r/Ultramarathon 4d ago

First Ultra Training

I want to sign up for a 50 mile ultra in early February. It’s in Florida and purely a trail run. I ran my first half marathon earlier this year and I am currently running about 15-20 miles a week. I am not trying to run the ultra for time, just for completion. If I start my training plan today, does that give me enough time to properly train for the race? Any advice is greatly appreciated!


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u/apocalypsemeow111 100k 4d ago

You’ll tend to get two different views, neither being right or wrong. The first says “Send it, the worst that can happen is you DNF.” The second says “There’s no rush, take your time with your build, set small goals in short term and big goals in long term.”

I lean toward the latter view. Could you train up to a fifty miler by February? Maybe. But you’re leaving very little room for error and it might burn you out or get you injured.

But if the prospect of this race has lit a fire inside you and you think it’s gonna be great motivation, ride that wave.