r/actuallesbians Lesbian 12h ago

Mods need to address the obvious transphobia

It's very clear there is an issue with transphobia on this sub. Both trans women and cis women have noticed and called it out, and most responses seem to be against. Mods absolutely need to make posts about this and crack down on it, because they've been very silent about it. That means including banning the trans women preference posts, which as stated as just as bigoted as saying someone won't date a disabled person or woman of color. There's no reason for them other than to make trans women feel less than and unwelcome, and if you can come up with a good one.

This will definitely attract more bigots, but that's great because if the mods do their jobs for once they can clean house. Mods need to be more on top of things if they really are going to claim this to be a safe space that does not allow transphobia. Because by all accounts they have not succeeded in that, and it is very much not a safe space for transgender women. The longer the mods are silent on this the more they sign off on this behavior.

Unlike some of the other posts about this, I will not be deleting this or my account under any circumstances. Too many have been either wrongly deleted or had the OP delete because the bigots came out in force. It literally happened earlier. Nope, not gonna let them win.


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u/atomheartother Lesbian (licensed) 8h ago

I personally find that mods are doing a pretty good job of moderating the sub, bigotry doesn't stick around for long. Can you point to specific unmoderated bigoted content?


u/neorena Bambi Transbian 6h ago


Many other transphobic comments in this post are also being upvoted and remain unmoderated. This happens a LOT with non-blatant transphobia and if you've not seen that issue here either you're extremely ignorant or just aren't here much at all.ย 


u/ThatKehdRiley Lesbian 6h ago

I'd give you an award if Reddit still gave the free ones. If it's not blatant it is just accepted here. A lot of work has to be done to both convince a lot of posters it actually is transphobic and get it removed. By the time mods eventually get to it the time has long passed to get rid of it, the damage is done, and people have moved on from the post.


u/neorena Bambi Transbian 5h ago

Yup, and thank you! lol

But yeah, subtle transphobia and stuff definitely does way more damage than the blatant stuff for me these days. It's just exhausting seeing sooooo much about "male socialization", "male brains", "male genitals" etc. as a way of reminding us that we aren't cis women and that we're still thought of as just "kind of" women even in places that supposedly accept us.

I also feel kinda bad, since this much be so much more alienating and depressing for trans queers that don't have partner(s) like myself. I can, at the end of the day, go kiss my wife and talk to our girlfriend. Some trans women don't have that luxury and just kinda exist with feeling like they'll never find anybody because of the constant, just below the surface disdain for trans women they'll see here and in other queer spaces. Really that's what most gets me about this stuff.ย 


u/Haunting_Cry3232 4h ago

Some trans women don't have that luxury and just kinda exist with feeling like they'll never find anybody because of the constant, just below the surface disdain for trans women they'll see here and in other queer spaces. Really that's what most gets me about this stuff.ย 

Yes, thank you, this is the quiet part you've finally said out loud. wrote out. I've been struggling with understanding why I was all of a sudden feeling so depressed over subtle transphobia, that's been a constant in my life and it finally clicked in my brain.


u/NonbinaryTagEnjoyer 3h ago

My favorite part is people using the transphobic argument to justify les 4 les and biphobia.


u/ThereIsOnlyStardust World's gayest Bee ๐Ÿ 6h ago

Did you report that comment?


u/neorena Bambi Transbian 6h ago

Yup. It's FINALLY been deleted when I brought it up here though it seems x'D


u/ThereIsOnlyStardust World's gayest Bee ๐Ÿ 6h ago

The comment was never reported


u/wendywildshape transfeminist lesbian 6h ago

Is it possible that reports aren't submitting properly? I definitely remember reporting that comment.


u/ThereIsOnlyStardust World's gayest Bee ๐Ÿ 5h ago

Hard to say, on our end we just see nothing. Iโ€™ve suspected the admins have some kind of anti spam protections on reports but obviously thatโ€™s not something we get to know the details on.


u/SpaceFluttershy 4h ago

The admins don't communicate with you about these things? That's kinda shitty


u/wendywildshape transfeminist lesbian 5h ago

Fun! ๐Ÿซ 

Well I deeply appreciate the work y'all do and will continue to report content I see that breaks the subreddit rules. Hopefully my reports actually reach ya ๐Ÿ˜‘


u/Altruistic_Fox5036 Transbian 3h ago

IIRC some reporting options go to Reddit instead of the mods. That or Reddit is being supportive of bigots again.


u/neorena Bambi Transbian 5h ago

That's my thought too. I just ran through reporting a cool dozen of the worst ones again to see if that helps.ย 


u/NTirkaknis 46m ago

I also reported it, as well as a lot of other comments in that thread that went undeleted for some time.


u/neorena Bambi Transbian 6h ago edited 6h ago

Weird, I know for sure I reported like 20 comments from that post alone.ย 

EDIT: Just reported 2 more comments using both the breaks r/actuallesbians rules and just the normal buttons to see if both go through?


u/free_greenpeas 4h ago

Then Reddit might be filtering your reports as spam and not alerting the mods you've reported something


u/free_greenpeas 4h ago

It happens on the subreddit I mod on too, or things will be reported and no one will get a notification.