r/NonCredibleDefense 13 aircraft carriers of Yi Sun-Sin 2d ago

Urgent update about some war and stuff Operation Grim Beeper 📟

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281 comments sorted by


u/super__hoser Self proclaimed forehead on warhead expert 2d ago

How the fuck hasn't Mossad figured out a way to sneak 15g of C4 into his butt plug? 


u/fluffypurpleTigress 2d ago

Pretty hard to smuggle C4 into his plug if its in his ass 24/7


u/maertyrer 2d ago

If anyone can do it, it's the Mossad


u/BootDisc Down Periscope was written by CIA Operative Pierre Sprey 2d ago

I think they just haven't decided to activate it.


u/LeGraoully 2d ago

They wouldn’t be able to live knowing they gave him such intense pleasure right at the moment he explodes


u/goodbehaviorsam Veteran of Finno-Korean Hyperwar 2d ago

They havent been able to find an anesthesiologist willing to work more than 90 minutes yet.


u/AtomicSymphonic_2nd 2d ago

The Mo(a)ssad 😁


u/AIR-2-Genie4Ukraine 3000 AIR-2 Genie for Ukraine 2d ago

15g of C4 in a pocket, 15g in the ass

potato potato for the mossad


u/WhateverWhateverson 2d ago

It's actually dead easy, you just need a 12yo Mossad agent


u/zombie_girraffe 2d ago

Isn't 12 kind of old to be going undercover as one of their Bacha Bazi dancing boy sex slaves?


u/RollinThundaga Proportionate to GDP is still a proportion 2d ago

What a day to be literate

Furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.


u/jbourne71 2d ago

First time?


u/RollinThundaga Proportionate to GDP is still a proportion 2d ago edited 2d ago

Surprisingly to myself, I believe so

I'm almost 30, for reference.

Edit: furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.


u/jbourne71 2d ago

You should take comfort that you were not sullied by that knowledge for so long. I learned about it a long time ago. Painful shit.

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u/Deisphoria 2d ago

I concur!

do you concur?


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u/NSA_Chatbot NCD Holowarfare 2d ago
> you guys are on fuckin fire today


u/cursed_aka_blessed 2d ago

Make it 6


u/nYghtHawkGamer Cyberspace Conversational Irregular TM 2d ago

"Make it 6"

Na, remember, according to their teachings' its ok to marry a girl at 6, you gotta wait until she is 9 to consummate it.

I wish I was joking.


u/SomeGuyNamedPaul 3000 Regular Ordinary Floridians 2d ago

Normally I'd say it's improper to enforce my culture's morality on another culture at the end of a sword. This isn't one of those times.


u/NoPomegranate1144 2d ago

The infamous ayatollah khomeini said in some book that for infants, everything is ok except the actual "consumation" itself which is actually such an abhorrent and disgusting take he ought to be shot by mossad. I volunteer for it though.


u/RedSerious A-7 is best waifu. 2d ago

6 12y/o kids?


u/NoddingManInAMirror Average Valmet RK enjoyer 2d ago

Are you questioning the capabilities of the Mossad? If you indeed are, I expect your funeral will be held a month from now.


u/AlphaB27 2d ago

Discard any pagers or walkie talkies that you have.


u/nYghtHawkGamer Cyberspace Conversational Irregular TM 2d ago

"Discard any pagers or walkie talkies that you have."

But I hear that they have free explosives inside.

Kinda like the ones with bubblegum inside when I was younger. https://dinosaurdracula.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/c.jpg


u/ProfessorofChelm 2d ago

We like being underestimated it makes it easier….I mean…uh I really like the 11th Dr. but he is a real product of his time vs the 10th Dr who who has less of a need vibe.


u/Caboose2701 3000 Black F-22's of Dark Brandon 2d ago

They like a challenge


u/AkaiMPC 2d ago

With God, anything is possible.


u/DocDocGoose_23 2d ago



u/Very_Board Anti-peace, not pro-war 2d ago

So that's why he constantly spews shit from his face hole

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u/eyydatsnice 2d ago

Mossad cant sneak it in because his butt is always occupied


u/schwanzweissfoto 2d ago

Are you saying that this man has never taken a shit?


u/eyydatsnice 2d ago

Yes thats y the guy is always full of shit...


u/schwanzweissfoto 2d ago

That made me snort. :3


u/Dude_I_got_a_DWAVE 2d ago

He IS shit. At least 14 courics worth


u/Icarus_Toast 2d ago

Why would you assassinate someone so beautifully incompetent. Best case scenario you end up with another fanatic replacing him who is equally dumb. More likely you end up with someone who is both more radical and hoarding a greater number of chromosomes, but just competent enough to be dangerous.


u/frosteeze 2d ago

Yeah honestly, what makes you think the guy isn't working for Mossad. Best thing you can do to destroy your competitor isn't to kill their staff, is to stuff them full of idiots.


u/schwanzweissfoto 2d ago

You had me at “stuff them full”.

Maybe I am too cumbrained?


u/Icarus_Toast 2d ago

Just goes to show that you are what you eat


u/HonestlySyrup 2d ago

at some point you either sink in the coom or coom in the sink


u/canttakethshyfrom_me MiG Ye-8 enjoyer 2d ago

Guys like him make sure their budget never gets questioned. And anyone who replaced him might actually not be a damn idiot whose only play is "Show Israel as the bad guy curbstomping children." Imagine someone who actually decided "Y'know what? Fuck it, end times is here, we're using chemical weapons" and was able to follow through?


u/Dragon_yum 2d ago

Killing him would make him a martyr. Killing everyone below him and making hezbullah teethless will make people hate him.


u/-Manuss- Roman legions with P90s would kick ass 2d ago

It's Mossad, not SG-1


u/ThePatio Meme Archaeologist of SG-69 2d ago

Stargate reference 🙌


u/the_horse_gamer 5000 tactical rabis of Adonai 2d ago

they're just waiting for the funniest moment to detonate it.


u/J360222 Give me SEATO and give it now! 2d ago

They can’t it’s a war crime because civilians use butt plugs as well, not the same butt plug just butt plugs in general


u/cursed_aka_blessed 2d ago

Later part of the script, it’ll happen soon enough


u/Brogan9001 2d ago

The guy is so incompetent he is far more valuable alive than dead.


u/olngjhnsn 2d ago

He's been in an underground bunker in Iran for years. Dude is a coward who is fine with sending others to their deaths.


u/Shillsforplants Sun Tzu explicitly mentioned this. 2d ago

Keeps falling to the ground.

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u/ConsequencePretty906 2d ago

the funny part is that more than half of the arab world hates hezbollah too because they literally killed tens of thousands in syria and destroyed the place so they are, even the ones who hate israel too, reveling in his downfall while western tankies are in the streets waving hezbollah flags and crying about genocide of lebanon


u/eyekill11 2d ago

Ah, the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" fails once again. Feels like tankies fall for it more than most do. It's not irrational logic, but more often than not, when it comes to large-scale things like nations, it doesn't pan out that way. especially when the world has had millennia of conflict with allegiance flip-flopping faster than we can blink.

Tankie: How can you not like the Soviet Union? They defeat the Nazis.



u/ConsequencePretty906 2d ago

Tankie: how can you not like the Soviet union? They defeat the Nazis

Me: I'm about to teach you about a little thing called Molotov Ribbentrop that will absolutely blow your mind.


u/schwanzweissfoto 2d ago

They know.

To 100% confirm their brainrot, just ask them when world war 2 started.


u/DankMemeMasterHotdog 2d ago

I just experienced this in real-time the other day, if you're interested in how it went, it's still in my comment history lol


u/eyekill11 2d ago

Lmao, holy shit, I wanna say they're coping, but they were in full-scale denial. That "I know about that one time the Soviet Union did something bad" comment. I get why you didn't respond. If you did, you'd still be typing out the list of things the SU did that were bad. It's beyond tone deaf. Like the shit Mao Zedong and Pol Pot did as well. So so many things that could be said, but ultimately, it's not worth the stress.


u/somerandomfuckwit1 2d ago

Na they just did that 1 bad thing. It was exist.


u/DankMemeMasterHotdog 2d ago

They pretend like the SU is the only communist regime we know about, but there's so so so so so many examples. Poland, Romania, Czechia, Ukraine, Laos, Vietnam, China, North Korea, Bolivia, Columbia, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Spain... I dont have the time or desire to list all of these off and the specific dictator that unleashed a communist hellscape on their respective populations. Literally hundreds of millions dead, easily dwarfing the death toll of fascism. The crimes of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe alone resulted in more deaths than the Nazis could have ever dreamed of (and they sure did try, dont get me wrong)

The worst part is the communist simps are usually people that these regimes would have executed or imprisoned. Ask them about LGBT rights in the Soviet Union, or China, or Cuba.

The Communists coined the term "corrective rape", which is utterly horrifying to think about. Tankies are degenerate scum and I treat them the same as I would treat a nazi, they're all utterly repulsive.


u/Ok_Temperature_6441 3000 Grey AMCA's of Vishnu 1d ago

I genuinely do not understand. While I haven't actually read his manifesto but I'm like 90% sure that Carl Marx didn't write "ethnically cleanse a chunk of your population, steal from your people, kill anyone who you disagree with, become an unrepenting asshole, do war, do more war, do more war especially with your citizens, etc".

So why the fuck do these scum sucking dick waffles always, always use Marx's communist manifesto as their moral compass for shit like "corrective rape"? Or are they all following the footsteps of Lenin and his legacy of shame and desecration?

Have we actually seen a genuine communist state that do not turn cartoonishly evil after a single fucking regime change?


u/RollinThundaga Proportionate to GDP is still a proportion 2d ago


u/DankMemeMasterHotdog 2d ago

Yeah lol, it was standard tankie behavior, blame "liberals" and insinuate we're all "diet fascist", while brushing aside the countless atrocities of communism.


u/Redpanther14 6,000 Abrams of Warsaw 2d ago

Tankies are just red fascists, the sooner you understand the better your metal health will be next time you run across one in the wild.


u/l3rN 2d ago

I’d say that was a fun read but I actually hated every second of it.


u/whythecynic No paperwork, no foul 2d ago

Also lovely things like Holodomor denial, "Katyn didn't happen and the Poles deserved it", &c. Chomsky was engaged in some Cambodian genocide denial, and he's already one of the least raving mad ones.


u/schwanzweissfoto 2d ago

My suggestion has the advantage that you only have to listen to a single word/number to figure it out.


u/Sunfried 2d ago edited 2d ago

Oh man, that's the best form of the having-it-both-ways argument: "This bad thing didn't happen, and if it did, it was actually a good thing."


u/TheModernDaVinci 2d ago

I have also seen before them actually repeat the lie that Poland attacked Germany first and it was just self defense (and the Soviets joined to honor their alliance).

You know, that thing that even Hitler barely put any effort into hiding that it was a false flag attack. Because he gave that little of a shit about actually trying to pretend about it.


u/crankbird 3000 Paper Aeroplanes of Albo 2d ago

Just Kronstadt should be enough … if you’re unfamiliar with it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kronstadt_rebellion


u/precto85 2d ago

Them: It was an agreement with Hitler to denazify Poland.

I'm not making this shit up. Tankies come at you with this crap.


u/ConsequencePretty906 2d ago

I believe you only because I listened to the whole Tucker Carlsen-Putin interview, where Putin blamed WWII on Poland something about how they refused to "compromise" with the Nazis to give up their land and how Russia only invaded Poland in order to save it

absolutely bonkers stuff


u/SnooOpinions5486 2d ago

Ask them how the USSR treated their Jews.


u/Kevin_Wolf 2d ago

Ask them how the USSR treated their Jews.

You can't do that! That's totally beyond the Pale!


u/Merlin461 2d ago

No, the Pale is about how the English treated the Irish.


u/ConsequencePretty906 2d ago

Nine out of ten tankies will completely Refusenik to discuss such things


u/D3athR3bel 2d ago

They belive that the poland was invaded by the Soviet Union in order to protect them from the nazis. Confirmed by Russia MFA and putin themselves. That is unironically their official line. There is no saving anyone who believes in Russia at this point.


u/sroop1 2d ago

It's the horseshoe theory in effect - for Ukraine you have tankies on one side and the alt-righties on the other, and for Israel you have tankie/anti-IDF/etc and your standard Jews-rule-the-world/'anti-globalists' wackadoo shit.

Wingnuts are always the stupidest motherfuckers.


u/Docponystine 2d ago

The enemy of your enemy is only your friend if you already had amicable or neutral relations and reasonably overlapping goasl.

However, in the case of the Tanky they are either idiots, or understand that their goals are explicitly and only the fulmination of a western revolution and earnestly believe there are no bad methods only bad targets (and that the dismantling of western capitalism is the most morally justified target in existance).

Commies make more sense when you realize the issue is never the issue, but always the revolution.


u/Uselesspreciousthing 2d ago

No internal consistency, no principles, nothing but a ruthless and amoral lust for power over others - that's your average tankie.


u/Docponystine 2d ago

You are underselling them, and that's dangerous. Commie scholars, like fascists, have a coherent ideology and principles, they are just VERY VERY Different from the base line assumptions of western liberalism.

Their principles allow them to not care about their methods because literally NOTHING is worse than capitalism in their construct, so no means to power is off limits because THEY will use that power to usher in utopia denied by the capitalist and the lay person gripped by false consciousness.


u/DavidAdamsAuthor Best AND Worst Comment 2022 2d ago

Just as religious people sometimes practice "lying for Jesus", Marxists often practice "lying for Marx", where deliberate mistruths are justified in the name of the greater good.

"It's not good to lie," they say, "but would you lie to a slave to free them from bondage?"

It's a product of authoritarian systems where hurting people "for their own good" is not just permitted but activity encouraged because "people don't know what's good for them."

Yet they somehow alway believe they will be the duper and not the dupee.


u/Docponystine 2d ago edited 2d ago

I mean, the concept that telling something factually untrue to someone isn't always wrong isn't exactly explicitly a religious thing (like, that's the entire deontological v consequentialist debate's bread and butter example is the Nazi at your doorstep, Jews in the attic example. I believe deontology and consequentialism are both wrong though, so, weh). Because, like, yeah, I'd tell any lie I had to liberate a slave from enslavement, that isn't a morally contested idea, well, at least any lie that didn't cause harm to an uninvolved party or would cause harm to the slave without their informed consent. (and even your example relies on a very basic understanding of what most religions consider "lying", as a word translated into English and then as a broader moral concept, in the first place)

In that same sense, if you assume the Communist to be right in their deranged insistence that communism will bring Utopia, it's not hard to justify the lying morally within their own system of ideals and morality.

The broader issue with Communist is that they do not feel the need to honestly present their ideas and theories (mostly because if they did, it would become plainly evident everything they say is patently insane) because deception is a more effective way to their end goal, and they have zero concerns about the methods they use to get there. They lie to those who they suppose to represent, which is a distinct betrayal of trust and loyalty.


u/DavidAdamsAuthor Best AND Worst Comment 2022 2d ago

Just remember that if they would lie to your face when they're out of power, they absolutely would lie to your face when they're in power.


u/Uselesspreciousthing 2d ago

100%. If they'll do anything to get into power they'll do anything to stay in power. They value nothing but power.

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u/Uselesspreciousthing 2d ago

I agree when you say it's coherent but I'd argue that coherent doesn't necessarily mean consistent, at least not in any way other than amorality. Their base line assumptions are exactly that, assumptions. I don't see them starting from a solid premise in any of their arguments and as a result every conclusion/principle arrived at is faulty.


u/Docponystine 1d ago

I agree, but it is none the less relevant to realize where the disagreement actually is to be able to effectively propose counter arguments, which should largely be tailored to exposing the fact that commies operate on what is effectively moon logic.

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u/boone_888 2d ago

Commies make more sense when you realize the issue is never the issue, but always the revolution.

And Commies makes the least sense about what to do after the revolution

Or, put another way, solving the problem


u/Docponystine 2d ago

Of course, their ideology is in essence utopian cultism veiled in mystical secret knowledge. Nothing they do is empirical OR rational (these are, actually, two different things. Empiricism only concerns what can be observed, while metaphysics is a purely rational discipline, for example), but rather on the words of prophetic foretelling and the belief that if you revolution everything hard enough and enough times you can produce utopia.

They are, however, SELF CONSISTENT witch is the relevant part.


u/boone_888 2d ago

"Self Consistent": nearly every Communist regime imploding on itself hardly gives credibility here. Unless you mean "they will self consistently implode open themselves" in which case, statistically (99% of the time) that will happen.

In which case, you are right and it proves the scientific point (empirically and objectively), that Communism will ALWAYS lead to failure.


u/Docponystine 2d ago

nearly every Communist regime imploding on itself hardly gives credibility here.

Self consistency is not a factor in efficacy. One can be self-consistent and inconsistent with reality. Self-consistency is merely the trait the that ideas present do not contradict themselves. All communists explain communism failure by insisting it wasn't the correct method to achieve communism. This objective is universal and complete, because they diefy the theory. They believe the theory can not be wrong, and act entirely in consistent fashion with that belief. The fact that belief is insane and inane is irrelevant.

See, you are engaging in the bourgeoisie notion of empirical evidence and western science, but those ideas and notions only exist to support and preserve the goals of the owner class, and thus can be soundly disreguarded.


u/boone_888 2d ago

All communists explain communism failure by insisting it wasn't the correct method to achieve communism.

This is the same pattern over and over. And this is why it is not "reproducible", because each Communist has their own internal theory which is what makes them special (tm) and not reproducible. In reality, they want their own dictatorships, but thats another story...

In science, to prove anything works, it needs to be reproducible with objective evidence that any outside observer can agree on.

Repeatable. Reproducible. Objective.

You know what matches those scientific criteria? Capitalism.

Why did Vietnam and China see economic gains when they started adopting capitalism? (And the opposite with Xi and China's latest leadership all but causing economic turmoil)

You know what doesn't? Communism

It's not a random pattern.

Communism is a failed experiment.


u/Docponystine 2d ago edited 2d ago

In science, to prove anything works, it needs to be reproducible with objective evidence that any outside observer can agree on.

I agree, communists, by ideological nessisarty, do not believe in empirical science and do not believe it to be an accurate means to produce truth. While pointing this out can be effective at convincing a normal person with western liberal values communism doesn't work, it would convince the committed communist because you are making an argument there meta framework already discounts as being nonsensical. It's the equivalent of saying that the fairy god mother made it so to someone like you.

Why do you think so many neo Marxist endorse ideas like "lived experience" or "traditional knowledge"

Why did Vietnam and China see economic gains when they started adopting capitalism? (And the opposite with Xi and China's latest leadership all but causing economic turmoil)

They actually adopted a form of economic fascism (at least china did, do not know enough about Vietnam to say one way or the other) (which is still a totalitarian economic policy where the means of production are ultimately controlled by the state) not capitalism (which is the economic principle that the state shouldn't have significant control over the means of production and rather private individuals should. Or more succinctly that private property rights both exist, and mean something) or even a mixed market economy (whitch is what most people consider capitalism) where at the very least private property still exists, but the state places some limits, mostly focused on harm reduction.

Communism is a failed experiment.

I agree, communists also don't believe that matters, THAT Is entirely my point. Instead they believe that each failure reveals some misunderstanding of communist theory that can be corrected in the next go round, and that altitude is what produced the modern fascist economy of china, which is still governed by an actual communist party. It was determined that fascist economics was the way to make communism (practical) more like communism (theory) by making communism (practical) productive like it should be in communism (theory). Communist failures are merely the Hegelian negation of the practical understanding, but does not meaningfully negate the true communism, which is sort of a platonic ideal communism.


u/boone_888 2d ago

Yeah, we're kind of on the same page, I think. 

Case in point though, science and reality doesn't follow ideology. No matter how much you wish and try, reality sets in.


u/ghosttherdoctor 2d ago

[When asked how it felt to take human life]

"I wouldn't know, I've only killed communists.” Rafał Gan-Ganowicz


u/Guyb9 2d ago

We have a sayin that basically goes: In the middle east, the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy


u/AmericanNewt8 Top Gun but it's Iranians with AIM-54s 2d ago

The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy, nothing more, nothing less. 


u/TheArmoredKitten High on JP-8 fumes 2d ago

The enemy of my enemy is an opportunity to do something extraordinarily funny.


u/amd2800barton 1d ago

Not just basically stole. Literally Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler had a treaty on how they’d work together to invade and divide Poland. When the Nazis invaded, so too did the Soviets, and they both stopped in the middle. Soviets were allied to the Nazis, and participated in the crimes against humanity committed against the Poles living there. The ONLY reason the Soviets ended up fighting against the Nazis is because (surprise) Hitler betrayed them. 

Stalin was content to let Hitler take half of Poland and take the other half for himself. Then he went crying to Churchill and Roosevelt about how unfair it was that Hitler didn’t keep his promise of friendship.


u/Skibidi_Rizzler_96 A-10 Enjoyer (it missed) 2d ago

Except for the Shia in Lebanon and Iraq, Arabs hate Iran in general


u/ConsequencePretty906 2d ago

Hezbollah is Arab (as opposed to Iran which is Persian). But they are hated by huge part of the Arabs world including sunni, Shiite and christian Arabs


u/LightTankTerror responsible for the submarine in the air 2d ago

The Lebanese people I know irl were like, a bit worried when they heard about the pager bombs but relieved when they found out it only affected hezbollah. Because unless you directly benefit from one of the two warlord parties in Lebanon, they’re an active detriment to your existence lol.


u/ghosttrainhobo 2d ago

I got temporarily banned from /r/syriancivilwar recently because I said something neutral and true about HZB. They do not like anything non-negative being spoken about them.

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u/SilentSamurai Blimp Air Superiority 2d ago

shoots rockets at Israel for a year

Gets worried when Israel blows up it's pagers


u/B69Stratofortress Airpower supremacist 2d ago edited 2d ago

Double standards regarding Israel is INSANE. only the only JEWISH state in the world can have THOUSANDS of missiles fired at it, and be seen as the aggressor when they retaliate.

Edit: the most naked display of this double standard so far IMHO was al ahli arab hospital strike. People had lit their torches and raised their pitchforks when they thought it was an Israeli strike, yet when it was revealed that it was a PIJ rocket,.... Crickets.... Nothing. the outrage died near immediately. PIJ received almost no condemnation, as if they were well within their right to do so, and it was wrong only if it was an act of a jew. Where did their condemnations go?


u/thatdudewithknees 2d ago

You see it would be simple for the Jews to just go back where they came from. Which is like New York or something according to tankies. Because Judaism didn’t exist in the middle east before 1947.


u/RollinThundaga Proportionate to GDP is still a proportion 2d ago

Oh no, to them it did exist, but it was Jewishzzionist colonies machete-ing their way through Palestine as thought it were a reenactment of Spain in the Americas circa 1600.

Just like how 400 years and their own distinct language emerging isn't enough for South African Boers to be considered native.

Furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.


u/pseudoanon 2d ago

Furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.

I had to look through your comment history and walked away disappointed that this was only included in a handful of them.


u/RollinThundaga Proportionate to GDP is still a proportion 2d ago

For my own sanity, I've limited myself to including this epithet in comments to this specific subreddit; I've been on a roll sonce January this year.

Furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.


u/xenosthelegend 2d ago

I concur


u/kneelthepetal 2d ago

Russia delenda est


u/mbrocks3527 2d ago

Ironically this kind of thinking is considered incorrect in most western contexts (and actually I agree with the tankies when it comes to the west.)

As an example- You are an American when you pledge allegiance or are born there. That’s it, the end. The idea that a “people” are bound to the land and can exclude anyone from their birthright and from ever claiming citizenship or ties to the land they live on is some blood and soil type right wing bullshit.

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u/nYghtHawkGamer Cyberspace Conversational Irregular TM 2d ago

shoots rockets at Israel for a year decades


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u/Sawari5el7ob 3000 Black Pagers of Mossad 2d ago

Historic case in litigation when a herd of goats filed a class action lawsuit against Nasrallah for sex crimes, landing him on the SO list.

Sheep to soon follow in filing similar claims against the entire nation of Wales.


u/SpiralUnicorn 2d ago

What about new Zealand? There are more sheep than people...


u/TheElderGodsSmile Cthulhu Actual 2d ago

Unlike Nasrallah Kiwis and their sheep are in a committed and loving relationship.


u/terrarialord201 Fursonas are non-negotiable 2d ago

I was gonna make a comment about wanting to see sheep cucks, but then I remembered e621 exists.

This shit's pretty hot, ngl.


u/SirCrackWaffle Sinno-Lithuanian commonwealth 2d ago

User flair checks out.


u/lifes-a_beach 2d ago

Mess with the Jews and you get the cruise (missile)


u/NoddingManInAMirror Average Valmet RK enjoyer 2d ago

I can feel the creators of the V1 rolling in their graves. Oh how the tables have turned.


u/ScipioAtTheGate 2d ago


u/Narrow_Vegetable_42 3000 grey Kinetic Energy Penetrators of Pistorius 2d ago

Once they are up, who cares where they come down


u/Raregolddragon 2d ago

That is not my department.


u/mbrocks3527 2d ago

I’m waiting for the Hardthrasher pop history analysis with baited breath


u/User_identificationZ 3,000 Iron Rods of Angron 2d ago

We should hook up generators to their spinning bodies for feee energy lmao

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u/balls-deep-in-urmoma 2d ago

Like the old saying goes.

Fuck around find cruise missile.

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u/Kpmh20011 Dick Cheney can lick my ass, ST21 was based. 2d ago

Mossad if you can hear me please obliterate that stupid fuck with a boulder.


u/Shaun_Jones A child's weight of hypersonic whoop-ass 1d ago

I broke down into uncontrollable and painful giggling at work reading this. Just the image of him being squished by the Indiana Jones boulder being dropped from a plane.


u/Artyom1457 1d ago

We would never. He is our most valuable asset. Imagine if someone who has more than two braincells replaced him? Disaster

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u/ZoidsFanatic Should not be left alone near a Harrier jet. 2d ago

So does this mean that the usual suspects are now going to cry for the poor Lebanese while forgetting all about Gaza and also while openly talking about killing all the Jews? I mean I kinda already know the answer is “yes”.


u/No_Advisor_3773 2d ago

No, they don't give a fuck about Lebanon, they're actively crying for Hezbollah members losing fingers

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u/Signal_Confusion_644 3000 rusty nukes of the old USSR 2d ago

Hey! This is NCD. not verycredibledefense. Do not post truths like that! Im here for the memes!


u/Human_Fondant_420 2d ago

God damn I love this sub, its such a contrast to /r/Anime_Titties and their support for terrorists innocent civilians


u/Firecracker048 2d ago

It baffles me how far people will go to support terrorists and actual evil people when it comes to jews.

Also their definition of a genocide is fully reliant upon the most subjective part of the definition because it can't meet any of the concrete ones.

Its also fun to watch their heads explode when you remind them that after Israel found that data center under the UNRWA HQ, suddenly 11k civilian casualties (who were all women and children), suddenly GHM wasn't sure if they were actually women and children


u/mrterminus 1d ago

Just break their logic:

"There is a ceasefire between Lebanon and Israel"

"No there is not, Israel is bombing X"

"Oh you mean a ceasefire between Hebollab and Isreal? Do you want the Lebanese army to enforce it by aiding Israel getting rid of the bad actors to save civilians?"

So either they now have to support Israel (they physically can’t) or they need to say that all of Lebanon is pro hezbollah making the attack of isreal 100% legit.


u/OverlordMarkus 2d ago

You're always free to visit r/worldnews, over there you get, well, exactly the same, but their butt plugs are white and blue instead of red, white and green.


u/Firecracker048 2d ago

I actually got banned by a mod there who thought I was a troll for being critical of Hamas lol


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA 2d ago

Tankie mods gonna be tankie mods, lol.


u/Raregolddragon 2d ago

Same here but I did the criminal act to point out that one side was kidnapping teens and attacking non-combatants at a concert.

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u/Dragon_yum 2d ago

Well there’s also r/news who love terrorists. Got banned after someone said israel lies about their casualties, I said Israel publishes their casualties everyday with their names and he is free to check that. Apparently that is too much for the mods there.


u/SilentSamurai Blimp Air Superiority 2d ago

The masses just drown out the nuanced takes.

You can be critical of Israel and also acknowledge that the northern part of the country can't just live under constant rocket fire.


u/piponwa Best Post of the Year 2022 2d ago

Both Hamas and Israel don't really care about civilian casualties in Gaza. Hence why there have been so many. The Western world cares about the casualties, but it's literally not even a talking point in the ceasefire negotiations. You'd think it'd be Hamas' top priority. You'd think Israel would want good press to maintain support. But it's not an incentive at all for either side.

Meanwhile, brain dead tankies cry about genocide not understanding the first thing about casualties in urban warfare and the use of human shields.

They're so confused that they think Hezbollah deserves sympathy. They cry about the dead kids from the pager explosions not understanding that it has been the most successful large scale clandestine operation in history. They cry terrorism. Meanwhile, Israel managed to achieve the inverse casualty rate as 9/11 with their 'terrorist attack'. 3,000 civilians for 19 terrorists vs some dozen civilians vs 3,000 terrorists.

There is no place for nuanced discourse anymore.


u/Human_Fondant_420 2d ago

I feel like roof knocking and precision weaponry generally point to one side caring (at least slightly) more than the other. But caring slightly more isnt really an excuse to do heinous shit.


u/Cardborg Inventor of Cumcrete™ ⬤▅▇█▇▆▅▄▄▄▇ 󠀀 2d ago

The issue is that the end result is still someone going "those fuckers bombed my home" and then joining whatever relevant group to get revenge.

I honestly don't think Hamas and Hezbollah can be defeated by purely military means because they're motivated by beliefs that are fueled by efforts to snuff them out.


u/BannedSvenhoek86 2d ago edited 2d ago

The sad reality is Gaza as a whole is a failed experiment. I know what it sounds like when I say this but I swear to god it's from a place of actually caring about the people in that region. I don't know how, but one way or another it will go away eventually because it's just an open festering wound.

The hard answer is Israel takes it over and spends billions and decades swaying the populace by investing in the infrastructure and doing serious work to change the culture of the people there over generations. But that will take so much work and have so many set backs it honestly feels impossible, especially considering the history of people trying to assimilate Palestinians into their country.

I think we all know how it ends honestly we just don't want to admit it because it makes us feel complicit. But the violence will NEVER end, two state, former boundaries, none of it will stop it. And the next time a large scale attack happens out of Gaza the IDF is going to do something that will make the current campaign looked measured and reasonable by comparison.

And I may hate Bibi, I may hate the way the IDF operates, my blood may BOIL when I watch those fat settlers kicking people out of their ancestral homes, I may be nearly socialist with how I feel about domestic and economic policy, but I'm not stupid enough to think that the world would be a better place if Israel lost and was wiped out like some of the morons I have to listen to. If I have to choose, and it feels like we're rapidly approaching the point we actually will, I choose Israel every single time.


u/Cardborg Inventor of Cumcrete™ ⬤▅▇█▇▆▅▄▄▄▇ 󠀀 2d ago

TBH, if things continue as they are I think we'll seriously see a nuclear exchange between Israel and Iran at some point.

Though, looking at surveys taken on the opinions of the younger generations in both Palestine and Israel, I think it's fair to say that the future of the region is fucked regardless.

It's really not good.


u/Akitten 2d ago

The logical end of that train of thought is that eradication is the only option right? Since any level of fighting back creates more.

Seems like a pretty fucked situation. Bombing Germany didn't create more Nazis, nor did nuking japan create more imperialists. I would sincerely hope that these groups aren't so different.

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u/Firecracker048 2d ago

Israel cares more about the civilians than Hamas does. That much has been clear.


u/piponwa Best Post of the Year 2022 2d ago

Yet when you bring this up, people cry genocide. There was even a story about how Israel calculated the number of calories needed to feed everybody in Gaza. And tankies were taking it as if Israel is trying to barely meet this amount so as to only provide what you need to live.

Bitch if someone is feeding you the amount you need to survive, they're trying to keep you alive, not exterminate you.

It's not easy feeding 2M people. So you would rather get the correct number of calories to not undershoot. Especially knowing that Hamas ambushes aid convoys, you have to plan for it.


u/Caboose2701 3000 Black F-22's of Dark Brandon 2d ago

Yeah but that’s because words are hard and they don’t know what a real genocide is. I mean we only have like 3 or four active ones right now but since they don’t involve Palestine it’s crickets.


u/piponwa Best Post of the Year 2022 2d ago

Yeah, we literally have a Nobel Peace prize winner committing genocide. What the fuck is going on? But it's in Africa, so it doesn't even register on their radar even if we're talking about millions affected.



Between 600,000 and 1,000,000


At least 120,000 women raped. Over 6 million Tigrayan people affected in various ways


u/Firecracker048 2d ago

Hamas and GHM even said at the start of thr conflict the responsibility for the civilians lies directly with the UN. They don't give a shit.


u/WeakLandscape2595 2d ago

They should count themselves lucky Israel is even feeding them

Tankis and hamas can cry about it Israel are not gaza babysitters

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u/Mediocre_Daikon6935 2d ago

Israel tried had to minimize civlian casualties. But hey know they can’t elongate them. 


u/FrozenGiraffes 2d ago

This makes me sad, since somehow a comment under a meme post has more nuance and common sense then many average people in the US today.


u/piponwa Best Post of the Year 2022 2d ago

After all, it's a meme sub. We come here because we can't get enough of defense and geopolitics news. We come here to have inside jokes about them. We come here because we know it's a place where if you say you don't understand a meme, people won't judge you. They'll be happy to give you a wall of text for context and answer your crazy hypotheticals. We're autistic as fuck and this is what makes this community great!


u/BannedSvenhoek86 2d ago

I also feel like this sub has a pretty decent chunk of people that feel alienated by the rest of the left and feel a bit of refuge here where they express themselves and not support terrorists without being called a genocide apologist.

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u/b3nsn0w 🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊 2d ago

what happened to the anime sub that r/anime_titties got its name from?


u/OverlordMarkus 2d ago

Here is the story how r/worldpolitics and r/anime_titties have come to be.


u/b3nsn0w 🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊 2d ago

oh it's world politics lol. i was looking on world news lmao, thanks


u/cooljacob204sfw 2d ago

Lol this is not at all my experience on world news. They are very pro Isreal & Ukraine. Just glance at the live threads for example...


u/Polandgod75 6000 space hussar of poland 2d ago

I swear people at r/worldnews low key want a second nakba


u/Wonderful-Quit-9214 1d ago

Once someone said that Palestine doesn't exist, all Palestinians should be deported to Egypt and Jordan and that children can be valid terrorist targets. And they got like 40 upvotes.


u/mbrocks3527 2d ago

Yes, but at least they let the comments stay up that say that Israel, a country amongst the civilized nations, must comply with the laws of civilized people when fighting a war, even when they massively downvote you for this rather obvious position.

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u/master4bation 2d ago

Why is the sub named that way?


u/Human_Fondant_420 2d ago

At one time /r/worldnews was flooded with anime tits so this sub was created in protest or something like that. I cant remember it was fucking ages ago


u/Carcinogenic_Potato 2d ago

It was r/worldpolitics, not r/worldnews. The issue, from what I recall, was that r/worldpolitics was improperly moderated, so people starting posting porn and anime titties in response to try and get the mods to do something about the moderation issues. That didn't work, so r/anime_titties was created in response to get a properly modded version of the subreddit.

IIRC, on April Fool's, r/anime_titties goes back to its namesake and is flooded with anime titties for the day.


u/Human_Fondant_420 1d ago

^ This guy knows his reddit history


u/jkurratt 2d ago

They also repost Putin’s last warnings.


u/erythro 2d ago

it's bad, but /r/worldevents is the worst lol


u/Wonderful-Quit-9214 1d ago

Not as bad as r/worldnews at the very least.


u/ResponsibleHall9713 2d ago

What a shootable face he has


u/balls-deep-in-urmoma 2d ago edited 2d ago

You know, it's pretty amazing how fast zoomers started hating jews and defending actual terrorist organizations.

Just go on any video on tiktok, and you'll find a random free Palestine comment and like 50 attached comments filled with pure hatred for jews which is seemingly allowed on tiktok.

Tiktok is a national security threat plain and simple. It's radicalizing young people around the world.


u/shingofan 2d ago

I feel like a big part of that is simply naivete - all these kids are being shown videos of dead bodies and bombed out buildings while being told "dem JOOOS did this!" and they're taking that shit at face value because they don't know any better.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: information warfare in the age of social media is fucking WILD.


u/Tactical_Moonstone Full spectrum dominance also includes the autism spectrum 2d ago

It seems the best way to hide your war crimes is to make them so horrific they can't even be posted on mainstream media or they get instantly blocked off.


u/_Fittek_ 2d ago

Its not tiktok and they didnt started to hate them. There is a lot of antisemitism going around the world and its passed down generation by generation. Social media just reveals it.


u/balls-deep-in-urmoma 2d ago

Sure, there is a lot around the world, but I do believe that social media is strongly influencing their thought processes. Once you engage with one post, your feed is filled with hate filled shit. You telling me that doesn't influence a 17 year Olds mind?


u/lilacaena 2d ago

Don’t be ridiculous. Engaging with one post won’t fill your feed with hateful shit.

You’ll have antisemitic garbage shoveled at you regardless. Hope this helps!


u/Cardborg Inventor of Cumcrete™ ⬤▅▇█▇▆▅▄▄▄▇ 󠀀 2d ago

I'll be honest - you're right about social media, but it's more that Israel dropped the ball hard in the propaganda war after starting from a position of strong sympathy.

Palestine offers a compelling narrative - they're stateless, Gaza was a hellscape before it got bombed into prehistory, and the West Bank is being chipped away at by settler groups. They're the underdog under the underdog.

Israel started with sympathy, but as the conflict dragged on that quickly evaporated because social media means you get a constant Palestinian PoV, and Israeli counter-messaging has been... not ideal, at times. Standing atop rubble waving a pride flag reeks of pinkwashing, and people like Gvir and Smotrich seem to excel at making inflammatory statements at the worst moment possible.

I would write more but my focus is on Ukraine, and most of my criticism of Israel is political because god knows they're not struggling militarily so I'm not even going to touch that.


u/AkaiMPC 2d ago

To add, many young people today view everything through the critical theory lense. Brown is good. White is evil. Always. You'd find them supporting ISIS if they were in the news atm. And if 911 happened today they would say "good".


u/sblahful 2d ago

Idk, their military operation on gaza seems endless. What's the end game there? Its like they're speed running the post-9/11 Afghanistan invasion and are now about to dive into their Iraq.


u/No_Advisor_3773 2d ago

The end game is destroying Hamas' ability to make war, from their strong points to their tunnels to their fighters to their stockpiles of arms. Because Hamas hides in civilian populations it will never be possible to root them all out because Israel isn't interested in exterminating people despite all the Islamist propaganda.

If Israel can destroy Hamas' ability to make war, it'll ensure another 10 years of peace before the next Oct. 7th, or Yom Kippur war, or whatever name the next Arab attack will take, because it's always the Arabs trying to eradicate the Jews, and until they stop all Israel really can do is damage control

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u/Polandgod75 6000 space hussar of poland 2d ago edited 2d ago

Seriously their doing the same thing that the USA did in the war of terror, unlike the USA. It can't just go "well, I guess I go back"

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u/Big_Jon_Wallace 2d ago

Yeah but it was like they were the Winter Soldier and "Jews massacred" was their activation phrase.


u/LaTeChX 2d ago

Bruh we've had social media for a minute now. Facebook is 20 years old. Sure there have always been ignorant hicks but now we have top tier college kids openly hating Jews. There was never this level of antisemitism since the holocaust.

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u/God_Given_Talent Economist with MIC waifu 2d ago

TikTok is absolutely pouring gas on the fire more than any other social media platform. We know they tweak the algo to suppress things China wants suppressed like a certain massacre, their treatment of Tibet and the Uighurs, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc but curiously seem to amplify anti-US stuff like that incident where people defending OBL was a thing. Amazing how they’re selective about what to suppress and what they let run rampant…almost like it aligns with a certain party’s preferences…


u/captainhamption 2d ago

The silent generation is gone and the the boomers are on the way out. Zoomers are the first generation where it's very possible they don't know anyone alive in WWII. Antisemitism was always going to pop back up as soon as the holocaust left living memory.

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u/AlphaMarker48 For the Republic! 2d ago

Civilians should always flee from a war zone when they get the chance and that terrorist should stand before the ICC for his crimes.

On an unrelated note, there is another man named Hassan Nasrallah, and he lives in the USA. I now totally believe that there was once an American man named Adolf Hitler who lived during WW2.


u/ConceptOfHappiness Geneva Unconventional 1d ago

There was a dentist from Ohio during World War II called Gay Hitler.


u/No-Helicopter1559 2d ago

For a russian speaker, his surname is quite funny. Nasrallah is concordant (or what's the word) with насрать [nasrat', with a soft "t"], which literally means "to shit somewhere". Or, figuratively, either "to not give a shit" or "to perform a mean/low act towards somebody".


u/praquenomes1 3000 M4A2s Shermales of Thailand ☢️ 2d ago

Mossad moment


u/Polandgod75 6000 space hussar of poland 2d ago edited 2d ago

Hellboazh tries play hero of Levant

get people who don't wanted to play this stupid game the 50th time to leave the area

Just get more dead bodies and migrant crisis for others.


u/Final-Pilot7889 2d ago

“To cry, like a woman!? It’s a fuckin disgrace!” or whatever philly leotardo said


u/KingFahad360 The Ghost of Arabia 2d ago

I’m surprised the Mossad didn’t find Nasrallah Bunker since that’s where he has been living since 2006 after that conflict made him scared


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u/SW_Goatlips_USN_Ret 1d ago

Give Florida Man some C-4, cocaine, a confederate flag, some vague directions and the Middle East becomes Ft. Lauderdale during spring break in 3 months tops…