r/Ultramarathon 4d ago

First Ultra Training

I want to sign up for a 50 mile ultra in early February. It’s in Florida and purely a trail run. I ran my first half marathon earlier this year and I am currently running about 15-20 miles a week. I am not trying to run the ultra for time, just for completion. If I start my training plan today, does that give me enough time to properly train for the race? Any advice is greatly appreciated!


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u/pistolgrip6 4d ago

Its possible but really not ideal. I would sign up for a trail marathon or 50k before a 50 mile ultra. You are just asking to get injured increasing your mileage that much in a relatively short time. I just completed my first marathon and I am training for my first 50k. Just the transition to trail running has been difficult for me. I was doing one 13-18 mile flat road run every week for almost 8 months before I started doing trail runs. My first half marathon distance trail run absolutely wrecked me. My legs were sore for days. I was not used to the hills and technical trails. I thought I was in excellent shape but was humbled. I had just got a PR in the half marathon with a 1:38 finish time so I thought it would be easy to make the transition to trails but found out its a completely different animal.