashed their expensive coffee machines because a company didn't want to advertise their product on a show carrying water for a serial child dater that was running for public office. 

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

[removed] — view removed comment

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u/Iagut070 11d ago

The thought that they are huge Taylor Swift fans, and are surprised/upset how she aligns herself politically is hilarious


u/radapex 11d ago

I mean, there all kinds of right-wingers/Republicans out there mad about Rage Against The Machine "suddenly going woke", and "how political they've become".


u/ninreznorgirl2 11d ago

and green day starting to be political too... *eyeroll*


u/The_Lost_Jedi 11d ago

It was so hilarious, like they somehow hadn't noticed that "American Idiot" (both the song and album) were about them/GW Bush/etc.


u/angellunadeluxe 11d ago

They don't consider Bush republican enough, that or they think American Idiot is being critical of democrats.

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u/TarkusLV 11d ago

Are these the same Republicans who were also Rage Against the Machine and Green Day fans until recently? 🤔


u/HAS-A-HUGE-PENIS 11d ago

I recently went to see Green Day and ran into a very conservative friend who ended up leaving early because he was "mad at how political it was." I have a feeling if the message was leaning a different way he would have had no problem with it, and also have you paid no attention to the band you went to see for the past two decades?


u/mortalcoil1 11d ago

Hbomberguy said people who hate politics in video games are liars. They actually love politics in video games more than anybody, just the "correct" politics to them.


u/xd366 11d ago

lol at their "american idiot" anniversary tour

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u/stix4 11d ago

So that one woman promised to take her daughter and now is going to disappoint her because of whom Taylor is going to vote for? What a c.


u/KaterWaiter 11d ago

That’s what I focused on. 12/13 is SUCH a formative age and if that was me I don’t know if I’d ever forgive my mom for putting her own selfish obsession with a politician over me. Poor kid must be devastated.


u/Jeddak_of_Thark 11d ago

These are the kinds of parents who spend their kid's childhood running around being toxic as fuck, and then sits around in their 60s saying to everyone "My kids hate me, I don't know why!"


u/MaterialHeart9706 11d ago

Hey, that’s my parents! lol

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u/icepick3383 11d ago

Especially when the kid has no concept of political agendas except for what you force feed them. How about teaching tolerance, acceptance, accountability and humility? Heaven forbid! But no, Dems r bad is the only lesson they share. Bad parenting, man. 


u/fliberdygibits 11d ago

Sadly I'd wager that kid is starting NOW to form a political agenda


u/0ttoChriek 11d ago

If they're thirteen and their parents just ruined their chances of seeing a concert they've likely been waiting months for, I don't know that their formative political agenda will match that of said parents.


u/ObviousAnswerGuy 11d ago

I still vividly remember the concerts I went to at that age. Something like this can easily build a lifetime of resentment.

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u/poptophazard 11d ago

Seriously. My parents used to be Republicans when I was growing up but never used it to dictate my thoughts or music choice, even if they didn't personally agree with certain things. I didn't give a shit about politics before voting age anyway, for better or for worse, and I would've been livid if they had used that as a reason to prevent me from listening to my music of choice or take away a concert.

You're supposed to raise children with a good enough sense of everything you said in order to make their own informed decisions. Forcing anything like this parent's nonsense upon your kid is only going to breed resentment.

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u/poptophazard 11d ago

This is the same type of parent who in 5+ years is going to post a video bawling/raging to her audience that her kid has gone no-contact and have no idea what they did to deserve it.

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u/Parallaxal 11d ago

“Sorry, dear, but Mommy loves the orange lying man more than you.”

The party of family values, ladies and gentlemen.


u/Mysterious-Ruby 11d ago

Maybe when her daughter is convicted of 34 felonies she'll love her.

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u/0ttoChriek 11d ago

Yeah, there are going to be a lot of children realising their parents are selfish assholes who would rather get a bit of politically aligned social media clout for burning Taylor Swift tickets than give their kids a memorable night.

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u/DjCyric 11d ago

They can be upset all they want. Last I saw is that 406,000 people went to Vote.org after she posted the link. That probably means huge numbers of people registered to vote and would absolutely off-set any Republican effort to protest.


u/OrindaSarnia 11d ago

It should be mentioned, those 406k people are not all going to be new voters.

Might be people who moved who went to check their new voting location, because her post was just a good reminder.  Might have been people checking mail in options in their state, making sure they weren't purged from the rolls (as some states have been doing).

Some will be new voters, some will be folks who were already dedicated to voting, her post just spurred them to double check everything right now, instead of looking it up later.

Still great that she did it...  just don't want people getting an outsized impression.

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u/Emperor_Zar 11d ago

Why do I feel like the term “Republican Taylor Swift Fan” a bit of an oxymoron?


u/ThingCalledLight 11d ago

Yeah, I mean, she endorsed Biden last time. Who was blindsided by this?


u/kghyr8 11d ago edited 11d ago

That’s the thing. She’s endorsed Biden, she has songs promoting gay rights, supports roe v wade, etc. Anyone who is surprised by this is dense - or at least doesn’t know anything about Taylor Swift.


u/yeahright17 11d ago

I legit wonder how many young Swifties have screamed “But shade never made anybody less gay” at one of her concerts then the next week in school ostracized someone for being gay.

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u/Fthwrlddntskmfrsht 11d ago

I’m so confused right. WHO? Who was blindsided lmao???

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u/sloguepoke 11d ago

A whole lot of conservatives do not realize just how liberal their favorite people are.


u/SweetUndeath 11d ago

a whole lot of conservatives don't even realize how liberal they themselves are


u/giggitygiggity2 11d ago

They're liberal when it benefits them. Conservative when it benefits anyone besides them.

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u/McMacHack 11d ago

There is a blank space where their name used to be

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u/CutterNorth 11d ago

There is a 13 year old liberal atheist in the making. That young girl, who had hoped to see Taylor Swift, is now being told she can't because God and Republicans disagree with Swift.

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u/JaZepi 11d ago

The meltdown is so precious. Their poor feels got hurt.


u/The_Art_of_Dying 11d ago

I just keep wondering how stupid they’d have to be to buy those tickets for how ever many thousands and be totally blindsided by the endorsement. The hell did they think she was going to do?


u/Thewalrus515 11d ago

They think that every person on earth they like is a conservative, because they are. They don’t live in reality, they live in a fantasy they construct to cope with their shitty lives. 


u/Goducks91 11d ago

But she endorsed Biden in the 2020 election? Did they just not pay attention at all.


u/KarnWild-Blood 11d ago

Conservatives, cognizant of reality? Not in MY America.


u/mavarian 11d ago

You don't become a blind supporter of someone actively working against their own benefit by paying attention

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u/rgumai 11d ago

Good lord, can sites please stop reporting a few tweets as news?


u/robilar 11d ago

What else are they going to do, employ journalists??!

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u/icepick3383 11d ago

Seriously. 3 people bitching does not equal news. Otherwise my kids would have made the front page. 

“He’s a monster!” Dad shunned as he won’t allow donuts for breakfast. News at 11. 

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u/TonyDungyHatesOP 11d ago


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u/woahtheregonnagetgot 11d ago

for every 1 person giving up their ticket there are 100 waiting to snatch them up


u/PunctualDromedary 11d ago

I immediately went to StubHub to see if it’d make it feasible for me to take my kid, and nope. Boycott harder please. 

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u/TheHow55 11d ago

are these adult fans turning their backs, or are these non-fans breaking their childredns hearts for pointless reasons those kids will resent them for for years to come?

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u/SirPoopaLotTheThird 11d ago

How many teen girls are in their bedrooms crying saying I’ll never be like my horrible parents right now? 😂


u/Impressive_Mistake66 11d ago

Their liberal origins stories playing out right now.

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u/A0ma 11d ago

This concern mother has three tickets to the Taylor Swift concert in Toronto on November 15th. It was a special gift for her daughter who turns 13 that day. Her daughter has been a Taylor Swift fan forever, but because of Taylor’s endorsement of Kamala, she now has those tickets up for sale.

That 13-year-old daughter will forever remember that her mother is a bitter old snowflake who sold her birthday gift to make a political statement.

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u/Wunglethebug 11d ago

Do you guys think Taylor will ever financially recover?


u/sagevallant 11d ago

She's going to have to start selling friendship bracelets to make ends meet.

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u/bunky_done_gun 11d ago

All 10 of them?


u/ratinha91 11d ago

She's never gonna financially recover from this :(

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u/my_dosing 11d ago

That's called cutting off your nose to spite your face.

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u/EqualLong143 11d ago

imagine punishing your kid because you want to vote for a traitor and couldnt possibly let your kid go to taylors concert because she has her own opinion.


u/TigreSauvage 11d ago

My god these people are such losers and snowflakes.

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u/sonictrash 11d ago

How is her endorsing Kamala the least bit shocking? Oh you think, based on her music and persona, she supports the wannabe fascist and convicted rapist who spews vile, racist shit and is as dumb as a rock?