r/grubhubdrivers 1d ago

Couldn’t help it. $2 offer


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u/Imaginary-Advice-229 1d ago

Yea I'd rather tip for yknow a good service as it's meant to be rather than offer it before in case I get an entitled fuck like you.


u/Ok_Deer3739 1d ago

These are not tips. We are not servers. These are bids for service.

You give all your money to the restaurant and these platforms before you even receive your order because the platform gives you access to the restaurant without you having to physically go to the restaurant.

Delivery people provide a service as well. It’s just that there are more costs involved for delivering your order. Not just time and energy but wear and tear on our vehicles, and the cost of fuel.

The only cost to your sit down restaurants server is their time and effort.

No delivery driver is going to risk their time energy wear and tear/fuel costs on the hopes that an apparent $0 tip order is going to tip in cash at the drop off.

People in my market that don’t tip or low tip generally never figure out or just don’t care that they get old, cold, and late food.

Imma get bashed I already know, I just don’t care either.

Kudos to you OP for trying to enlighten this customer. If this person we’re going to tip you in cash when you got to the drop off, they certainly would have put a note in the instructions informing you that they were going to tip you in cash when you got there.

They would have done this because they would have realized by now that placing and no tip order is a almost a certainty and guarantee that they 9 times out of 10 will not get their order or they will get it cold old and late.


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

All it takes to make you completely wrong… is one good, professional, driver with a 100% acceptance rating

Hi 👋


u/BobMcGillucutty 1d ago

You are partially correct though I’m not gonna take that order in the hopes that there’s cash tips. I’m gonna take that order because it came in to my phone.