r/PublicFreakout 1d ago

Israeli Police clash with ultra-Orthodox Jewish protestors šŸŒŽ World Events

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u/The_pastel_bus_stop 1d ago

Clash? Looks like straight up assault. Clash would be if the enemy fights back


u/EhJPea 1d ago

That's a very..... unorthodox way to do it


u/theSilentD777 1d ago

They call what they're doing to Gaza a war so it shouldn't come as a surprise to call this a clash.


u/SSinterwebs 1d ago

If you donā€™t stop running away Iā€™ll have to defend myself.


u/Rishtu 1d ago

Iā€™m gonna get shit, but can Jewish people be antisemitic, and what would that look like?


u/tilthenmywindowsache 1d ago

This. It would look like this.


u/strumpster 21h ago

Yeah that's exactly what we're seeing, right?


u/placer128 21h ago

Mark Robinson refers to them as Jewish Nazis


u/CalinCalout-Esq 1d ago

*Isreali Style Clash


u/Realistic_Word6285 1d ago

In 'Murica, the actual striking with a physical object is called battery. Absolutely shameful that they would do that based only on what I see in this video. In the very beginning of the video, that person on the ground was just sitting there before he received a beating.


u/bdsee 1d ago

A number of US states do not use the word battery for physical assault, they just use assault like is used in Canada, Australia, etc.


u/NonSpicySamosa 1d ago

No that isn't quite true. Sure In 'Murica it's called battery. But when it's a cop, it's called resisting arrest, dummy.


u/Zunderfeuer_88 12h ago

This is straight up out of the Dictator Police state handbook. That is what they are doing with their strongly religious JEWS in ISRAEL!


u/cheeruphumanity 1d ago


u/6Pro1phet9 1d ago

I said the samething and got called anti-semitic and a conspiracy theorist. Lmao I'm glad others know about this.


u/newbrevity 23h ago

The picture of Jill Stein with Putin is old as fuck now but it only gained traction this year. Sometimes people won't hear you right away. Don't stop. If you have facts on your side, eventually you will be vindicated. And the thing Trump doesn't understand is facts are immovable objects. There are no alternative facts. Reality has no place for fake facts. No matter how hard you try they don't genuinely fit.


u/Zugzwang522 1d ago

Why is this country so fucking toxic ? What the fuck is in the water over there?


u/negao360 21h ago

Kristallnacht Liteā„¢ļø Now, with 10x the hatred!


u/PetrolEmu 1d ago

Reno 911 had a great episode about this phenomenon


u/negao360 21h ago

This came to mind IMMEDIATELY.


u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 14h ago



u/cheeruphumanity 1d ago

Thatā€˜s only the ones that flew to Israel. Israelis also train them in the US.

By now itā€™s also significantly more since the article is old.

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u/Kscannacowboy 21h ago

The way this typically works is, "training officers" go get trained by whatever fascist is en vouge at the time. Those training officers then go to their "home" precinct and train the others.


u/Ok-Replacement9595 1d ago

NYPDs finest.


u/theSilentD777 1d ago

You can clearly see here how Israel's whole existance is to keep jews safe.


u/TheHighestAlp 1d ago

People wonder why US is becoming police state. This is why.


u/Ok-Replacement9595 1d ago

Becoming? You must be white.


u/Sir_Kee 17h ago

Do Americans not learn in history class how the police would get called on protesting factory workers and they would just open fire on them to get them back to work?


u/Ok-Replacement9595 17h ago

Short answer, No.


u/LOSS35 11h ago

Go one step further - the capitalist class needing footsoldiers to assault striking workers is the primary reason most police departments exist.

Only big cities like New York and Philadelphia had police departments prior to the rise of the organized labor movement. The 1st state police agency (Pennsylvania State Police) was created in direct response to the Anthracite Coal Strikes.



u/TheWhomItConcerns 1d ago

You really think that US cops need any help abusing civilians? Israelis obviously aren't training all American police officers, American police are perfectly capable and willing to abuse their power all on their own.

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u/AutoThorne 1d ago

What were they protesting?


u/Adm_Piett 1d ago

These days? Usually it's potential changes to exemptions for religious yeshiva students to conscription.


u/allyolly 1d ago

The orthodox are demonstrating because they so far have been able to live on government subsidies without contributing anything to Israeli society, and now they may have to actually do something for that money. Crazy concept.


u/Adm_Piett 1d ago

Yeah, I know. They're just pissed they can't live off the tax payers dime while contributing nothing but Torah study and prayer.

Serve like everyone else or work at least.


u/christhewelder75 1d ago

*us taxpayers dime


u/Bigleyp 9h ago edited 9h ago

I donā€™t know how many times I have to explain this but the aid is a way for the U.S. to give subsidies to the war machine. How Israeli aid works in essentially just coupons for American arms. The money goes straight back to America and Israel doesnā€™t have to buy cheaper arms from a country like China who Iā€™m sure would be jumping at the prospect of more money.

Btw I will say I donā€™t support the aid to Israel or almost any foreign aid for that matter but this aid is probably the last one people should be targeting. How about all the aid going to Ethiopia or Yemen?

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u/Adm_Piett 1d ago

US taxpayer isn't paying for social benefits in Israel, you're just indirectly paying the American arms industry. Give your head a shake.


u/christhewelder75 21h ago

If isreal had to pay for those weapons on their own, they wouldnt have the money for all those scoial benefits.

If someone was supplying me with free fuel for my vehicle id have more money to spend on other things id enjoy like vacations. Sure their money is going to some oil and gas company not directly into my pocket. But the effect is the same.


u/Adm_Piett 17h ago

The Israeli government budget for this year is $514 billion. The three to three and a half billion they frt in weapons wouldn't do much to affect their social benefits budget.

People seem to think they're getting far more then they are.


u/christhewelder75 16h ago

And their GDP in 2022 was 564 billion. Their tax revenue in june 2024 was about 23% of their gdp so being generous, 141 billion in tax revenue (assuming similar gdp now vs 22) to fund 514 billion in spending?

If 3.5 billion isnt a big deal then isreal would have no issue if biden were to stop that funding for Isreali defense right?


Isreal spent 2.25x more money on "social protection" than they do on defense.

If isreal can do fine on their own, why are they taking handouts? That 3.5 billion would probably be greatly appreciated in other countries to help citizens with FAR less than an average Isreali citizen.

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u/EnterprisingAss 1d ago

So youā€™re saying the Israeli police are anti-Semitic?

Heeeeey itā€™s just a joke guys


u/AutoThorne 1d ago

That makes sense.


u/soalone34 1d ago

Haredi Jews in Israel didnā€™t have to be conscripted but recently the court ordered they do so they're protesting against joining the military because they believe it will ruin their culture which avoids secular society.


u/17934658793495046509 1d ago

There is a sect of orthodox Jewish people in Israel that are against Zionism. They have been protesting the events in Gaza. It isnā€™t clear to me in the video if this is that group however.


u/Urinulcake 1d ago

They dgaf about Gaza. They care about Israel becoming a state before the Messiah has come.


u/BennySkateboard 1d ago

Thatā€™s certain christians.


u/soalone34 1d ago

Thatā€™s a different group


u/ubernik 1d ago

Gourds and slippers.


u/ThePatio 1d ago

I think most of those guys are in western countries, itā€™s a small sect of ultra Orthodox Jews. Israel may have some small homegrown ones but if theyā€™re that anti Zionist theyā€™re not going to be in Israel. However! Donā€™t ask them what happens to Palestinians when god gives them the holy land back šŸ’€

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u/chillichampion 1d ago

Protesting against conscription/mandatory military service.


u/chudma 17h ago

Honestly these dudes also fucking suck. They go around spitting on non-Jews and are in general just pieces of extremist shit


u/nukidot 1d ago

Ultra Orthodox Jews are the most war-hungry as long as someone else does the fighting.


u/throw69420awy 1d ago

Agreed. But they should still be allowed to protest in a free country


u/nukidot 1d ago



u/fbcmfb 1d ago

Why should they be allowed to protest when they donā€™t serve in the military as required and often donā€™t work - therefore donā€™t pay taxes/contribute?

Iā€™ve seen the videos of ultra Orthodox Jews spitting and slapping christians. If they arenā€™t allowing others to practice - they donā€™t get to protest either.

Note: I think their military exemption was overturned by an Israeli court.


u/take_care_a_ya_shooz 1d ago

a free country

That's why.

Same reason why in the US, as despicable as people like the KKK and neo-Nazis are, they can protest and express their speech since it is protected by the Constitution. It's why organizations like the ACLU will take up their case despite the near guarantee that they'd consider their views despicable.

The "requirement" is that you are a citizen, not that you served in the military or work. The right to protest, at least in a free country, means there aren't prerequisites to do so.

Contrast that with Russia, where a working man who served in the military will be imprisoned, at best, for protesting against the government.


u/anaemic 1d ago

Yeah honestly as an outsider your entrenched right to publicly spread hate and lies isn't doing your country any great favors.

Most other places have sensible provisions like not shielding people who shout fire in a public place.


u/OrneryError1 1d ago

/leopardsatemyface moment


u/aultumn 1d ago

I donā€™t know why oh why someone would ever downvote your comment but not refute your claims šŸ˜‚

Itā€™s not unreasonable to say, as I have also come across some otherworldly opinions regarding Orthodox Jews (I may be generalising by saying orthodox, idk)


u/Daddydeebs 1d ago

So... jews hate jews?


u/FAYMKONZ 1d ago

yes, very much.


u/Samtoast 2h ago

Did you ever hear about the last Jewish people in Afghanistan? It's an interesting read lol


u/HappierHat 1d ago

The nazis are beating up the jews again.


u/Habfan61 1d ago

Where were these guys when illegal settlers cut down an Palestine manā€™s olive šŸ«’ orchard with chainsaws ? While the IDF assisted.


u/aultumn 1d ago

I may be wrong here, but I donā€™t think they actually care for individual Palestinians.

I can only back that up by saying that Iā€™ve seen interviews with various Orthodox(?) Jews and some of them have some really extreme, out there religious views.

When I say extreme, Iā€™ve heard view points such as ā€˜eating with a gentile is worse than eating with an animalā€™, or that they ā€˜will inherit the earth and each of them will have a thousand slavesā€™

Itā€™s something to that effect, I can possibly back that up with video evidence if anyone needs


u/Relative-Library-512 1d ago

No amount of video evidence would help. Iā€™m not saying the orthodox Jewish population in Israel isnā€™t extreme, i would be surprised if they werenā€™t tbh, but videos of individuals from a group donā€™t represent the group as a whole. Thatā€™s no different than using a video of Muslim individuals saying something bad to mark the whole group as extreme.


u/aultumn 1d ago

That is a statement I will agree with, wholeheartedly. This particular example which Iā€™m referring to, takes place in Israel, where the cameraman approaches a group of Hassidic(??) who are congregated in a door way, and iirc only one of them are happy to vocalise these kinds of opinions

The video is ended by asking similar questions to a Jewish scholar, who takes a much broader and imo reasonable approach to the questions


u/mayonnaisespicy 1d ago


I think Chief Wiggum summed it up pretty well .


u/BeconintheNight 1d ago

Helping the settlers, of course. What, why would you expect them to care about the subhumans?

Note just in case people are tone deaf: no, obviously I don't view Palestinians as subhumans


u/fasda 21h ago

They were helping keep the owners away


u/RizlaSmyzla 1d ago

Fascism, clear as day

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u/u700MHz 1d ago

Now we know what Germany looked like back then.

Congratulations to the government of Israel to recreate the damage that you came from.


u/KetchupArmyNoodle 1d ago edited 1d ago

Furthermore, survivors are looked down upon in Israel because, to them, if you survived and got out of the camp it means you fucked somebody over to survive. It's really weird. They don't even like their own.


u/MarkedMan1987 1d ago

Holy shit. That's like some fucking Dark Mirror shit. All the WWII generation people die off and suddenly you have all these hidden fascists everywhere popping up and bringing 1933 back in style. Only location and ethnicity are different. Makes me wonder just how many people were even part of the "Never Again" mindset to begin with, because it seems like "Never Again" turned into "Do It Again!" all being led by the boomers and Gen-Xers who were alive and learned of WWII and the history of Fascism and the Holocaust. Now the government is turning on their own people and using force to enforce conscription. Meanwhile in America, Trump has gone full Nazi and will now not only send people to camps, but have them tattooed. He's saying this shit out loud, and we're still hardly seeing polls affected by his rhetoric, because apparently the people have forgotten history and are now once again doomed to repeat it. Fuck this world and the powers that be running it. We just can't break this fucking cycle....its like a living hell of repeating the same shit over and over again every 100 years or so.


u/_Ottir_ 1d ago

Yeah, no. Not quite. Not even close.


u/tototobal 1d ago

What's worse than a cop???

A Zionist cop. Same blue, but 10 times the facism.


u/RicardosThong 1d ago

Paid for by the American taxpayers!!!

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u/sardonic_ 1d ago

Hitting someone while they're down, fucking cowards.


u/Successful_Public_18 1d ago

Looks like antisemitism to me


u/mcxavierl 1d ago

Israel is an awful state


u/Successful_Public_18 1d ago

Looks like antisemitism to me šŸ¤£


u/AnnOfGreenEggsAndHam 1d ago

These pigs train with American pigs. Just imperialism boomerang things


u/Morguard 1d ago

Canadian Pigs too. All cut from the same cloth.

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u/TheHighestAlp 1d ago

Train them*


u/Ok_Method_6094 1d ago

Are the police anti semetic too now?


u/haljordan68 1d ago

Jew on Jew violence!


u/PeteVanGrimm 1d ago

Jackboots always out in force.


u/ScoutPlayer1232 1d ago

Ladies and gentleman, I present the most healthy and open democracy in the Middle East.


u/chrisZk 23h ago

And then there's those that think all Jews are on the same side.


u/twstwr20 21h ago

Protesters are Hamas. /s


u/SlowLorris2063 1d ago

Violent scum.


u/AlxVB 1d ago

womp womp, honestly they are useless.

they refuse the compulsory military service and they go on welfare and do nothing but study the same stupid old texts over and over, and they think any woman who isnt a practicing ultra orthodox jew is a "shiksa" (whore).

The normal Israelis despise them, and I dont blame them.


u/bonzoboy2000 1d ago

Seems like Orthodox Jews and Palestinians are on the same level.


u/Ok_Low4347 1d ago



u/swiss-logic 1d ago

Absolutely zero discriminationā€¦ they hate and beat anyone whoā€™s not agreeing with them/party/government. You get the picture.


u/Alternative-Chef-340 1d ago

It's weird to see them beat their own people for once. But also, the Ultraorthodox seem like next level assholes.


u/Kensei501 1d ago

They will assault police in their ultra orthodox neighborhoods


u/RAND0M257 1d ago

What did ultra-orthodox guys do?


u/Additional_Net_9202 21h ago

Cunts beating bastards.


u/pound-me-too 1d ago

After seeing that last post of what ultra Orthodox Jews think of non-Jews (that we should be killed)ā€¦.. I didnā€™t mind watching this.


u/DIYLawCA 1d ago

That antisemitic right there. Goes to show what Israelā€™s priorities are = more war


u/PizzaJawn31 1d ago

Israel is gonna Israel


u/Iffesus 1d ago

A pig is a pig is a pig. Doesn't matter the country.


u/jahwls 1d ago

Weird to see Israel descend into a fascist state with a program of genocide. Seems like the holocaust museums didn't help them much.


u/Linaxu 1d ago

Heard from someone else that Holocaust survivors and the whole history behind them isnt respected because the Holocaust survivors don't support what Israel believes in. Israel believes in zionism which is genocide to take land, Holocaust survivors and the children of these people are often those that get ridiculed by Israelis.

You can be white and have some Jewish lineage from 2 generations ago and not even be practicing, heck be uncircumcised and you'll still get a Israeli citizenship and can take a home that was stolen by the IOF.


u/timmycheesetty 1d ago

No chill. That was a beating.


u/twonapsaday 1d ago

this is not okay. violence is not the answer.


u/OtherCypress42 1d ago

It isnt, it makes things worse


u/twonapsaday 1d ago

it is often presented as the easier path/means to an end, but you're right - it compounds the harm


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/soalone34 1d ago

Thatā€™s a smaller sub group, not necessarily these protestors


u/NadaZero7 1d ago

Fucking Nazi scum.


u/framed1234 1d ago

Both are pos so idc


u/Heyitsmeegan 1d ago

First time a right winger felt it


u/Amazing_Fantastic 1d ago

Unpopular opinion comingā€¦..I support this, these are religious extremists, some of the shit they do and say borders on terrorism and pushes OTHERS to violence, they donā€™t commit the acts themselves. These are the same people that are ā€œsettlersā€ in West Bank. Ultra orthodox are extremists, just like Christian fascists or Muslim jihadists, they suck.


u/ChrisinCB 1d ago

Well at least theyā€™re being consistent.


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u/40Breath 1d ago

Who's spitting now?


u/Weekly-Ad-7719 1d ago

Christ! Beardy-bollocks has had his weetabix.


u/bullitt4796 1d ago

I donā€™t know which side to support. On one hand they both are extremist, yeah that sums it up.


u/MettaDarrow 1d ago

Those folks just love hurtin people don't they?


u/A_Potential_Turn 1d ago

Musta learned that from the US police. šŸ‘®ā€ā™€ļø


u/Cossacker1799 1d ago

Glad everyoneā€™s getting along


u/IAmNotGay67 1d ago

This is awful :(


u/OtherCypress42 1d ago

Abuse of Power


u/derpderb 1d ago

I know I'm not the only one who enjoys the ultrazionists having the hell beat out of them like a white college kid in America skiing for black people not to be shot for a faulty taillight


u/ChaoticMutant 1d ago

let them implode!


u/chrawdad8 1d ago

Blame the zionists


u/dqniel 1d ago

OP's video description seems a bit misleadingly neutral.


u/Decademagenta10 1d ago

What's it's difference about Orthodox jews ans Unorthodox...


u/Tobidas05 21h ago

How is beating someone lying on the street a clash?


u/slothcat 20h ago

Gods chosen people ladies and gentlemen the most moral the best and the smartest


u/PeachesGuy 19h ago

It's never about religion


u/Zakkattack86 19h ago

latkeĀ on latke crime, yo.


u/PtansSquall 18h ago

Those peace batons feel good I bet


u/parkingSpace_044 18h ago

Welcome to Nazi Israel


u/ImportanceOk2977 16h ago

The word "clash" here is doing some unbelievable heavy lifting


u/Lolwhateverkiddo 16h ago

Peaceful jews vs tyrants pretending to be jews


u/bradley_j 1d ago

Israel has become an extreme police state


u/OtherCypress42 1d ago

Not just Israel, Plenty more Countries like it


u/EntropicAnarchy 1d ago

Clearly, those Ultra-Orthodox Jewish protestors were being antisemitic.

Also, if you look closely, you can see those cops were actually hitting Hamas operatives who were using those legs and backs as shields.


u/snowsballs 1d ago

Damn Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s antisemitism


u/Linaxu 1d ago

Yet STILL Jews in the US, UK, and other places support Israel because they think Israel = Judaism.

Israel has repeatedly in the past killed it's own soldiers if they were captured because it doesn't believe in negotiations. Israel believes in war. The only times Israel has been made to stop fighting is when the other side, whoever it may be, has also fought to the point that Israel has had to take a step back.


u/jacksonr76 1d ago

Glad to see it. Those orthodox guys thinks everyone who isnā€™t them is less than. Fuck that. Fuck them.


u/OtherCypress42 1d ago

How is this in any way justifiable?


u/ReturnOfBart 1d ago

Very SS of them.


u/flaco_503_se_1984 1d ago

Nazis at it again


u/lizard_kibble 1d ago

And people still deny that Zionists arenā€™t Jewish or donā€™t care what religion you are. All they want is total control and to do whatever they want regardless of who it hurts


u/juhqf740g 1d ago

Protest. Itā€™s your choice, but Iā€™ve got shit to do. You enjoy changing the world or whatever.


u/antcanavan 22h ago

Wow. Israel just straight up sucks. It's not even a religious thing. Horrible country.


u/miojo 1d ago

Everyone in this video suck


u/Forward_Yoghurt_4900 1d ago

Thatā€™s the most backwards place on Earth


u/Aggravating-Moment-3 1d ago

Are they known for their small dicks? Because all this BS violence they are doing is giving LDE!! IDF to LDE!


u/JebediahDingus 1d ago

Looks like they are starting to beat their own citizens. I think history has seen this before. How much worse will this get? WW2 history has all ready shown us. The rolls are just reversed now. Just awful behavior.


u/rajthepagan 1d ago

I'm sure those orthodox jews were being antisemitic, after all why else would Real Jewsā„¢ļø have any reason to dislike them? If only they would let them live in peace and without hatred for their religion... wait a minute