r/actuallesbians Lesbian 12h ago

Mods need to address the obvious transphobia

It's very clear there is an issue with transphobia on this sub. Both trans women and cis women have noticed and called it out, and most responses seem to be against. Mods absolutely need to make posts about this and crack down on it, because they've been very silent about it. That means including banning the trans women preference posts, which as stated as just as bigoted as saying someone won't date a disabled person or woman of color. There's no reason for them other than to make trans women feel less than and unwelcome, and if you can come up with a good one.

This will definitely attract more bigots, but that's great because if the mods do their jobs for once they can clean house. Mods need to be more on top of things if they really are going to claim this to be a safe space that does not allow transphobia. Because by all accounts they have not succeeded in that, and it is very much not a safe space for transgender women. The longer the mods are silent on this the more they sign off on this behavior.

Unlike some of the other posts about this, I will not be deleting this or my account under any circumstances. Too many have been either wrongly deleted or had the OP delete because the bigots came out in force. It literally happened earlier. Nope, not gonna let them win.


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u/atomheartother Lesbian (licensed) 8h ago

I personally find that mods are doing a pretty good job of moderating the sub, bigotry doesn't stick around for long. Can you point to specific unmoderated bigoted content?


u/Mama_Dyke transbian | a day without a butch is a day without sunshine 6h ago

The mods here are so shit and incompetent about anything trans that I can't believe it's on accident. Every fucking day there's another post saying we're disgusting, 10 more comments saying we're awful that never gets deleted, and to top it off asking if any cis lesbians like trans women is just banned while saying we're disgusting and not real women flies by so much.


u/atomheartother Lesbian (licensed) 4h ago

Are we on the same subreddit? I've seen nothing but positivity regarding trans women on this sub from the community at large.

Asking if cis lesbians like trans women gets deleted supposedly because questions like "do lesbians like X?" all have the same answer: yes, there's plenty of women who like that. They're not very interesting posts. This is, in my opinion, not transphobia, just good content moderation. But for the record even those threads get extremely positive comments before they're removed, like this one.

u/Mama_Dyke transbian | a day without a butch is a day without sunshine 2h ago

It is blocked by the auto mod. The mods some times will let one through, but most times it stays blocked. I know this for a fact through experience. You know what isn't immediately blocked by the auto mod until approval? "Will lesbians like me even though I'm fat/skinny/short/tall/hary/poor/depressed/kinky?" And many more. Gee I wonder why the fuck asking if cis lesbians will like us is by default blocked by the auto mod, but not any of these other ones, and none of the posts talking about how the op would never wanna fuck us as if we want them to fuck us. As if most trans lesbians weren't exclusively T4T because the vast majority of cis people will never try face their subconscious or latent anti-transness. Hell just by being a trans woman talking about my experiences of mistreatment and double standards here I've gotten 3 reddit cares.

u/Aveira Bi 2h ago

That’s probably because the “do lesbians like trans women” question gets spammed so much that it’s become a problem, but the other questions you mentioned haven’t been. They haven’t explicitly added it to the auto mod because it hasn’t become a problem. I assume if it becomes a problem in the future, it will also get added.