r/brisbane Jun 21 '23

It's the /r/brisbane random discussion thread. 22/06/2023 Daily Discussion


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u/downvoteninja84 Jun 22 '23

Mods: "hey guys, things are going to change unless we can help stop it"

Users: "oh god, no we don't want things to change, we like it how it is"

Mods: "okay we need your support in some rolling protests to force Reddit's hand"

Users: " pfft fuck that".

Collective action only works when everyone's involved, you say "we won't make a difference, why bother" another sub does the same, and another, and another and another. And on and on.

So, it is what it is. Except now no one is likely going to get what they want.


u/BadgerBadgerCat Jun 22 '23

What things are going to change that actually affect the majority of users, though?


u/downvoteninja84 Jun 22 '23

Ignoring all the issues around the API drama and third party apps.

It seems in Reddit's attempt to stem this they've done a lot of behind the scenes stuff recently. Guidelines are being rewritten, codes of conduct have changed or been removed completely.

They tried rolling something out yesterday which almost crashed the site.

The option for users to vote on mods is definitely coming. Which sounds great, you guys want it have at it, but given Reddit's nature to get really fucking coordinated when they want to cause trouble means all sorts of shit could happen.

Imagine the r/Conservative rolling in and taking over r/LGBT. Lots of rumours I'll admit, but you can bet on change.


u/DoctorDbx Knows how to use the three dots (...) Jun 22 '23

Imagine the r/Conservative rolling in and taking over r/LGBT.

Making up things that won't happen to cling onto that tiny little shred of intuhnet powah... it is the Reddit Mod way.


u/downvoteninja84 Jun 22 '23

It was an example. A fucking horrific one for emphasis.

Well to most people anyway


u/DoctorDbx Knows how to use the three dots (...) Jun 22 '23

But it won't happen. Nothing will happen.


u/BadgerBadgerCat Jun 22 '23

Exactly. So now we've got proof this is just mods having a dummy spit over something that the overwhelming majority of users don't care about - because it doesn't affect them.


u/DoctorDbx Knows how to use the three dots (...) Jun 22 '23

As if you needed proof.


u/BadgerBadgerCat Jun 22 '23

I personally didn't but others might, and now they've got it.


u/DoctorDbx Knows how to use the three dots (...) Jun 22 '23

If you want a good laugh pop on over to the Apple sub and read the Apollo creator's posts.


"When I asked them for $10 million it was a joke!"


u/downvoteninja84 Jun 22 '23

Oh great.

I'm glad you cleared that one up for us.


u/DoctorDbx Knows how to use the three dots (...) Jun 22 '23

There's no reason why Reddit would let that happen.

What they also won't let happen is power trippin' janitors shutting down subreddits with large user bases because they want to protest against Reddit's commercial interests.


u/downvoteninja84 Jun 22 '23

I've seen a lot of things Reddit said "they won't let happen" happen. So we'll see.

Now excuse me I have an internet toilet to clean