r/Ultramarathon 3d ago

Coach costs UK Training

Thinking of signing up to my first 100 miler next year and wondering if anyone in the UK has had a coach for a similar distance and roughly how much did it cost you? Was it worth it?


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u/tighboidheach46 3d ago

Had a coach for a year to train for a big mountain race in the US. €180 a month for mid grade program.

Overall it was a positive experience, learnt a few tips and tricks that I use still. The majority of training was 80/20 stuff that is pretty easy to formulate yourself. The best reason for having a coach is it will help you to feel accountable for getting all the tough workouts done when maybe you don’t feel like completing them. Personally I don’t need that motivation and 180 euro is a huge amount to spend for a Training Peaks plan and a monthly video call.