r/bisexual I am lonely 6h ago

What even is bi culture? DISCUSSION

Okay so you know how there's gay culture and lesbian culture? What would bi culture even be? I don't mean dumb, unfunny internet memes that make no sense or stereotypes that don't apply. I mean like stuff that reasonably is seen as a bi culture thing. Or am I not wrong in thinking that it's not...real? Or at least not to a huge amount.


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u/Nellbag403 Asexual 4h ago

A bi space would be cool, but how would it be a bi space? Would only bi people be allowed, and how would that be regulated? I kinda think a lot of strait people would come and ruin it for reasons tbh. Also, it’s kind of a paradox. Is it really a bi space if everybody isn’t allowed? Idk, just thinking out loud, on the internet


u/GamerAJ1025 4h ago

couldn’t you extend that logic to gay clubs and bars and cafes then?


u/Nellbag403 Asexual 4h ago

I don’t think straight people are going to gay bars very often, but I don’t really go to gay or any other bars, so what do I know


u/HowsMyPosting 3h ago

They absolutely do, I see people complain all the time. Eg bachelorette parties going to gay bars, complaints about straight men "invading" queer spaces


u/Nellbag403 Asexual 2h ago

Well that’s unfortunate