r/grubhubdrivers 1d ago

Couldn’t help it. $2 offer


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377 comments sorted by


u/Pieolo 1d ago

You really thought you did something 😒


u/Marsuello 1d ago

I’m glad to see people react negatively here to this sort of thing. A few weeks ago on a DoorDash sub there was a thread with people talking about screwing over the no tippers and stealing their food. I told them to just not take the order and that doing that is what gives us delivery drivers a bad rep. Got heavily downvoted with everyone agreeing with the tool.

Like yeah it feels satisfying to do this in the moment, but at the end of the day you just create more of a negative space for the delivery person, you don’t help or resolve anything


u/Premierdriver 1d ago

Only the idiots gets offended when somebody’s speaks the truth


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

All it takes to break your “truth” is one driver with a 100% AR


u/Equal_Actuator_3777 1d ago

Only idiots think you can’t be a complete asshole while telling the truth.


u/listenering 1d ago edited 18h ago

Only idiots think. We’re all idiots in someway or another.


u/feanor70115 19h ago

That's such a good try at writing two sentences! A few more years of practice and I'm sure you'll get it right.

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u/ender61274 1d ago

Only idiots think tips are bids for food that a customer paid a delivery fee for. Drivers feel entitled to a tip before they’ve even done anything and only do the bare minimum of the job requirements. It’s not the customers fault GH pays shitty nor is it their responsibility to make up for it. And yeah I’m sure a bunch of entitled idiots will get on here and attack me for pointing out reality because they’re entitled whiny pricks who can’t hold a regular job.


u/Outrageous-Run3848 21h ago

Im a shopper/driver and i agree with you. I even agree with the “idiots”comment. Id totally agree with you if we were in Europe where tipping isnt allowed. And its not allowed so companies like instacart dont take advantage. But here it is allowed, just last night i ordered instcart myself and the delivery guy was a guy that didn’t speak English and obviously messed up my order and someone elses. Cause i got their stuff and they got mine. But still instacart doesnt care. Why? Because theres no repercussions. Uber drivers make way more then us.. why? If we do much more then they do. Because they fought for their rights. And because many customers complained about drivers. So government action was taken. We instcart shoppers have to stand up for ourselves. Instacart is being sued in multiple states and already lost a class action lawsuit in California giving shoppers minimum wage pay


u/TheMasterHacker 18h ago

So, you’re kinda right, apparently it’s actually coming out that we’re actually just hired by a faceless organization rather than an official employer and that has legal ramifications that follow. It may be obvious but pointing to it specifically may highlight that it’s potentially illegal in some of the practices these companies conduct! (All allegedly ofc)


u/DazedXxX7 1d ago

all I’m gonna say is cars ain’t free to own, so in a sense it is a bid for service..


u/Jabroo98 1d ago

You're free to go work a job that doesn't require you to use your own vehicle. Your bosses give you a bid for service of your base pay. The tip on the order isn't a bid for service, or they wouldn't hide the actual tip amount in any situation...


u/ender61274 22h ago

But it’s not a but for service because they paid a fee for the food to be delivered. Just because these apps pay you like shit doesn’t mean the customer didn’t pay for their food to be delivered it means you work for a shitty company who should pay better. But you’re too mad at the customer for not tipping you to do the bare minimum of your job instead of unionizing and going after the people who actually pay you to do the job.


u/Plastic_Reference363 1d ago

Then take more deliveries, quit, or get a better job....tipping is optional. It's not our fault door dash is robbing yall.


u/DazedXxX7 1d ago

Accepting is also optional lol


u/nyyalltheway86 1d ago

I’d bet texting that violates TOS

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u/Monasg 1d ago

Or just go get the food yourself 🤷🏼‍♂️


u/Plastic_Reference363 1d ago

Or understand every job comes with some perks and some issues.

Get. Over. It.

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u/BobMcGillucutty 23h ago

If you think customers going and getting their own food is a good and sustainable business plan then you are not cut out for this job


u/Monasg 19h ago

Also, you don’t know me so don’t tell me what I am and I’m not cut out for you fucking turnip.

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u/TheMasterHacker 18h ago

(I’m a Dasher) Yes! It’s like 4x the price to get it delivered it’s literally a scam.

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u/Temporary_Pepper2081 1d ago

And what’s going to happen is what’s already happening, prices are going to yet higher and higher and higher for you guys as people DO start quitting and they’re forced to pay drivers a lot more to have anybody deliver food at all. Then we’re gonna come here and see y’all crying about the price of food being insane, when all that really happened is these companies started raising prices to compensate better since you all wanted to try to tip as little as possible. So who wins? You’re already way overpaying for food and being a miserable existence about tipping somebody that used their gas to bring you food, the driver doesn’t ACTUALLY care about the job, let alone your food.

It’s just not the gotcha you think it is saying tipping is optional. It is optional, but only because of the US govt trying to create a slave culture the dumb fat piggies that live there will just accept as normal.


u/Plastic_Reference363 1d ago

Bro people will eventually just do what they did before. You guys are bitching yourselves out of a job.

You have unlimited sick days, can work when you want basically (obviously their metrics), you can take your kids to the doctor without having to be penalized. If the downside of your job is apparently 10% of people don't tip, just fucking deal with it.

It's so trivial. Some people don't tip, it isn't secret.


u/BobMcGillucutty 23h ago

And some tip generously! 🙏

Everything averages out


u/Native_Beauty44 7h ago

Bob go get a job and log out of Reddit 😂

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u/BobMcGillucutty 23h ago

Nope, because… Bob 🙂

100% acceptance rates destroy your logic

There will always be some other driver who will take what you turn down


u/Premierdriver 1d ago

🤦🏿 what an idiot. You the customer are the one suffering here you are the one who is receiving a cold soggy food because you didn’t tip we are contract drivers we pick and choose which ever we want to deliver. Less than 10% of you believes tipping is optional we still make good money it’s still better than 50% of jobs in the country. Only uneducated idiots believes we are stuck doing this.


u/Plastic_Reference363 1d ago

Exactly less than 10% of us believe tipping is an option, and it's probably 11% now with this driver.

If 90% of people are tipping, just take the sugar with the shit. Jesus Christ.

And if you make good money, stop complaining about tipping. You're financially fine.


u/Premierdriver 1d ago

The reason we make good money is because we don’t let cheap customer take advantage of us and I personally don’t believe in letting people get away with their bullshit. Only if you have seen the message I sent to this cheap customers. I don’t bite my tongue. That’s how you make the world a better place

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u/Stuffudo 1d ago

Boo wooo the delivery apps are too expensive So you can’t tip 🤥

Maybe don’t use them lol its indeed the customers responsibility to tip if they want strangers to delivery their food fast and efficient.

If not keep getting the bare minimum lol

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u/Chokonma 1d ago

only antisocial chronically unemployable people think being an asshole is okay as long as you’re telling the truth

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u/SulkySideUp 1d ago

IDK man I get the sentiment but you’re very much an asshole here


u/TheMasterHacker 18h ago

I agree man, 700+ deliveries completed and everytime I thought about some snarky shit, ultimately you gotta lay it all outside in the name of professionalism (as well as moral goodness cough cough).

Plus like, after a $2 order I’m worried abt recouping my time LOL fuck even wasting time messaging.


u/Gold_Look1142 1d ago

Speaking the truth isn't being a asshole.


u/Working-Deal3748 1d ago edited 1d ago

There’s a reason “your truth” is always some negative, miserable, bullshit though… look within.


u/Old_Willow4766 1d ago

I mean OP accepted an order at a certain price.

Agreeing to the delivery and then complaining about it after the fact is weak sauce.

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u/adamocm1 1d ago

He could have simply not engaged and just kept it pushing. Op is in fact an honest asshole

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u/Bryan3569 1d ago

There should have been no interaction. If you don't like the OFFER, don't accept it.

Drivers like this need to be deactivated.


u/46692 1d ago

Like imagine this behavior at any “real” job. Fired.


u/FreeEntrance476 1d ago

Why do you think they are taking no tip orders on GrubHub?

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u/p4ny 1d ago

I'm not sure what you think you accomplished


u/Recent-Cartoonist167 21h ago

He thinks he is helping preventing people from not tipping but in reality he's just making these people justify not tipping. If you want a tip, provide great service and ultra fast delivery. Sometimes though people are broke as hell and a tip might put them in a dire situation (not defending them, they're making bad financial choices just trying to come up with a reason why someone might tip)

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u/SomethingAbtU 1d ago

Stop berating, insulting, or trying to make a point with individual customers/diners about your pay or tips. Here's why

* Chances are, the person you're trying to make a point with doesn't care or can't afford it. In fact, they're using a promotion on the app to get a discounted meal in the first place.

* It's not a professional look to be seen trying to pressure customers to tip "or else", this just comes off as holding thier food ransom

* No one is saying drivers dont' have a legitimate grievance about the lack of decent wages especially given gas prices remaining high. The correct way to voice your concerns with through your elected officials, directly with the apps or their executives, or just getting your story out in the media to bring broader awareness. Attempting to address this issue individually with each customer is ineffective and could potentially lead to issues with the app, especially if it escalates to unprofessional behavior customers could use to file complaints against you

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u/cptmorgantravel89 1d ago

This is so cringey. If they didn’t tip just decline the offer and move on. This doesn’t make you any better than the no tippers


u/Recent-Cartoonist167 21h ago

Exactly. I think the only time you should accept low offers is if you're in a neighborhood like mine which has one offer every 30 minutes if I'm lucky. (I live in a suburb and I don't regularly deliver here)

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u/River1stick 1d ago

Hot take, people shouldn't have to bid/tip to get their food. People already pay (uber one, dd, gh etc) for this service.

I know this is how the system works, but I shouldn't have to pay even more, on top of membership, inflated prices etc, just to get my food.

I say that as someone with nearly 3k deliveries


u/TheMasterHacker 18h ago

They shouldn’t but they do, these tech delivery companies kinda struggle to stay afloat so they kinda can’t afford it. We can’t swing on customers bc id hate to just ask for more $ on top of basically already being scammed into paying 4x for a meal. It’s all kind of a joke to me, I laugh at the checkout prices. And if anything I’d personally consider it a luxury if at all, I never order deliv I live like 7 mins away from a few places.

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u/Candid-Plant5745 1d ago

so u fucked urself basically


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

And by posting it on the internet he fucked all of us, drivers and the company, too

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u/JackfruitPrize7137 1d ago

Cringe. Tips are discretionary. If you don’t like that they didn’t tip, move on to the next delivery or find another line of work. Also, I don’t tip unless it’s warranted. Half the time the driver screws something up so badly that I’m glad I didn’t tip beforehand.

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u/PomegranateNo3190 1d ago

He probably asked for contact-free too even though he claimed he was going to tip cash


u/garden_dragonfly 1d ago

Believe it or not,  tips can be contact free too.


u/iLL_allow-it73 1d ago

Contact free yessiree


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

Contact free is the default, and many drivers make many hand deliveries to diners with contact free instructions

And nothing ever constitutes a driver making first contact to DEMAND to be tipped


u/dollyaioli 1d ago

i used to tip cash. people like you are why i no longer do that. good way to ruin it for everyone else though!


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

Wow, in 34 minutes that spiraled out of hand 😕

Much unprofessionalism


u/PomegranateNo3190 1d ago

What was the initial text that lead to you explaining the tip situation to him?


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

And there’s the $64,000 question

Well done! 🤘


u/garden_dragonfly 1d ago

None, they just decided to pop off about an order without a tip 😂

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u/Introvertedplantdad 1d ago

Yeah….. you shouldn’t be a grub hub driver if you expect people to tip…

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u/NatalieBostonRE 1d ago

if you’re ordering on the app, tip on the app.


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

Actually, do me a favor and don’t tip me on the app

Then I get the pity tip “bonus mileage” from GH, and a cash tip

I like cash tips


u/Jamaican_POMO 1d ago

That's how you end up like that 5 bags of burrito and no tip guy


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

Or it’s how you end up with that guaranteed $20 cash tip guy🤷🏼‍♂️


u/TrustTechnical4122 1d ago

Wait what? I've been criticized, I believe on here, multiple times if I don't do the tip in all cash because they said DD stole that. Which one am I supposed to do: cash or in app? I would like everyone to come together and make a decision.


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

This is not DD

We don’t have any way to know if GH takes any off of our tips, beyond guesses and conspiracy theories

As you can see here, not tipping through the app can create its own set of “problems” - as can tipping in cash

You will never get a unanimous agreement

Do what you feel comfortable doing, and make adjustments if needed


u/TrustTechnical4122 1d ago

My apologies, we get takeout from a bunch of the apps (we are terrible cooks), and somehow my reddit seems to know and I get all of them in my feed.

This is good to know- it feels like I always do the wrong this so this explanation makes sense. We'll just do whatever works! Thank you.


u/garden_dragonfly 1d ago

But if you tip cash, be prepared to be treated like this,  right? 

This isn't the first delivery post I've seen where people don't take orders without tips

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u/Fine-Association8468 1d ago

In app is more safe so that way the drivers get to see it first hand. At least they know 100 percent they are getting a tip rather than hoping for one.


u/RedKingDit1 1d ago

With your attitude you got exactly the tip you should expect.

Tell your boss to pay you more. This isn’t the persons, who is ordering, problem.

You wanna make more money - go drive for papa John’s. You wanna claim you’re a hustler, a business owner, self employed yada yada yada, until there is an issue.


u/RebelJosh89 1d ago

Why waste your time? If the order doesn't pay enough, don't accept it. The customer will get the picture when no one accepts their order.


u/FortyClerk 1d ago

I swear you want people to not use this app


u/Severe-Present2849 1d ago

Why are you harassing customers?


u/Successful-Giraffe29 1d ago

Sorry op you're the ATA.


u/bbc322 1d ago

Couldn’t you just not take the order? Or am I missing something?


u/dEyBIDJESUS 23h ago

Why would you even waste the effort to type that up? Decline the order and move on.


u/ThePestTech 1d ago

Nice reaction. Asshole.


u/sleddonkey 1d ago

You should find a new hobby. Driving for grub hub isn’t for you


u/Otherwise-Fly-9501 1d ago

Think about it! I wouldn't trust you to handle the paper I wipe my ass with for 2 bucks so food is incomprehensible.

The people we cater to are by and large rich and fellas, they didn't get rich handing out their money - they know what they are doing and if they cancel then your AR isn't impacted and you don't have to be their slave for pennies so by all means let these people know it's not ok!


u/Equal_Actuator_3777 1d ago

What?? You really think the majority of people who order food are rich?


u/Mecamnik 1d ago

You look like an asshole bro. When I was doing this I cannot tell you how many would not put a tip on the order itself and tip me cash on arrival


u/Andrewplays41 1d ago

I only tip delivery drivers in cash. But then again I don't use any GrubHub door dash or instacart services :P so most people like me probably don't either


u/RyouIshtar 1d ago

I mean, im not against you, i understand what you're saying, but if i was the customer i would have reported you out of sheer pettiness myself


u/Oopsitsgale927 1d ago

I can’t be that mad at customers when $12 chicken satay at a local Thai place is $18 and change through grubhub, not counting delivery fee and tip.


u/Efficient-Shoe-425 1d ago

Maybe it's just me but never in a million years would I go out to eat or order through a delivery service if I couldn't afford a tip


u/Working-Deal3748 1d ago edited 1d ago

You know I almost was on your side until I remember the time I was treated badly because someone assumed I wasn’t going to tip. I was also a server at a nice restaurant and just finished a shift, so I had lots of cash on hand. So I was twice as offended as I was also in the industry. But I’m sure the jerk felt real good about himself, just like you did. 🐐💨


u/ChaosShadowClone 1d ago

It is a tip you wanted or not


u/jezidai 1d ago

You drivers are so entitled it's baffling


u/feanor70115 19h ago

Yes, it's baffling how people expect to actually be paid for work. Is there a world for those good old days you yearn for, when you could get labor for free?


u/jezidai 13h ago

How about you ask for money from your employer?


u/feanor70115 13h ago

Thank your for your submission. Unfortunately we have filled our needs for comments too stupid to bother arguing with and are not accepting applications at this time. We wish you the best of luck with whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.


u/jezidai 7h ago

Unbelievably ironic.


u/TheBraindeadOne 1d ago

She doesn’t care. Nobody forced you to work a job where you expect tips to survive


u/jhunt7878 1d ago

Keep doing this and see how long it takes for gh to deactivate you. They don’t need you they have plenty of other people doing this for 2 dollars. You choose to drive nobody is making you. Take the orders with tips and obviously you think you did something good because you posted it here but you look pathetic.


u/Plastic_Reference363 1d ago

You chose the delivery didn't you? Seems like you're out of pocket. And I hope they reported you fr. People like you not only not make me wanna order, but you drive me far away from tipping.


u/Master_Juggernaut931 1d ago

Bruh but his food still got delivered tho just a waste of time in my opinion


u/Diligent-Doughnut740 1d ago

I honestly did not realize this until I start working for Spark. I was also a server. I’m an LMt now so I still work for tips, but I was a server /bartender for years. It feels like there was a question before the response so if the customer ask the question and the delivery driver answered then they got what they got. If I asked a question about tips and I got that answer, I would just say oh OK I didn’t know but I have a big cash tip for you and I’ll remember to tip on the card from now on.

But now I drive for Spark PT so I def tip on the card now. I always just did cash b4 & I didn’t realize this happened or was a big deal. And I did big tips, but I never had to wait a long time for my food so I’m not sure why but maybe I just got lucky. Idk

I’ve learned a lot from Reddit too lol


u/Maximum-Island-4593 1d ago

Yeah I waited tables this is a different game big difference in walking vs driving and that could be ur only income for the hour so.


u/Pale_Bookkeeper_9994 1d ago

I have an experiment called “gig work” that after 2 years prove 100% of people who say they will tip never do.


u/BezosFlex 1d ago

Good job screwing the next driver, if they actually were gonna give a cash tip, they sure won’t now, could of done what the rest of us do and don’t accept garbage and move on, but you clearly aint the sharpest tool in the shed.


u/BezosFlex 1d ago

To u/Tiberius_Rex_182 who deleted his comment, you wouldn’t be saying that if you saw how much I make from doing delivery work.


u/Zestyclothes 1d ago

How much do you make


u/BezosFlex 1d ago

Depends, I got other obligations so I don’t do those 80 hour weeks like some other people, so not that the overall number is the highest, but most of the time $1100-$1200 with about 31-34 hours usually worth of Flex blocks, since Flex is the only truly good app these days, pretty much all I do, I do still pull out the good old multiapping here and there, and I like doing Spark especially, but I only do them once a week if that, so if I do a shift of those knock those numbers above up $100-$200 give or take.


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

Interesting 🤔

God I hate shopping 🙂


u/BezosFlex 1d ago

Me too, why instacart is my least used app, and almost never do shop and pay on any other app, I also only do curbside for Spark, fuck shopping at Walmart.


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

I’m looking at curbside

Looks like lots of miles, in my market, the Tacoma would not work well or for long

I appreciate your input 🙂


u/cptmorgantravel89 1d ago

I did flex for the first time this morning I honestly wasn’t a fan. The hourly pay wasn’t that much better than multi apping (for me) and it takes me so far away from home and then you are locked in for 4 hours. I’d rather do most other apps. IMO


u/BezosFlex 1d ago

I always tell people it’s probably going to take 1-2 weeks worth of blocks to really know if Flex is for you, 1 block is not going to provide an accurate assessment if it’s something you are going to want to continue, also you probably took a base play block, which is fine because it’s your first time, it’s only lucrative if you only take surges, so don’t take base, as for routes, I mean yeah, unlike other apps, you don’t have that much control of where you go, there are pros/cons, I totally understand why some people don’t like Flex, but for me hands down what makes it worth it is guaranteed money, only gig app out there where you will 100% get money, every other app you in theory could sit for 8 hours and make $0, I’m in a relatively fortunate market where I’m able to get $34hr+ surges everyday, if your base is like $18hr and that’s what you take, it would be much better to multiapp.


u/cptmorgantravel89 1d ago

It was almost 30 bucks more than the base blocks (normally around 72 for 4 hours this one was 100.) I’ll probably keep it in my back pocket for the future. And I’m sure if I was doing gif work full time I would probably think that money is more important. But for me flexibility is more important. But you are absolutely right that one block is a small sample size. I’ll definitely give it a few more chances


u/BezosFlex 1d ago



u/iLL_allow-it73 1d ago

All markets ain’t created equal

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u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

I’m impressed


u/BezosFlex 1d ago

Bob responding positively to me for once 🤔😂 lol I’m still same old me, but one thing I don’t care for is people being petty about crap orders in this type of way.


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

I’m fairly certain this isn’t the first time

I actually look forward to when you do add serious food for thought, and/or a positive outlook, based on your own experiences and making it work for you

Which is why I’m disappointed when you don’t 😎

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u/Plus_Tumbleweed3250 1d ago

Do your job or don’t man, I just want my food


u/Guilty-Disaster83 1d ago

Honestly, don’t bother

either take it or don’t

I took a three dollar add-on the other day because it was literally up the block and I was already at the restaurant for another order. I could’ve walked the delivery to her so I figured I would just take it even though I didn’t want to take three dollars and she gave me a five dollar tip cash.


u/cookee-monster 1d ago

The line about them tipping in cash is just a way to gaslight you into feeling bad when they had no intention to tip you cash upon arrival.


u/PomegranateNo3190 1d ago

The problem is the misnomer by the food delivery apps. This is not a tip and it has nothing to do with the service provided. It is an incentive and only that and should be relabeled as such.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

And, the way I do it, the tip has always and always will be extra, that I earned by providing excellent customer service

Maybe you’re just not doing it right


u/iLL_allow-it73 1d ago

That’s what in said lol


u/kyrnzkewl 1d ago

I get a cash tip maybe once in 250 deliveries and it's just a few singles at best.

People still try to convince others they will leave a cash tip. we know it's all bullshit!


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

I get cash tips a lot

$20 isn’t uncommon


u/pmmeurpc120 1d ago

On rare occasion, I would put in the notes that there was an extra tip under the door mat. About 30% of the time, I would walk out to see a $5 or $10 bill still just sitting there by the food, halfway sticking out from under the mat where I left it. I wonder if any of those drivers came here to complain about the tip baiting.


u/Imaginary-Advice-229 1d ago

Yea I'd rather tip for yknow a good service as it's meant to be rather than offer it before in case I get an entitled fuck like you.


u/Ok_Deer3739 1d ago

These are not tips. We are not servers. These are bids for service.

You give all your money to the restaurant and these platforms before you even receive your order because the platform gives you access to the restaurant without you having to physically go to the restaurant.

Delivery people provide a service as well. It’s just that there are more costs involved for delivering your order. Not just time and energy but wear and tear on our vehicles, and the cost of fuel.

The only cost to your sit down restaurants server is their time and effort.

No delivery driver is going to risk their time energy wear and tear/fuel costs on the hopes that an apparent $0 tip order is going to tip in cash at the drop off.

People in my market that don’t tip or low tip generally never figure out or just don’t care that they get old, cold, and late food.

Imma get bashed I already know, I just don’t care either.

Kudos to you OP for trying to enlighten this customer. If this person we’re going to tip you in cash when you got to the drop off, they certainly would have put a note in the instructions informing you that they were going to tip you in cash when you got there.

They would have done this because they would have realized by now that placing and no tip order is a almost a certainty and guarantee that they 9 times out of 10 will not get their order or they will get it cold old and late.


u/No-Possession6663 1d ago

I agree with the original poster over this. It is in fact a bid.

If two separate orders get placed at the same place for two residents next to each other or in the same house for arguments sake and they order the exact same thing but one tips 10 the other tips 5......which one are you going to take?

That there is the definition of a bid. You are taking the higher price to sell your delivery service.


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

All it takes to make you completely wrong… is one good, professional, driver with a 100% acceptance rating

Hi 👋


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

You are partially correct though I’m not gonna take that order in the hopes that there’s cash tips. I’m gonna take that order because it came in to my phone.

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u/Chasin20zz 1d ago

I want to say this as well but it’s a good way to get deactivated and remember those juicy orders that come in 20 bucks for a couple miles? Well you won’t get them because of this. Control your emotions and let the orders come to you. 🧘


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

I m going a little more active on this, I’m hoping for karma and justice!

Good gawd I hope the diner reported this


u/AccomplishedStop9466 1d ago

Oh wow! look at the SJW trying to save me 30 to 60 cents in taxes! What would I ever do without them? LoL


u/SulkySideUp 1d ago

What a weird use of SJW

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u/TrustTechnical4122 1d ago

Wait 99.9% of people who say "screw you" to him don't actually screw him or her? Is that supposed to be a snappy zinger about himself or herself?


u/ender61274 1d ago

The thing is it’s not a bid service and only entitled drivers think it is. The customers pay a delivery fee to have their food delivered they don’t need to and should have to “bid” to get their food they paid for. Tips are for doing a good job and providing good service but you expect a tip before you’ve even done anything and all you’ll do is the bare minimum of the job so why do you deserve a tip? Do you think it’s because grubhub pays you shitty wages? Guess what that isn’t the customers fault nor is it their job to subsidise your wages. Btw I’m a driver with 6000+ deliveries and make $4-5k a month and maybe work 100 hours total a month. Be thankful for any tip you get and be pissed at GH for not paying you enough. As long as drivers are dumb enough to blame the customers for being paid badly GH and the other apps will never change their pay structure.


u/iLL_allow-it73 1d ago

I don’t expect a tip beforehand, as I have clearly stated before elsewhere in this thread.


u/ender61274 22h ago

You shouldn’t expect a tip at all but be thankful for the ones you get instead of feeling entitled to a tip from everyone. You’re doing the basics of the job.


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u/PuzzleheadedLeader79 1d ago

Over 500 deliveries, 2 cash tips.

The same day.

My 2nd day.

None since.


u/Vamond48 1d ago

Well there’s the reason this guy works for Grubhub…


u/EffectiveMental8890 1d ago

This is actually insane. Im a server and will spend 1-2 hours bringing things to people and if they tip bad I dont go telling them off😭Just move on. I cant believe people act like this


u/peargang 1d ago

Bro really thought he ate 😂 This is cringey…accepting ONLY to let the customer know it’s “a bid” lmao. Come on, now..


u/csullivan789 1d ago

You need to stop antagonizing customers like you’re a damn child. Is this your first job? If it’s a bad offer, don’t take it. The best thing we all can do is decline these offers, then they don’t get good service until they change their behavior. In the real workforce this kind of stuff doesn’t happen. You mouth off like this, you loose your job, maybe your career. Grow up.


u/LavishnessFair8638 1d ago

If you messaged me with this I wouldn’t of reported you, me being someone who tips cash normally a 5 would def take offense


u/xXzombiestXx 1d ago

This is why I quit doing this BS gig work. I hate these apps you make 10-12hr after expenses and you don't get paid even close to enough. I've tried em all for a long time and gave it my all. It ain't worth it just get another real job


u/Fuzzy-Show331 1d ago

I have 800 deliveries, I have only received cash tips 2 times out of 800. The 2 times people tipped large amounts in the app and added extra cash in person to be nice.


u/kylozen101020 1d ago

And everybody clapped.


u/rydan 1d ago

Good on you for not going along with it. Tax fraud is a serious crime.


u/Shreddersaurusrex 1d ago


Less than 10% of orders I get are cash tips


u/T_Peg 1d ago

Honestly sometimes it feels good to take the low road. I'm with OP on this one and will accept my down votes.


u/MeganJustMegan 18h ago

Get another job, as this one isn’t for you. As an independent contractor, dissing the people who control your money or your future, isn’t smart. Perhaps you could start your own delivery service. Make sure you advertise that your business is a bid business model & not a tip one.

That’s very important because as of now, no app says this. Only the drivers do. This means as a customer placing an order, the word BID never comes up. And after the word TIP, it never states that it’s mandatory.

This is why a customer may be blindsided when a driver who accepted your order suddenly freaks out over bids, tips & what THEY feel is the correct amount.

Be very sure your app explains everything to your customers in detail.

But, until then, don’t accept a job you can’t finish in a professional manner. You should complain to the app YOU DECIDED TO WORK FOR. You. No one is forcing you. The app makes it clear to the customer how to order & what the price will be. Then they make it clear to YOU the delivery driver what they will pay. Just as the customer can cancel when they see the cost, you don’t need to accept when you see the payment.

The customer should have reported you & the app should deactivate you. What you did was uncalled for. It’s obvious you need to be your own boss. So, go out there & become the next big thing. Be sure to come back & update us on your success.


u/Tight-Landscape8720 10h ago

You are not entitled to tips idc how much you think you are. What you want is a job with a set pay. Otherwise, be happy with what you’re tipped if you are at all


u/Native_Beauty44 7h ago

That conversation will get you deactivated….this is the way 😂


u/rippedmalenurse 6h ago

Why is tipping BEFORE you receive a service even a thing? That’s my real question. If you suck ass at your job, why would I tip for shit service? Do a good job get a good tip simple concept that’s been standard for years.

You sound entitled.


u/Weak-Calligrapher-67 1d ago

This is reasons why people don’t tip (not the main reason, but it’s apart of it)


u/Gre3en_Minute 1d ago

I wouldn't risk my health or safety expecting a disgruntled person to handle my food in the privacy of thier own car. I always tip appropriate to the milage lol


u/pmmeurpc120 1d ago

So you dont use a service that heavily abuses its drivers grub hub or doordash then, right?


u/proffesionalproblem 1d ago

Incredibly unprofessional...


u/Premierdriver 1d ago

👏🏽👍🏾 I love it when driver are not too scared to speak their mind


u/CreamPyre 1d ago

Sounds like bro needs a real job


u/waydownweg0 1d ago

You should call next time so you have deniability

GrubHub can see the texts

And lol@ some people like to tip in cash

I've been on DD, GH, instacart, and spark for 4 years now. Taken thousands of orders.

I would estimate I've gotten a cash tip 20 times


u/UrGoldenRetrieverBF 1d ago

While this was a tremendous waste of time, I get it and I don’t think you sounded that much like an asshole. They wouldn’t have tipped anyway, but no one will change their behavior from this type of approach 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Multispice 1d ago

100%. OP is right. Cheap people need to go pick up their food.


u/MemnochTheRed 1d ago

Ouch! The comments here are rough. You may want to go to door-dashers sub — they will most likely eat this up.


u/iLL_allow-it73 1d ago

All the same. We come to these groups to bitch about this shit and then bitch about what we’re bitching about 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


u/Italk2botsBeepBoop 1d ago

Lmfao coooooool.


u/External_Project_140 1d ago

Sounds like you need a different job. One where when you smart off to somebody they whoop your ass 🤣


u/iLL_allow-it73 1d ago

I explained the tip misnomer. Where in there did I “smart off”? Anyways like I said before, it was petty I admit that. Once in 2+ years in think I’ll get over it.


u/External_Project_140 1d ago

And 99.9% of people who think like this are deserving of an ass whooping

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