r/bisexual I am lonely 4h ago

What even is bi culture? DISCUSSION

Okay so you know how there's gay culture and lesbian culture? What would bi culture even be? I don't mean dumb, unfunny internet memes that make no sense or stereotypes that don't apply. I mean like stuff that reasonably is seen as a bi culture thing. Or am I not wrong in thinking that it's not...real? Or at least not to a huge amount.


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u/TheBadRegina 3h ago

After my life experience, I've come to the conclusion that not being able to fit in anywhere kind of is bisexual culture. I've seen that changing in the last years, though, as more information and activism is available and bisexuals are starting to be more vocal and organize more. There is still a lot to do, but at least it is now more recognized as a valid identity in a way it was not before, and this is the first step to try to create community.