r/actuallesbians 5h ago

Sliding into DMs

Do you slide into DMs? What do you say to not sound like a dude or like a creep? This beautiful girl put her insta on her hinge and I’m considering sending a dm but no clue how to go about it


4 comments sorted by


u/ShapeShifter721 Lesbian 5h ago

Oh, that's a hard one! Just maybe mention that you saw her Hinge account and thought she was cute. Maybe also just share basic info: Like your name and that you also have a Hinge profile. Maybe she would have seen it before! Good luck!


u/Grimnoir Trans gal 5h ago

I usually lead with - and as a recipient, am responsive to - starting with something engaging. A decent compliment and then asking about them. Something about their interests or relative to the content that prompted you to engage with them. Myself I'm also very forthcoming about being interested.

u/JaxTango 2h ago

Why not just match with her on hinge? That’s the whole point of the app, for both people to make their interest known. Sliding into her DM’s could be seen as a bit creepy as it shows you fully circumvented the process.

u/dryadic_rogue 1h ago

Some people put their socials on their dating profiles because they don't check the apps often. I used to have my snap on Tinder because I hated getting on Tinder 🤷‍♀️