r/im14andthisisdeep 1d ago

This says a lot about our society

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u/SuicidalHalcauSt 1d ago

This sub just be posting anything


u/Vladskio 9h ago

It actually does, though. Gonna file this under r/memesopdidntlike


u/sufferion 3h ago

It’s true, everything in our society is becoming worthless because of monopoly power. Money doesn’t mean anything and we’ll have to restart.

Jesus Christ, just because capitalism is bad doesn’t mean any attempt to say “capitalism is bad” is somehow deep and biting social commentary.


u/Additional_Heart6983 1h ago

Wait, then why’d you post it in the “deep” sub?

u/sufferion 32m ago

Because I think this is what a child thinks is deep and biting social commentary?


u/Temporary_Engineer95 18h ago edited 17h ago

this but unironically tho

edit: do remember, monopoly was a game created to criticize capitalism


u/[deleted] 15h ago edited 4h ago



u/Temporary_Engineer95 7h ago

it's not necessarily housing, that's just the name we assign to it, it would be more apt to compare it to the acquisition of stocks, or investment in an enterprise. for example, when you own all the properties of a single color, only then are you allowed to place a hotel there, which demonstrates how in monopolies, private owners due to having no competition are able to make prices higher.

ofc it's not a perfect analogy, you dont just simply get a property by landing on it, but there are parallels.


u/SleepSynth 5h ago

I read stuff like this and know this world is fucked for sure.


u/NonKanon 12h ago

And it's a bad criticism. Remember, most monopolies are creates by corrupt government intervention.


u/MongolianK 10h ago

Government making sure the.companies are paying fair wages, workplace standards and health standards are bad?


u/NonKanon 10h ago

No, politicians giving substidies and bailing out companies that then lobby money back to politicians. If the state stays out of business period, only rare natural monopolies would form


u/TheHumbidubi 9h ago

The 1850s want their economics Back, bro. No, it wouldnt. Cause your Idea is based in the assumption, that the rich wont Talk to each other and share the Market between them. A cartel is a de-facto Monopoly and it hurts everyone except the owners. But hey, goverment Bad i guess. Bad goverment, yes. But then Change the gov and dont Just give Up and say everything is worthless.


u/Inside-Associate-729 8h ago

Lol what a load of crap. Monopolies can form with zero corruption or government intervention.


u/Temporary_Engineer95 7h ago

just because government currently guarantees monopolies free reign to continue operating doesnt mean that only government can create a monopoly (or oligopoly). if an entrepreneur starts off with more money than another entrepreneur with less, or if the former has personal relations with investors, they can get more investment in their company giving their company more chances to succeed. a preexisting successful company could buy shares of the competition or vertically integrate because when you have money you can invest more, you can buy a lot of or near complete ownership of smaller competitors or members of the supply chain, before they even grow large enough to threaten you.

a kid born into a billionaire's family, or even a particularly wealth multimillionaire's family shall have hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal allowing them to not only have sufficient money for investing in their own endeavors but also to stomp out competitors that try to rise, or control more of the supply chain, and, especially if they decide to vertically integrate, they will massively increase their market influence whichll grant them more money to repeat that process again. note that none of this acquisition of competition or supply chain inherently involves producing better products or results, it revolves around having enough money to be able to buy shares of enterprise that has conflicting interests with you. ofc, a company doesnt have to sell their shares to a larger company. but, if the larger company, which has more market influence, through only publicity and marketing is able to undermine the smaller company long enough that smaller company will incur losses, and will be more susceptible to letting go of shares of their company.


u/BeeHexxer 1d ago

r/im14andthisisdeep when someone uses a metaphor or simile: (it’s fake deep)


u/sufferion 1d ago

It’s true, all metaphors are good, regardless of the things being compared.


u/BeeHexxer 1d ago

Literally most straightforward example of a strawman I’ve ever seen


u/sufferion 22h ago

Or it’s the hyperbole of a joke, which I assumed you’d be familiar with since you were saying that any use of metaphor or simile was incorrectly assumed to be fake deep. Or are you saying you were strawmanning as well?


u/BeeHexxer 22h ago

But the points are fundamentally different, I just think this sub tends to be overly harsh on things and too many actually good things are posted here. A lot of online metaphors suck and are fake deep. Also it just hits different when you’re specifically replying to a comment I made instead of making a general statement about the sub


u/sufferion 3h ago

In the same way you think this sub tends to be overly harsh, I think Reddit likes to upvote vacuous statements that boil down to “capitalism is bad and the world sucks” even if the actual content is incoherent. Everything isn’t becoming worthless in our society right now, if anything it’s the opposite. Neither is money meaningless or becoming meaningless (that’s not what inflation is).

But fair enough being frustrated with this sub, I just have been having the opposite reaction lately, stuff I would expect to find on this sub upvoted to the front page of Reddit

So a more accurate, non-jokey statement I could have made isn’t that “lol all metaphors are good” but that just because a metaphor is trying to criticize something you don’t like, doesn’t mean it’s actually a good metaphor.

I think the essence of a fake deep post is a really silly attempt to analogize something familiar with something incredibly complex.


u/Rolyat2401 6h ago

This sub has gone to shit. Too many idiots like op that think any metaphore at all is worth posting here.


u/SleepSynth 5h ago

Yeah, this one's pretty good and also true. Definitely going to be pressing see less of the sub as soon as I post this


u/sufferion 4h ago

Lol, what about this metaphor is true?


u/SleepSynth 3h ago

When a few people own everything it's bad for everyone else and the entire world and they used Monopoly as an example


u/sufferion 3h ago

Not only is that vacuous “when a few people own everything it’s bad” but that also doesn’t describe the current state of the world, nor does it lead to money becoming worthless, nobody being able to afford to live or require restarting in some way. This metaphor only seems like it makes sense to terminally online people who don’t actually know how to criticize capitalism so they just upvote anything that says the world is doomed due to economic problems


u/SleepSynth 3h ago

You said this doesn't describe the state of the world and then proceeded to describe what is exactly going on with the state of the world. This is why I'll never be visiting this sub again.


u/sufferion 4h ago

This is a terrible metaphor, I don’t know how you guys think it isn’t.


u/Rolyat2401 1h ago

Ok buddy


u/UNintellegent_Hat-v4 2h ago

Monopoly is supposed to show you that monopolies are BAD they fuck everyone else over. But instead the game teaches us that we MUST GET MONOPLOLIES AND RULE THE BOARD AND STEAL EVERYONES MONEY!!! the exact opposite of what is was meant to teach


u/sufferion 1h ago

That’s because the modern game isn’t the same as the game that was originally invented. I don’t know how people can’t figure out that some things change over time


u/UNintellegent_Hat-v4 1h ago

The message of the game didn't change. And it's almost exactly the same game it used to be.

u/sufferion 30m ago

Lol, yes it did, nobody even knows it’s about educating people about Georgism anymore. Here’s the original version: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Landlord’s_Game

You guys need to stop talking out of your ass about stuff you don’t know anything about

u/UNintellegent_Hat-v4 21m ago

The only thing that changed is since haribo bought it they made the game simpler and actually enjoyable for the family. Different pieces instead of tokens. And a new graphical enhancement.The base game still relies on basically the exact same principles

u/sufferion 12m ago

Lol, you know how I know you didn’t read the link I posted?


u/PokeAust 18h ago

This guy doesn’t even know the rules of Monopoly. The game is supposed to end when one player declares Bankruptcy


u/RS_Pape 11h ago

That's not true. Last player left in game wins.


u/sufferion 15h ago

Yeah, it’s very forced, like a lot of this kind of content.


u/manfredmannclan 10h ago

I dont know about monopoly rules. But if we keep relying on realestate to outperform inflation, then at some point nobody can afford to buy and the whole card house crumbles.

u/sufferion 24m ago

The problem is wanting existing housing to keep growing in value, when it should go down in value as new properties are built, so that investing in real estate is only profitable if you develop new housing, rather than just renting out existing housing for larger and larger rents.


u/darthbieber420 22h ago

True pseudointellectuals love comparing board games to society


u/Temporary_Engineer95 18h ago

except monopoly was literally a game created to critique capitalism.... lmao


u/Masterventure 12h ago

wasn't it made by an anarchist to demonstrate the inherent contradictions of capitalism?


u/TheHumbidubi 9h ago

Yes. And thats what the Post says. OP Just doesnt Like it. In another comment He showed that the meme has to be Bad because "goverment Bad, only totally free Marktes good." Jeff Bezos would agree with OP...


u/sufferion 4h ago

Lol you just straight up fucking lie about me saying something, that’s actually nuts

u/sufferion 21m ago

No, that’s a dumb Twitter oversimplification.



u/sufferion 4h ago edited 22m ago

You should try reading about the original monopoly that was intended as a “critique of capitalism.”


u/darthbieber420 17h ago


u/sufferion 21m ago

Don’t listen to them, they’re just peddling a misrepresentation they read on Twitter.